Blogs from Brindisi, Apulia, Italy, Europe


Europe » Italy » Apulia » Brindisi July 7th 2019

I forgot to mention in the last blog entry that soon after getting to the anchorage in Crotone we both got our suits on and jumped in the water – it was such a hot day I thought the water would be cold at first, but there wasn’t any shock at all – it was lovely and did its job of cooling us down. How lovely to be able to do that here! We decided we could leave a little later the next morning so we were up and out by 6:30AM as we figured it would be a 27-28 hour passage so we have flexibility for our arrival in daylight. For the first couple of hours we didn’t have any wind but with the seas flat we had another visit from some dolphin. This is ... read more
Our Sunrise the Next Morning Still Heading to Brindisi
Views While Walking Around Brindisi
View from the Town Quay to the Monument

Europe » Italy » Apulia » Brindisi August 10th 2015

We think that we are traveling around Europe far to quickly, however what are you to do when you have to see much more. And we pretty much have a idea of the country's we would come return to We really are envious of the grey nomads here in Europe as they have so many country's too see in their caravans and motor homes, than we do in Australia. Even though we have a vast country with many beautiful sights to see. We miss the different cultures and country's that expand all across Europe and beyond. After leaving Hungary we traveled through Slovenia.With its lovely soft country side and old villages and welcoming people. We stayed at a farm and the hospitality was lovely we met different travellers from all over Europe and Russia. Everyone seemed ... read more

Europe » Italy » Apulia » Brindisi May 7th 2015

Dreamt about a German man on the campsite – tall, grey skin to match his hair who strolled to the shower block as if he missed his swagger stick looking arrogant. If he had a glass eye it would be the one with humanity in it..I digress Quick visit to the supermarket & off. I'd forgotten about Italian men – they think they are a cross between Casanova & Mario Andretti. Unfortunately, Andretti couldn't .... Then Cathy cocked up the satnav again...inner peace out of the window which was handy as they had to be open due to the heatwave that had arrived, 35* Next to the road the landscape was olive trees & vines for miles then just oilve trees, some of which had trunks 5' – 6' in diameter. Saw lots of little round ... read more

Europe » Italy » Apulia » Brindisi July 20th 2012

Geo: 40.6362, 17.939 GUN 44 GUNLERDEN CUMA : Çok güzel bir uykudan sonra geç kalktık .. Genelde çok yaptığım bir şey değil bu... ama anlaşılan uyku iyi gelmiş… Normal işlemlerimizi tamamladık ve 10:30 gibi yola çıktık . Bugün, kısmetse, Brindisi'de gemimize binip döneceğiz . Çok düzgün bir yol ile Brindisi yönünde akarken ,daha önce kağıt üzerinde bellediğimiz Mongolfiera denilen bir yerde, bir AVM ye daldık. İtalya'da son günümüz olması hasebiyle, alışverişimizi hep son güne bırakma eğilimimiz var .. Bu şekilde araç içinde, gereksiz bir stok yapmamış oluyoruz.. Nitekim orta çağ bezirganları gibi şarap,yağ ve baharat stoklarımızı tamamladık . Öğlen yemeğimizi de aynı yerde yedik .. Bazı insanların nasıl AVM insanı haline geldiğini yavaş yavaş anlamaya başladım.. İçeride klima var ..dışarıda d... read more
Adriatic seferleri

Europe » Italy » Apulia » Brindisi May 4th 2011

GUN 5 günlerden ÇARŞAMBA: Sabah 08:15 te uyandım Gerinmeye vakit kalmadan 8.30 da Brindisi'ye vardık. Gümrükçü/ler hiç bakmadı. Tam çıkıyorum "Sorrento ya en kolay nasıl giderim" diye sormak gafletinde bulundum.. Bari üzerinden dediler . Bana makul geldi ve Bari yoluna girdim. Kardeşim sen nasıl bir dangalaksın ?.. Bildiğin yolları ne soruyorsun ? Dere geçerken niye at değiştiriyorsun ? bildiğin gibi gitsene … bundan önce Brindisi'ye varınca kimseye sordun mu yooo.?? Şimdi bu şımarıklık nedir ? Daha önce de çok yazdım, ben ettim siz eylemeyiniz: ve bildiğiniz yoldan şaşmayınız.. hele son dakika dolduruşları ile programınızı asla değiştirmeyiniz.. Bir yerde durdum. Çok sinirliyim … Nermin zaten iflas etmiş.. ... read more
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Europe » Italy » Apulia » Brindisi July 19th 2010

Jakie mogloby być lepsze zakonczenie mojego italian_living, niż pozegnanie Italii z morza? J. zabral mnie z okolic Padwy, pokmnelismy do Urbino, a nastepnego dnia do Brindisi. Urbino chcialam koniecznie zobaczyc, a nie dojezdza tam pociag, więc najlepiej bylo podjechac samochodem. Znalezlismy wspanialy camping na wzgorzu vis a vis miasta, z którego rozciagala się panorama calej starowki, zmieniajacej kolor w zaleznosci od pory dnia. Jak rozbilismy namiot, było już po zachodzie slonca. Gdy dojechalismy do miasta na kolacje, na ulicach nie widzielismy juz zywej duszy i trudno było sobie wyobrazic, ze w ciagu roku Urbino to pelne zycia miasto uniwersyteckie. Ale dzieki temu latwiej było przeniesc się wyobraznia w czasy renesansu, gdy po ciemnych ulicach przemykali się poddani ksiecia Federico da Montefeltro, ktory doprowadzil miasto do jego pietnastowiecznej swietnosci. Urbino lezy na w... read more
Urbino_widok z namiotu.

Europe » Italy » Apulia » Brindisi May 12th 2010

Well we have either demonstrated our great flexibility or been sucked in a little by Italy. Not sure which but we changed our plans and will now head to Greece by way of a ferry from Italy rather than making the drive across Croatia, Serbia and Makedonia. So in this post we remain in Italy traveling down the eastern coast probably towards a ferry to Greece from Brindisi. . Venice. Everyone knows about it, has seen the photos, read the stories or seen the movies. I was still surprised by the place. We camped at Punta Sabbioni, across the water from Venice. The books had told us that we would blow the budget in Venice if we decided to stay there, Mestre didn't sound all that appealing so we decided to camp at one of the ... read more
San Marco

Europe » Italy » Apulia » Brindisi May 3rd 2010

Geo: 40.6362, 17.939 Gün 5 Günlerden pazartesi. Brindisi, İtalya'nın Puglia Bölgesi'nde bir liman kentidir. Aynı zamanda Brindisi ilinin yönetim merkezidir. Adriyatik denizinin kıyısında yer alır. Merkez nüfusu 92 bin kadardır. Yunanistan ve Ortadoğu'ya giden gemilerin uğradığı yolcu limanı vardır. Petrokimya ve hava taşıtları yapımı sanayisine sahiptir. Askeri filosu ve askeri üssü vardır. Tarihi :Antik Brindisi kenti Roma dünyası ile Doğu arasında köprü işlevi görüyordu. Kent, M.Ö. 244'ten başlayarak Roma egemenliği altına girdi. O dönemlerde Brundisium adıyla anıldı. M.Ö. 2. yüzyılda, via Appia'nın güney ucunu oluşturuyordu. Ortaçağ'da norman istilasından sonra kent yeniden önem kazandı. Birçok haçlı seferinin denize açıldığı bir liman oldu.... read more
Brindisi tesisleri
Lİman girişi
eski liman girişi

Europe » Italy » Apulia » Brindisi October 31st 2009

This is going to be a short entry because I don't have much time. I don't have internet on this farm, and right now I'm at an internet cafe. I'll explain the longer story later. The gist of it is, this farm isn't so hot. But don't worry, I'm OK. I'm leaving on Monday for another farm where there are a bunch of WWOOFers that are 18. Party! I hope. But anything will be better than where I am now... I arrived at this farm to find that not only are there no other WWOOFers, but the couple who was running the farm together recently divorced. So, it was me and a 40- or 50-something (I'm guessing) recently divorced Italian man with a bad cough. I was a little freaked out the first night. But I ... read more

Europe » Italy » Apulia » Brindisi April 19th 2009

8th day - Saturday We went for a drive to "end of the world." That is what Santa Maria di Leuca is called by the Italians because it is the southern most tip of the peninsula. We didn’t spend much time there as it was starting to sprinkle so we headed up along the coast. It is a beautiful drive reminiscent of the Amalfi Coast. The weather wasn’t cooperative and so the photos turned out like the weather, a bit gray. There is a thermal springs along the way and as we pulled into the little village we all thought we needed a dose of Tums. It turned out that the sulfurous/rotten eggs smell became even more overpowering as we got closer to the place. The main spa was built in an arabesque was pretty ... read more
Interesting architecture

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