Blogs from The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands, Europe - page 5


Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » The Hague June 19th 2010

It is cloudy, windy and coldish when we de-ship in the Hook of Holland. I am still feeling rather queasy and motion sick when we take the 30 minute tram ride into the bustling Den Haag train station where a surprise awaits us! We are warmly greeted by the “King of Holland” in full Orange football regalia with oversized orange bejeweled sunglasses. We had been feeling peckish and decided to grab some poffertjes (tiny pancakes) from a local dining establishment (Burger King). The "Orange King" overstays his welcome and is eventually ushered off the premises by the manager. We head out to find our tram which will take us to the Bel Air Hotel (where according to their website, children are not welcome.) We freshen up at our hotel and then decide to visit the M.C. ... read more
MC Escher Museum
Escher design
 light fixture by Hans van Bentem

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » The Hague March 7th 2010

Hey everyone! These past few days have been full of wonderful small towns and checking out some great museums. The history that surrounds you in this place is amazing as does all of Europe. I'm very much looking forward to visiting Belgium this week. Anyway, so what did I do? I've been pretty lucky these past few days as the sun has been shining, it's certainly been holding in the crisp 20s and 30s but nonetheless, I can't complain as it has only rained once since I've been here. So here's what I've done so far... On Thursday, I headed out to visit the center of the city by taking a walk to one of the museums called the Mauritshuis Royal Picture Gallery, it holds 3 Johannes Vermeer paintings. He's one of the many famous Dutch ... read more
Binnenhof Parliament
Bikes and bikes and more bikes

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » The Hague March 4th 2010

Hi all, So I made it safely to Holland yesterday. I arrived at Schiphol Airport (pronounced Skip-ole) around 11:30am and had to take a train over to The Hague to meet my friend Lisa B. to grab her key. I successfully got myself on the train, but missed the connection (LOL) - even though everyone here speaks English, Dutch is the main language and I didn't realize that I had to stop and technically transfer to another train... oops! So I headed over to Den Haag HS and was able to find my way back to the right station Den Haag Centraal. Phew! Found Lisa and this is what I saw when I opened the door to her apartment. Lisa had warned me that her stairs were steep but I certainly didn't expect that, they were ... read more
Lisa's Stairs #2
Tang in Holland?

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » The Hague February 23rd 2010

Tuesday 23.2.2010 day 133 The Hague Netherlands We drove to The Hague and then on to Belgian. ... read more
Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg 093
Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg 094
Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg 095

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » The Hague August 6th 2009

For a little time out we have decided to catch up with a friend we made on our Kumuka tour and a chance to have a break and turns out to enjoy some home comforts. We have about 5 days here to just chill. Jay's got a bit of a cold so a slow and easy stay is ahead of us. We did headed out Saturday to grab some tickets to the local soccer match for Sunday and Jay & Breezy kicked the footy around for a little while. I just chilled out on the grass and daydreamed whilst they were running around. Sunday after heading down to the local Irish Pub for all day breakfast, we set out to the stadium to watch to football (soccer) match. Unfortunately Breezy's team lost but was a reasonable ... read more

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » The Hague July 14th 2009

Welcome to my travelblog! During my travels in Asia 2007/2008 I met my girlfriend Anna from Finland in Cambodia in the city of Battambang. When I returned in Europe and after a year of traveling to and from Berlin and Finland, because she was studying and living there, we decided to take on another epic journey. This time we are going together! Meanwhile Anna got a 4 month internship for the Finnish embassy in Jakarta. This made the decision "when to go and where to start" a lot easier. Half July her work in JK ends and our travels together starts. Our plan is to go and travel as long as possible, aiming for a year! Starting in Asia (2 months Indonesia to begin with) and followed by work and travel In Australia when we start ... read more
Berlin - Freiluftkino
Berlin Picknick
Dutch Haring

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » The Hague July 6th 2009

Today, I went to the embassy of the People's Republic of China. I was told to be early, so I was. I arrived 35 minutes before it opened, but I was number 8 in line. Of course, getting a visa is not really exiting, although I thought at first... The province of Heilongjiang (the place I will be studying) has stamped my visa application, which ensures me a visa. However, the visa the lady wanted to give me was a 3 months visa. However, because of the traveling, I will need to have a 4 months visa. Because 'a combined visa for studying and traveling doesn't exist', she could not give me a 4 months visa... From someone else who is going to do the same (travel and study), I heard that he did get a ... read more

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » The Hague May 3rd 2009

Jedino sto valja u Hagu jeste plaza. Sednes u tramvaj 1 i pravac - Sheveningen. I odjednom potpuno drugaciji grad. Lepsi zvuk, topliji vazduh, zivlja atmosfera. Apsolutni kontrast u odnosu na centar u kom nema zive duse. Voda, pesak i mir. A plaza kao iz americkih filmova, bez Mica Bjukenona, naravno. Ali sa gomilom ljudi, zaljubljenih parova, dece... Cini se da je to jedino mesto gde svi ljudi dolaze. Jedino normalno u celom gradu, koji je nevidjeno depresivan. I gde svaki drugi covek zna ponesto na srpskom. Cudno, ali istinito. Ruku na srce, vredi videti i muzej Mauricijus, gde se nalaze cuvene Vermerove slike "Devojka sa bisernom mindjusom" i "Pogled na Delft", kao i mnoga Rembrantova dela (najpoznatije "Cas anatomije"). Nije sve moglo u Amsterdam, naravno. Povrh svega, ljudi ovde znaju da kazu da bi bilo ... read more
kad je vec toliko volite

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » The Hague April 29th 2009

In every outthrust headland, in every curving beach, in every grain of sand there is the story of the earth--Rachel Carson Scheveningen. If ever there was the epitome of the crazy Dutch language, this word would be it. The other students and I joke that once we learn how to say this, and the name of our school (de Haagse Hogeschool) we can say any Dutch word. Little do most people realize (or perhaps it was just me) that Den Haag has a beach. A pretty important beach too. It isn't just some inlet tucked away somewhere. This is like the Myrtle Beach of Northern Europe. Every bit as tacky, every bit as fun. Except on this beach I find it hard to believe that anyone, ever goes in the water. The sea on this ... read more
Bundled Up
The North Sea

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » The Hague April 29th 2009

Nasa poseta Tribunalu je okoncana. Posle celodnevnih predavanja, slusanja sudjenja, pisanja izvestaja i kafe s Bramercom, lakse se dise... Sad sledi zurka! Sirom Holandije proslavlja se Queen's day, kraljicin rodjendan. Na trgu pored biblioteke vec grmi stejdz, saobracaj je skoro blokiran, mladi se krecu ka Amsterdamu. Mi cemo takodje. Cim se naspavamo. Kazu da zurka pocinje jos veceras i traje do jutra i celo sutra. Gradovi su okiceni narandzastim motivima, po centru su luna parkovi, u vazduhu praznik! Bas se radujem. Naravno belezim, upijam, pisem...... read more
domacini u sudu
I swear
na zadatku

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