Blogs from Bremen, Bremen, Germany, Europe - page 4


Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen January 1st 2012

It was interesting to go to a movie in English, in a German town, we saw Mission Impossible as it was the only movie showing ‘in original tone’ (in english) and to see so many of the places I have been to in the world and of course the movie finishes in Seattle! The next few days were family oriented - shopping, preparing food, playing cards (universal language), eating, more shopping, more eating. I took to riding the bike and walking a lot as it was a necessity to burn off some energy! Pierre and I went out tree hunting - a little different to those we have in Australia, of course it is colder, so it makes you decide a lot quicker. You also have to trudge around in muddy fields as it is so ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen December 27th 2011

Merry Christmas All! These past few days in Germany have been really, really nice. Elisabeth’s house is so fun with Gesa, Christian, Karen, Matti and Linnea around. (Linnea is Karen’s host sister from when she spent a year in Sweden.) Similar to Italy, I spend much of the time not really sure what they are saying, but thanks to Annalu and Steph’s lessons I can understand words here and there. Karen and Linnea have the upper hand because they can understand all three of the languages floating around this household: English, German and Swedish. I suppose I could start speaking Spanish, but I would just be talking to myself, so, I think I will just try to understand their German; I’m afraid Swedish may be a little far off for me. Everyone speaks impeccable English though. ... read more
The Lussekatter Wreath
Das Pestruper Gräberfeld

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen December 21st 2011

Hi Everyone! Well, I made it safely to Germany! By safely I mean my trip was fine, but I also didn’t have a nervous-breakdown during my finals and rip all my hair out or jump off the docks at the harbor or anything. You may be wondering, “So, what is a final like in Spain?” Well, the anticipation is just as excruciating and unless you are taking Roman Mythology and Religion the actual exam does not live up to the terrible hype. My Mythology exam was the only painful one. “Do we need to know how to say the words in Latin?” “No, no I won’t make you memorize every term in Latin.” Oh, hey, thanks for putting Latin terms on our final Antonio, ‘preciate it. However, I was able to overcome the Latin and I ... read more
Julianna and Annalu
Susan's Rib & Loin Pig Impersonation

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen December 11th 2011

Hey Guys! Hope you are all getting into the Christmas spirit! As always, I have been a busy bee, and here is the latest installment! The Mexicans decided to visit Amsterdam last weekend, and so we held Anti-Mexican Party: Part 2, with lots of Eastern Europeans and some Brazilians coming to the house to Party without the noisy Mexicans. However this caused a bit of controversy, as some people didn't seem to understand a joke - and you can see what our response to this was as you read down the page. This week Bryony came to visit me in Bremen for three days. She arrived on Wednesday morning, and we spent most of the days she was here walking all around the city centre looking at the famous sights, such as the Two UNESCO World ... read more
Anti-Eastern People Party

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen November 27th 2011

Hi everyone! Hope you are all well! So this Thursday was the International Day, which meant the whole University cancelled lectures, and instead we had stands with Information about foreign countries. Most were about study abroad opportunities given by last year's Hochschule exchange (I went to speak to the people on the Hertfordshire stand, and they told me about how much they loved Hatfield!), however the Incoming exchange students like me also held Food stands where we made traditional food for the Germans to try. And so last weekend I went to a Russian Party, where the girl from Russia was testing her food for her stand, which was pretty cool! With the two other British exchange students, we had a food stand with Scones, and spent three hours the evening baking 240 of them. They ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen October 15th 2011

Hi guys..Hope you are all well! So it's been well over a week since I last informed you of the goings on here...(which is surprisingly a long time!) So what's been happening? Well on Tuesday I had my first proper lectures (5 in total) so I had to get up at 7am, and they were due to last on and off until 7:30pm..Being the first Tuesday lectures I was attending, they were new subjects for me. I tuned up at the room and sat down..and then in walks this Chinese lecturer who starts speaking Chinese and writing it - after waiting to see this wasn't some kind of German joke, I realised I was clearly in the wrong lecture so i went down to check the board with room changes and there is NOWHERE that says ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen October 6th 2011

Hey guys, it's me again! So today I went to my first lectures in Germany. I had registered for courses about 2 hours after it opened on Tuesday - but already by that time I had missed the first lectures for 2 modules, and so I went today for the second lectures for them - Sustainable Development and Introduction to Tourism (the later being a first year subject). When I arrived I found that lectures were in full swing - the Germans all knew each other and they had already completed some work. Me and the other English girl felt so left out. However once they learned we were foreign students they were all very welcoming and the class itself wasn't so bad - The lecturer even made some funny jokes. So all in all it ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen September 26th 2011

So guys, today I enrolled at the Uni which meant I got given my Semester ticket, giving me unlimited transport around the city and local area for free. We also had an introduction where they enrolled us and I got to meet about a third of the other students, including all those from Britain (including one girl who even goes to UH!) In the session we were given lots of important details and some freebies (like a bag, pens, notepad etc) and we also did a quiz about EU/Germany/Bremen (You will be pleased to hear that I won the quiz by getting every question right, winning myself a Hochschule Mug). In the afternoon we had our first German session (these ones are free) and I was rather good, so from tomorrow I am being moved up ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen September 23rd 2011

Hi guys! So as you can see I have arrived in 1 piece! Took the coach to Stansted yesterday and then flew straight to Bremen and was picked up by my landlord and landlady at the airport. I met some of my housemates last night who are really nice. Some more (there will be 8 of us in total) are arriving in the coming days before the intro week begins on Monday. Today I went out on my own for the first time, to go get some food in Aldi. Tonight we are going out in Bremen as a group which should be good! Kevin.... read more

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen July 29th 2011

Sidste destination. Vores tog var 30 minutter forsinket og da det endelig ankom var det propfyldt, saa vi forberedte os paa en nat paa gulvet som i Krakow - slutter med manér. Heldigvis kom den soede togdame os til undsaetning og gav os lov til at sidde paa foerste klasse, laekkert! Det var kun os to der fik lov, de andre der sad paa gangen maatte blive siddende, mystisk men vi klagede ikke! Kl. 06.40 ankom vi til Bremen (forholdsvis veludhvilede) og indtog friskbagt bagerbroed med honning og nutella paa stationen mens vi ventede paa at hostellet ville aabne. Ved 9-tiden fik vi vores tasker opbevarede og drog saa paa opdagelse i Bremen. Efter en smule internetsoegning fandt vi ud af, at der et par minutter udenfor Bremen ligger et stort shoppingcenter med blandt andet Primark, ... read more

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