Blogs from Trondheim, Trøndelag, Norway, Europe - page 4


Europe » Norway » Trøndelag » Trondheim August 10th 2010

Vandaag geraak ik niet uit men bed. De wandeltocht van gisteren zit nog goed in de benen en ik voel me vermoeider dan ik fiets. Rahul is even buitenshuis voor een begrafenis. Ik douche ne ontbijt. Ik krijg nog een telefoontje van de fietsenwinkel dat men fiets klaar is. Rahul is terug thuis en vergezelt me naar de fietsenzaak. Hier krijg ik een leuk prijskaartje voorgeschoteld voor de nieuwe trapas, cassette en balhoofd werden ook aangeschroefd. Ik krijg nog te horen dat men achterwiel ook aan vervanging toe is maar dat zal iets voor thuis zijn. Hopelijk houden de buitenbanden het uit. Even terug naar huis en dan naar het folkloremuseum hier op de heuvel. Hier bevinden zich vooral huizen rond de jaren 1900. Enkele mensen in traditionele klederdracht maken het boeltje compleet. Thuis eten we ... read more

Europe » Norway » Trøndelag » Trondheim August 9th 2010

Na een zalige rust in een echt bed gaat men eerste dag in Trondheim van start. Eerst ontbijten ween dan poets ik men fiets. De ketting ga ik te lijf met white spirit en het vuil dat eraf komt, is enorm. Ik had dit al eender moeten doen. Daarna volgt de rest van de fiets. Ik probeer niet te fanatiek te zijn en handel het poetswerk snel af. Dan doe ik de fiets binnen voor wat herstellingen: nieuwe trapas, cassette vast zetten, spaakspanning nakijken. Vervolgens gaan we verder naar het stadscentrum? Op de verkenningstocht door de stad komen we door de hoofdwinkelstraat, oude huizen, het koninklijk buitenverblijf, nog even binnenwippen bij een outdoorwinkel,… We sluiten af bij een fort dat op een hoge heuvel ligt boven de stad. Na het nodige zweet bereiken we de top ... read more

Europe » Norway » Trøndelag » Trondheim August 8th 2010

Met een stralend zonnetje mag ik van start gaan. Kort na het verlaten van men slaapplek kom ik terug in het terrein van gisteren, zee langs een zijde en rotsen langs de andere kant. Ik smeer me in met zonnecrème en probeer nog eens wat aan de bleke stukjes vlees te doen. Het landschap wordt ook gekenmerkt door veel agrarisch gebied. Ik blijf nog een lange tijd langs het water, het klimmen valt hier mee. Dan ga ik verder landinwaarts waar het ook nog meevalt. Dan sla ik af en zie de weg omhoog kruipen. Tijd voor de lunchpauze zodat ik de nodig energie kan opslaan. Ik zie veel verkeer passeren, dat belooft. Na de lunch begin ik aan de klim. Ik heb wat teveel gegeten en dat voel ik. Na een stevige klim kom ik ... read more

Europe » Norway » Trøndelag » Trondheim July 1st 2010

Exciting drive today - along the Atlantic Road to Kristiansund. This is an 8km stretch of highway which connects lots of little islands together and is basically a road across the sea. First we drove to Molde and that involved a big ferry VESTNES TO MOLDE COST 301 KRONER and also, as we have come to expect, lots of tunnels, long and short. The day had started with lots of low cloud but fortunately the further we drove the better the weather got until the sun was fully out, the clouds lifted and the sky went blue (and is still like that now at 10.30pm). From Molde we followed route 64 through stunning countryside as Molde is absolutely surrounded by mountains and of course fjords. Then along the Atlantic Highway. Fantastic. We went up and over ... read more
Atlantic Highway
you can just see the bridge
Fantastic bridge

Europe » Norway » Trøndelag » Trondheim June 27th 2010

I hate that (most) airports still require you to pay for the internet… I wrote this entry in the hope of posting before going on to Tromso, but I refuse to pay considering the entire city of Trondheim is essentially wireless. Anyway, pretend I posted this on the 27th lol. Rough night last night - probably the worst of all the hostels I’ve been in so far… which is still quite good since this is the first time I’ve actually been displeased with a hostel. The smell was unreal - there was a washing machine w/o a dryer, so everyone (and by the looks+smells, literally, everyone) had their clothes drying on racks in the halls - the smell of mildew was overpowering..!! Anyway, enough complaining - on with my day =D I got up early (curse ... read more
Their awesome colourful buildings
Heading out to Munkholmen Island
Tower from outside

Europe » Norway » Trøndelag » Trondheim June 26th 2010

Quick one today: I caught my train from Lillehammer to Trondheim this morning - no train issues to report today haha. As per usual, the sights from the train were phenom. It started to rain though, and there were a kajillion trees, so not many photo opportunities along the way. The guy sitting beside me was also a distraction… he kept snorting. I’m sitting them like uhm… ok…? Haha. He also kept looking out the window which in itself isn’t an issue, however, in the process he would continuously breath on me. Maybe I’m just picky, but I’m not a fan of that feeling. Anyway, back to the scenery… instead of mostly traveling along water (as was the case b/w Oslo and Lillehammer) much of this trip was more through fields and forests. The shades of ... read more

Europe » Norway » Trøndelag » Trondheim October 26th 2009

It's now Monday and my Sunday went by so quick, just like my trip to Trondheim. I can't believe it's almost November! Anyways, my trip to Trondheim was absolutely amazing even if it was a little quiet as I was by myself. I was a little nervous as I was packing on Thursday night. I love traveling and don't mind going alone, but heading out at night by myself has always intimidated me a little. But after the girls walked me to the bus stop, I had a pretty good feeling of excitement and adventure as I headed off on the #13 Route to downtown. I hopped off at the bank, one of very few remaining on the bus, and walked around the backside of the Glasshuset down to the train station. It was only a ... read more
Waterfront, Den Gronne Brygge
Beautiful building, see Macbeth's Scottish Pub below? Awesome name!

Europe » Norway » Trøndelag » Trondheim October 26th 2009

Originally named Nidaros because it lay at the mouth of the Nid River,Trondheim is the 3rd largest city in Norway, established by the Viking King Olav in 997. He brought Christianity to Norway in 1024.. Apparently he was buried and on being exhumed after a certain number of years his body showed no signs of deterioration. He was canonized in 1164. The Nidaros Cathedral, built on his grave, was begun in 1070 and finished in 1150. It has suffered numerous fires and only a small part of the original building remain. The massive front facade depicting revered personages and saints is no longer used as the main entrance. Coming in from the side three alters can be seen. Organ concerts are held in the cathedral on Saturdays. There are many,many chairs. I asked one of the ... read more
Looking at Detail
The Old Wooden Bridge
The Wharf

Europe » Norway » Trøndelag » Trondheim July 20th 2009

So I've been in Norway for a while now so I thought I'd give everyone an update. I arrived safely on the 17th and I am very comfortable here. Everyone speaks very good english and say yeah/Ja in the same way Mum and Papa do, inhaling while they say it, it's very strange. Anyhoo, Sandra is 11 and Daniel is 9. Daniel is Josh's twin and Sandra is so like me it gets on my nerves... I'm going to see the Harry Potter movie on Wednsday and if anyone has already seen it, I'd like a review. ... read more

Europe » Norway » Trøndelag » Trondheim May 23rd 2009

We took an unplanned trip up to Trondheim, Norway to see our friend Karin. We met Karin in New Orleans a few years back and she is married to another friend of ours, also from New Orleans. Karin is now a Norweg-Orleanian. It wasn’t long after we arrived before we were on our way to the first of many parties. Her friends are very nice and loaned us clothes so we could survive the Norwegian spring. If you remember we have no winter wear and it was damn cold there. We became totally immersed in their lives and them in ours. We did everything from going to a crazy 9/11 conspiracy theory lecture at the local university, to birthday parties, trekking through the forest, having traditional dinners, to a fabulous Eurovision party and finishing up with ... read more
Didn't expect snow.
In the forest

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