Blogs from Germany, Europe - page 825


Europe » Germany » Hesse » Wiesbaden January 18th 2007

Family- Here, I am surrounded by family. I live with my fourth cousins, Jan Gunter (18) and Celina Hin (16) and their mom, Renate Gunter, who I guess is my third cousin once removed. A bit confusing. Renate is a social worker at a nursing home and she does some administration there and some exercise with the residents. She also works with children with mental disorders like autism. Jan and Celina are students in the Gymnasium (the highest level of the three types of schools here in Germany). They don’t know what they want to be. While Germans are a bit more blunt, they do not run short of love. I feel very welcome here, and the importance of family is obvious. On my previous visit to Germany, I only traveled everywhere and could not see ... read more
My Family
My Family 2
House in Kandel

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne January 18th 2007

Wahnsinn! Deutschland will uns raus haben! Ein Jahrhundertsturm fegt über das Land und verängstigt die Menschen. Gefällte Bäume, Totalschäden und verletzte Menschen wo man auch hin schaut. Es ist Zeit zu gehen! Noch ca. 10 Tage... Die Regale leeren, die Kisten stapeln sich. Unser Keller ist seit ca. einem Jahr mal wieder ordentlich begehbar, die Küche wird immer trostloser. Aber das ist gut so. Die Zeichen des Aufbruchs mehren sich. Gut für die Psyche! Nach nun schon ca. siebenwöchigem Dahindarben als organisierender und planender Möchtegern-Weltreisender kann's jetzt mal so langsam losgehen. Auch mein liebes Weib scharrt schon ungeduldig mit den Trekking-Hufen. Deshalb jetzt nochmal ein paar Tage auf die Zähne beißen, weiter die Dinge verräumen, am kommenden Mittwoch alles verladen und zur Schwester und ins Lager bringen, mindestens noch einmal die Kölner Müllhalde anfahren (da gibt's ... read more
Es leert sich

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin January 15th 2007

We arrived into Berlin in the evening around 8 p.m. The flight was easy and short and we knew we should be able to figure out the public transport system rather easily since we are seasoned travelers now. What we did not know about was the bizarre airport we had decided to fly into. Berlin Templehof was totally old fashioned; complete with the mobile staircase to carry you down to the runway as well as baggage claim as soon as you get off the plane. Also, the building looks as it where an old Nazi private airport. To make things ever more interesting we grabbed our bags and where greeted by a giant party in the lobby complete with full brass band and tuxedo clad waiters carrying champagne. After skirting the party we made our way ... read more
Reichstag Building - Parliament
Roof top kisses
The Wall..

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Bebenhausen January 15th 2007

The small village of Bebenhausen is located just a couple of miles north of Tuebingen city and about 45 kilometers south of Stuttgart. Here you can find one of the most important and most beautiful Cistercian monasteries in southwest Germany, second only to Maulbronn (if at all). It was built in 1187 AD and was sponsored by Count 'Rudolf von Tubingen' (I didn't know him either...). It was common for Cistercian monasteries to strive for economic independence. The Cistercians of Bebenhausen for example were trading with wine. Cheers! In 1807 the monastery became a hunting lodge and after WW II it was for a short time the venue of the parliament of Wuerttemberg-Hohenzollern before it was merged with Baden to create the State of 'Baden-Wuerrtemberg'. The rather unconspicious but indoors very nice St. Mary's church can ... read more
Bebenhausen Monastery
Bebenhausen Monastery

Europe » Germany » Hesse » Frankfurt January 15th 2007

A Note from Strasbourg and Errands in Frankfurt French Hospitality After writing our final blog entry from Strasbourg we headed out to dinner. A lady who worked in our hotel suggested a restaurant a little off the beaten path called Le Cloud. While very close to our hotel (about a ten minute walk) it was on a side street we never would have found on our own. When we arrived at the restaurant it was pretty booked up with the exception of a long table in the middle of the room which was open to walk-ins. As it was pretty early there was no one at the table yet so we were seated one chair in from the end of the table, sitting opposite each other. As more people showed up they were seated next ... read more
Kel's Haircut

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich January 15th 2007

back "home" Chiiiiiicaaaanos! ya estoy en alemania, muriendome de frio! estoy intentando hacer muchas cosas para no echaros de menos, pero todavia me queda mucho tiempo....acabo de llegar! mañana voy a zurich con mi mamá para verdad es que no se que vamos a hacer ahí. por mala suerto no puedo quedar con pauli porque vive un poco lejos y tiene poco tiempo...ya sabeis...los examenes! bueno...ahi os quedais con unas fotos de aqui! ya os mandaré mas fotos y escribiré mas cositas de zurich, munich y madrid y ya os vuelvo a ver en menos de 2 semanitas! un Besote mu fuerte pa todos... read more
que va...
pero tambien
mi cochecillo....

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Reutlingen January 14th 2007

With a population of clearly over 100,000 this is already one of the larger cities in the German state of Baden-Wurttemberg. Reutlingen is about 40 kilometers south of Stuttgart. Like so many places in this region, the Alamanni took the city in the century. The most obvious landmark of Reutlingen, St. Mary's Church, was completed in the 14th century. Reutlingen was later awarded the important status of an 'Imperial City'. A peculiarity of Reutlingen's judicial system in the 15th century was the 'Asylum of Reutlingen' that granted all manslayers asylum in the city if they committed their crime unintentionally (I'm not sure if that's still the case today...)! With the notable exception of Nuremberg, Reutlingen was in 1530 the only Imperial City in Germany to sign the "Confessio Augustana" , the declaration of belief in ... read more

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden January 10th 2007

it was so amazing to meet everyone again today! Met them in the school where we had YET and i was like wow i was here 5 months ago! Walked past Habibi aswell and i was like aahhhh good times :) Ramona and Kati especially were like :O you are really here :) I'm so happy I'm here again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People really didn't believe me when I assured them we would meet again. Then I went to Vilma and Margret's English class with them and it was really good, they were doing a passage on Martin Luther King and it was pretty difficult English but the discussion kinda drifted more towards the content of the passage rather than the grammar. Like about black people and racism etc. And then Vilma said, I don't understand why there are ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin January 8th 2007

(June 19, 2006 to June 22, 2006) June 19 Berlin's many stations helped out big as we arrived into the city. A nice late afternoon, not too hot, just right, made the walk to the hostel great. We stayed in the A & O Hostel Mitte. The hostel had a vintage sign in the courtyard--"You are leaving the American Sector". We settled in. Asked where we could wash our clothes and were told that there was a laundromat a few minutes away. The walk was great. This area still had old factories, and from what I saw, most of the immigrant population lives in this area of town. Twenty minutes later, the place was closed, and washed the essentials by hand in our room. An eight person room, with only three people in it, we used ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich January 7th 2007

Dear all, not quite finished packing yet but ready to go. My flight leaves tonight at 20:30 for Bangkok over Zurich. More as soon as I find an Internet Café! Love, Tina... read more

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