Blogs from North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe - page 24


Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne April 22nd 2011

so had trouble getting to sleep last night. not sure why but was still awake after 12 and i was dead tired too. didn't help that i had to get up at 6 to get ready and head to the train station. anyways got up on time, and went down for the included breakfast. well yesterday there were croissants and breads and boiled eggs and such. today, because its good friday, just some stale bakers bread, yoghurt and cereal! i felt gypped! luckily i still had some bread and apples from the grocery store yesterday (glad i thought ahead and bought extra, victory!) so i ate them on the train after taking the bus to the station. one train to mannheim, quick change and another to cologne. right so easter weekend = bad travel time. train ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Neuss April 9th 2011

Nach langer Planung und immer hin und her überlegen ist der Job jetzt fix gekündigt. Am 05.04.2011 habe ich die Kündigung offiziell eingereicht. Der letzte Arbeitstag wird also der 30.06.2011 sein. Also muss ich jetzt noch knapp 10 Wochen Gas geben und dann wars das erstmal für mich in der Arbeitswelt. Um aber dann direkt noch nachzulegen hab ich in dieser Woche auch endlich den ersten Flug gebucht. Am 03. September geht es endlich los. Gebucht habe ich alles über KingFisher - Airline. Hat man wirklich noch nie gehört wenn man nicht nach Asien fliegt. Laut Wikipedia gehört die Airline mit "fünf von fünf Sternen zu den sieben besten Airlines der Welt." Kostenpunkt für die einfachere Variante 425 €. Der Flug erste Flug wird mich von Düsseldorf erstmal nach London führen. Da ist dann umsteigen angesagt ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne April 5th 2011

Hello everybody! After threatening a travel blog for weeks we finally got round to doing something about it! As I write Anja is busy loading her iPod (I'll check there is no Hoff!) and we are generally just ticking of the hours until we leave. We still have a few things left to do - last minute haircut, check all our documentation, double check the train time to the airport, oh and erm, pack our bags of course! Trial packing went well, after a dodgy start where nothing seemed to fit, but fingers crossed by 6pm tonight we will be ready to go! We leave Cologne at 7am tomorrow, heading to Frankfurt Airport, then onwards and upwards to Beijing, via Abu Dhabi! Not sure when we will next be able to update this blog, maybe from ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Neuss March 26th 2011

Nachdem ich stunden im Internet recherchiert habe was muss, was kann und was braucht man nicht wirklich an Impfungen habe ich endlich die ersten 2 Reise-Impfungen bekommen. Vor 3 Wochen wurden erstmal die normalen Impfungen aufgefrischt. Da vor Urzeiten eine Exfreundin mein Portmoney inklusive Impfpass verloren hatte, wusste natürlich keiner mehr meinen Impfstatus. Seit ich volljähig bin war ich allerdings noch nie zum impfen also mindestens schon 7 Jahre nicht mehr. Also hat der Arzt einfach mal die 4 fach Impfung Polis, Tetanus, Dipherie und noch irgendwas in meine Venen gepumpt. Letzte Woche war es dann endlich soweit und der Doc hat mir das Rezept für die von mir gewünschten Impfungen ausgestellt. Thyphus und Hepatitis A waren für mich eh must haves. Hepatitis B habe ich noch die Immunität gegen (danke an den Bluttest). Tollwut nehm ... read more
Hep A + Thyphus und Malaria Medis

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne March 13th 2011

After a couple days of break from Karneval, we figured we had to really fire it up for the last night, also known as Nubelfebron, or The Burning of the Nubel. As Meagan touched on, the Nubel is basically a symbolic character that you can blame for all of your sins, especially those sins committed during Karneval; you can say, “It wasn’t me, the Nubel made me do it!” and you start clean the following morning which is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. I (Aaron) experienced only this night of Karneval in 2010 and it was a hell of a time, so I was excited that our plan was to go back to the same place as last year, Heller’s. Normally, each bar has their own Nubel and their own weak ceremony, but in one ... read more
At the Playground
At Hellers
The Nübel

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne March 8th 2011

Hallo! Meg here! Today is the last day of Karneval! I must say, I am looking forward to retiring my costume to the bottom of my backpack. We haven't gone balls to the wall by any means, and we haven't dressed up every single day. Six full days and nights of partying is just not for us. I remember when I was underage partying for four or five days during St. Patty's Day in Savannah, and it was sooo much fun, I never got tired of it....but you grow up, and you know your limits. Add 100 different songs in German about Cologne that you hear in every single bar and only one thing to drink (Kölsch), and it can get a bit repetitive. We did have a ton of fun on the first day of ... read more
Friday night
Saturday Night

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Essen March 6th 2011

Le 29 mai dernier, j'vous ai dit de surveiller ma prochaine entrée - mais y'a jamais eu de prochaine entrée. Milles excuses. Vraiment. J'aimerais tellement rester plus connectée avec mon monde, parce qu'en dehors de ça, je suis pas mal déconnectée d'avec tout le reste. Je suppose que je pourrais donner un million de bonnes raisons pour expliquer le pourquoi et le comment, mais celle qui me satisfait le plus (j'essaie fort de faire paix avec moi-même, voyez-vous), c'est que juin 2010 a plus ou moins coïncidé avec le début, le vrai, de mon aventure photographique. Et pour être honnête, tout a parti tellement vite et s'est développé à un rythme vraiment imprévu que, des fois, j'ai vraiment, vraiment, vraiment eu du mal à tenir le coup. Mais bon, j't'encore vivante. (Okay, fait anecdotique qui a ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne March 4th 2011

We have survived the first day of Karneval!! It all started at noon at the Cleverbridge office for brunch, mimosas and Kölsch, which is the only beer they serve during Karneval, it's a tasty light beer with not a lot of carbonation. We consumed that beer for about 12 hours and remarkably did not get full! Very nice! We left the office after about an hour to meet up with more people at a bar called Brauhaus K.A. Pütz, which wasn't quite open yet, so we drank a beer on the street corner while we waited. We definitely brought the party, but it didn't take long to fill the place up. There are a lot of bars that open pretty early but if we would have gone to one of those we would be waiting in ... read more
The day begins
Outside Brauhaus

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne March 2nd 2011

Greetings from Cologne!! We have been here a little over 48 hours now.. As we checked into Ohare, we found out our flight to Toronto was delayed, which would cause us to miss our flight from Toronto to Frankfurt, but luckily there was a flight to Montreal that we could get on right away. We ended up with about a 3 hr layover there. Had a Weiss beer to wash down a cheese plate and frites and mayo with fleur de sel...while listening to club music in the only bar we could find. Surprisingly, I (Meg) was not that nervous to be on a plane for 7 hrs, especially after a gigantic jolt of turbulence as we were landing in Montreal...which scared the crap outta me! The flight to Frankfurt was pretty painless. We watched The ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Solingen February 28th 2011

...packing is done. Oh boy - just 15 Kilos! It is weird, I feel a little empty right now. Maybe to make some space for new impressions :) Thank you so much everyone for your support and the "good luck" wishes. I'll try to keep this up to date as much as possible...... read more

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