Blogs from Lower Silesian, Poland, Europe - page 5


Europe » Poland » Lower Silesian » Kłodzko December 28th 2014

For English please scroll down Niedzielę w Karłowie zaczęliśmy wcześnie - na szlaku na Szczeliniec byliśmy już przed ósmą rano. Tego dnia chcieliśmy jeszcze obejrzeć Błędne Skały. Plan wyglądał nieźle - zeszliśmy ze Szczelińca około 13-stej, zjedliśmy w samochodzie kanapki i byliśmy gotowi podjechać pod Błędne Skały. Jakie było nasze zdziwienie, kiedy po zjeździe w boczną drogę prowadzącą do naszego celu zastaliśmy spuszczony szlaban - zimą trasa turystyczna zamknięta, podejście tylko na piechotę.... Spojrzenie na zegarek, na mapę i szybka decyzja - damy radę, idziemy piechotą. No i poszliśmy...Latem pewnie jeżdżą tamtędy wozy z konikami albo meleksy, ale zimą cicho i pusto. Tylko nieliczni turyści od czasu do czasu się trafią. Michał miał radochę bo przy drodze płynął strumyk. Sprawdzał gdzie zamarznięty... read more

Europe » Poland » Lower Silesian » Kłodzko December 27th 2014

For English please scroll down Po spokojnych Świętach u Dziadków mieliśmy ochotę na mały wypad. Najpierw pojawił się pomysł Wrocławia - bo to blisko, bo na jeden dzień, bo nowe Afrykarium...Ale skoro już mamy jechać to może o jakieś górki zahaczymy? Karpacz? Wtedy Robert przypomniał sobie, że coś słyszał o Błędnych Skałach i zawsze chciał je zobaczyć...a więc...Góry Stołowe! Tylko w takim wypadku już nie na jeden dzień, ale przynajmniej dwa. Wyruszyliśmy w sobotę rano. Po drodze zwiedziliśmy sanktuarium w Trzebnicy i wstąpiliśmy do sklepu sportowego, żeby się w ciepłe skarpety na szlak zaopatrzyć. Zatrzymaliśmy się też w Wambierzycaxh, żeby zobaczyć bazylikę i ruchomą szopkę. Szopka okazałą się niezwykła (nie ujmując niczego bazylice). Zaczął... read more

Europe » Poland » Lower Silesian » Wroclaw November 1st 2014

On our last day in Santiago we mainly shopped, did a little more exploring and made sure we were ready to rise at 4.45am the next day to catch the bus to meet our flight to Warsaw. We went to many shops in the higher up part of the Cathedral precinct where we had not been before, procrastinated over what to buy, prompted by Tim's , "that's just rubbish!", (or words to that effect), approach to our shopping, and just relaxed. For dinner we went to a small restaurant away from the more tourist area and had mixed paella and bread with vino tinto, red wine. It took some time to come out which is a good sign as it indicates that it is being prepared fresh rather than reheated. It was delicious and we adjourned ... read more
Santiago Airport
The Palace of Culture
It is a pretty central landmark .

Europe » Poland » Lower Silesian » Wroclaw September 19th 2014

Monday 15 Sep – Malbork, Poland We left Vilnius and made our last stop at Trakai Castle. This castle was built in the 14th century by the the Dukes of Lithuania and sits on a beautiful little island in the middle of a lake. It was in use until it was damaged in a war with the Russians in the 17th century, then abandoned. It was in a very bad state by the time they started to restore it in the 1920’s. They only finished the restoration in 1994 and now it’s fully intact and a great little castle to walk around. The photos looking over the lake to the castle are stunning. On the way out we bought a large punnet of raspberries from a little local babushka lady for $2. We got into the ... read more
140915 - Trakai Castle 2
140915 - Trakai Castle 3
140916 - Malbork Castle, Poland

Europe » Poland » Lower Silesian » Wroclaw July 3rd 2014

Så endelig kom vi til Wroclaw! Alt vi orket når vi kom var å få oss noe mat, heldigvis lå det en burgersjappe rett over gaten fra hostelet (og de hadde sykt gode hamburgere) , og så gikk vi å la oss. Vi sov lenge dagen etterpå (dvs. Til 10), før vi gikk på sightseeing. Vi hadde egentlig ganske negativ innstilling til alt, at det ikke var noe å se og at alt var så slit og lite fint. Det har nok mye å gjøre med togturen dagen før, som ødelagte humøret. I tillegg til at vi våknet til at det ikke var vann noen sted på hostelet. Verken i toallettet, vasken eller dusjene. Men etter å ha sett den store marketsplassen ble humøret betraktelig bedre. Det er den nest største plassen i Polen og består ... read more
En gnom
Noen gnomer til

Europe » Poland » Lower Silesian » Wroclaw July 2nd 2014

Som tidligere sagt var planen at vi skulle reise til Wroclaw i Polen etter vi hadde vært i Berlin. Så vi valgte oss ut tog og togtider som var enklest, kortest med minst togbytter, og satte avgårde til togstasjonen. Etter hvert skjønte vi det at toget var 10 minutter for seint og da fikk vi plutselig et problem med det neste toget. 10 minutter gikk og ingen tog var i sikte, vi fikk en ny beskjed (på tysk) om at toget var forsinket med ytterlige 5 minutter. Da toget endelig kom var det hele 20 min forsinket og vi hadde ikke en sjanse til å rekke det andre toget. Så når vi kom fram på stasjonen i Cottbus fant vi oss en ny togrute, som involverte over 4 timers venting og 3 togskifter til. Så vi ... read more
Det regner!
I Forst

Europe » Poland » Lower Silesian » Wroclaw June 24th 2014

We are on our way to Wroclaw, or Breslau as it called to. Put the address into pgs., no worries. Ha. We landed in a crescent with large expensive homes. We showed a bike rider the address who said, no not ending with an e, but an o is the street name. He put it in the system and of we went to the other side of town. It pays to be exact. It is a beautiful city, some buildings started around the 12th century. Much was destroyed during the war. Of one the entire roof and most of the walls were gone. Most denominations were repaired with donations. They tried to reconstruct it in the original. What an effort. Most people, special younger ones speak some English. Lucky because Polish sounds totally alien. Meals are ... read more
market place Breslau
our eating place Breslau
13th century town hall Breslau

Europe » Poland » Lower Silesian » Wroclaw June 22nd 2014

We are now travelling through Germany. We left Etten Leur at 9.30 after saying our thank you's and Good Byes. The trip on the Auobahn was reasonable except for me Liz. I hate having cars racing passing us at 200 k.m. an hour. Not because I am jealous but it scares me. Allan could not careless. He sits from 120-140 no problem. We reached our Hotel in a little village at 3 p.m. What a lovely setting. We had a beautiful shower and meal and watched Australia getting defeated by the Dutch. Sad. But they can be proud of themselves, because everyone thinks the Dutch will take it out. We had an overnight stop at a small place called Staufenberg. A very nice area but as I said it was just an overnight stop. Nice Hotel ... read more
all restored
angry lion
entrance to the zwinger

Europe » Poland » Lower Silesian » Wroclaw January 5th 2014

An diesem Tag bin ich von Breslau wieder nach Hause gefahren. Auf dem Weg war ich am renovierten Dresdner Hauptbahnhof in einem Starbucks. Die gesamte Fahrt war mit etwas über 8 Stunden doch etwas lang.... read more

Europe » Poland » Lower Silesian » Wroclaw January 4th 2014

An diesem Tag habe ich mir Breslau angesehen. Ich war am Marktplatz mit dem Rathaus, bei mehreren Kirchen, in der Universität, in einem Museum und am Ende in einer sehr schönen Starbucks-Filiale.... read more
Rathaus von Breslau.
Marktplatz von Breslau.
Die Häuser "Hänsel und Gretel" vor einer Kirche in Breslau.

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