Blogs from Ulcinj, Montenegro, Europe - page 2


Europe » Montenegro » Ulcinj October 8th 2012

Ulcinj , hier hat das Wetter n bisschen gedreht - froestel n bisschen. Na hoffentlich wirds in Albanien wieder n bisschen waermer.... read more
am Abend
... und am Tag

Europe » Montenegro » Ulcinj » Ulcinj September 16th 2010

Montenegro - in the mountains and along the coast We continue our story from Montenegro where we left off in the previous blog entry, with Durmitor National Park. By the way, doesn't the name "Durmitor" sound funny? It doesn't sound like the name of a national park, does it? It sounds like a lot of things but not like a national park. Allow us to give a few examples of what we mean. "Durmitor" could be an evil character from a really bad action movie from 1989. Durmitor the Evil says with a deep voice: "I am Durmitor, Master of the Universe. I hereby declare the Earth to be conquered." "Durmitor" could be a place in Lord of the Rings: Frodo: "We have to travel to Mount Doom in the middle of Durmitor because it is ... read more
View in Durmitor National Park
Tara Bridge
Tara bridge

Europe » Montenegro » Ulcinj » Ulcinj August 1st 2010

O 6.00 rano wybudzila nas z gorskiej ciszy rabanka z zapamietaniem puszczana przez naszego gospodarza, ktory juz zaczal oporzadzac swoj bar. Dolina cala jeszcze byla w cieniu i na zewnatrz namiotu bylo zimniej niz w srodku. Ugotowalismy wode, zaparzylismy herbate, zjedlismy sucharki (ktore poprzedniego rana u Binaka wzbudzily zazdrosc Szwajcarow, az im musialam dac pare z dzemem) i wyruszylismy okrezna droga do Szkodry, co - wedlug roznych zrodel - mialo nam zabrac od 4 do 7 godzin. Droga - bez zadnych znakow i przyklejona do skaly - prowadzila wzdluz gorskich strumieni o blekitnej wodzie i brzegach wysypanych bialym kamieniem, przez zielony tunel drzew, male wioski, ubogie pola. Zabralismy na stopa pana, ktory w innym wypadku moglby na autobus czekac 2 dni. Caly czas bardzo trzesie i gdy dojezdzamy do miasta, mamy na jakis czas dosc off-road'u. ... read more
Elegancka sałatka.

Europe » Montenegro » Ulcinj May 26th 2010

We arrived in Montenegro after a 12 hour bus trip. The scenery was breathtaking! Our car would be yammering away when we went through a tunnel and would be instantly silent when we popped out and saw the view. Each curve is more beautiful than the next and just when you are sure it can;t get any better, it does! (Excuse the punctuation this keyboard is nuts LOL) We stayed in a little hotel across the creek from the beach, that we finally got to after much craziness. We went to the beach, went swimming in what one of us called the Arctic Sea - it really wasnt all that bad! Yesterday we took a bus to Budva and are staying at Hippo Hostel. We are waiting on a bus for a day trip to Kotor ... read more

Europe » Montenegro » Ulcinj » Ulcinj April 1st 2010

ULCINJ Day 71 The next day I woke up expecting to return to the train station so that I could continue on my journey but Vjera decided to plan the day for us and that I should spend one more night before she would return me to the train station. I, again, politely tried to refuse her enormous generosity but lost again in the battle of ‘da da da… ne ne ne’. For breakfast she had made a delicious pastry, eggy, cheesy thing, which I think is called Burek. It was really good and she served me a portion the size of China. She also made me another big cup of coffee along with a giant cup of yogurt (to drink). After breakfast we loaded up in the car and drove to Ulcinj. This is ... read more
utjeha 007
utjeha 011
utjeha 017

Europe » Montenegro » Ulcinj » Ulcinj March 31st 2010

BAR Day 70 This night train was a bit hectic. When I got on the train I gave the ticket man my train pass as well as my bed reservation ticket. He took them along with everyone else. In my bed area was another older women from Serbia heading down to her weekend home in Montenegro and another Serbian man going to I don’t know where. Neither of them spoke any English but I managed to chat with the women through basic words and miming. Her name is Vjera and she has a son that works in New York, a daughter that lives in Belgrade, and two grand children (my age). After miming for a while we both went to sleep to be woken by the ticket man telling me that I didn’t give him ... read more
train through black mountains 013
train through black mountains 016
train through black mountains 032

Europe » Montenegro » Ulcinj October 14th 2009

The trip from Dubrovnik to Tirana was a 4 step 2 day trip along the coast of Montenegro to the Albanian border and then south to Tirana. We left Dubrovnik very conveniently by cab when the cabbie offered a good price. The Croatian coastline south of Dub was more of the same small coves and turquoise sea. This day the squalls kept coming from the south. The cabbie pointed out the lack farms or factories in southern Croatia: another sign of war. Crossing into Montenegro this cabbie was with us until Herzog Novi bus station. His nerves were on edge due to a history of antagonisms between these folks and the Dubrovniks. Travel to Albania is notoriously ill-defined through here. The first "quote" for our trip through to Albania border was €100 but we went with ... read more
island life
Montenegran village

Europe » Montenegro » Ulcinj » Ulcinj October 2nd 2009

I left Kotor in the rain, forgetting to visit the Basilica of Saint Nicholas, and also forgetting to take any pictures of rain and gloom. This time the views from the bus were broader, of the wider sea, not of closed-in bays. This time the bus driver really excelled - adding smoking to his multi-tasks of phoning and driving. It was another modern bus, unlike the one next to it at the bus station, which was being repaired by a man covered in grease. By the look of his tools and materials it appeared like he was repairing it with string and pieces of wood. When he closed the hood a piece of metal came off in his hand. On board my bus there was an overhead switch for a light, a switch for airconditioning, and ... read more

Europe » Montenegro » Ulcinj » Ulcinj September 19th 2008

Zunächst seien an dieser Stelle noch ein paar Worte über Ohrid gesagt, denn auch wenn es bisweilen so scheinen mag, verbringen wir ja nicht die ganze Zeit im Auto und diese schnuckelige kleine Stadt, welche in einem pittoresken Bergpanorama am gleichnamigen See liegt, verdient es wahrlich, ein paar Worte über sie zu verlieren. Neben zahlreichen orthodoxen Kirchen und einer auf einem Hügel gelegenen Burg, ist auch die Altstadt äußerst sehenswert. So habe ich dann auch meine kulturdesinteressierten Mitfahrer dazu überreden können, einen ausgedehnten Spaziergang zu unternehmen, und ich glaube, sie haben es nicht bereut (auch wenn wir es, ob Stephans Weigerung Eintritt zu zahlen, beim von außen Anschauen beließen). Also Leute, fahrt nach Mazedonien, es ist eine Reise Wert und man kann für wenig Geld viel Urlaub kriegen! Der heutige Tag sollte uns einmal quer durch ... read more
Orthodoxe Kirche
Klapprige Brücke

Europe » Montenegro » Ulcinj June 4th 2008

Well here we are again with just a few days before we start our journey. The weather outside is rainy. Hope that’s not a Prelude of things to come. It’s been a while since we have been away apart from Bruges and walking the ‘Hadrian’s wall. Last year, We have almost packed our bags. Our passports are at hand and we are all set for another exciting journey this time to Montenegro. Tess has done really well in planning all this as they don't seem to be that geared up on the tourist trade at the moment. But that should make it a nicer holiday. We will be having the usual three centre holiday. ‘First in the mountains staying at Prcanj; We will then be travelling round. ... read more

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