Blogs from Carcassonne, Languedoc-Roussillon, France, Europe - page 8


Europe » France » Languedoc-Roussillon » Carcassonne February 9th 2008

Now I have a lot to talk about… Earlier this week Becca and I moved down levels because grammar and orthography were too stressful and frustrating. Now we are in level three with Libby, which is a blast. It’s just the three of us, the professor, and all the Chinese kids. Class is really a lesson in Chinese….we constantly play a little games called “put away the dictionaries.” Level three is kind of easy, but the way I see it, I’m in France to enjoy myself and the experience...being frustrated all the time is not the way to go. We have the same two professors for most of our classes (which consist of grammar, orthography, writing, oral, comprehensive oral, civilization, and phonetics). They are two of my favorite French people ever and they both speak English ... read more

Europe » France » Languedoc-Roussillon » Carcassonne October 9th 2007

Bonjour Mon Ami and how are you all today? At last an addition to the blog! Sorry for delay-impossible finding anywhere! So now where was I? Florence was interesting as we stayed in the youth hostel and visitied the local rugby club to watch the Wales match and got lost on the way home! Met the local Italian IRB referee assessor and had a great afternoon with Kevin the only welsh man watching - and they were all routing for Fiji! anyway then we decided to give Venice a miss-too much travelling or a few hours in the place so we headed for Pisa. found a lovely family hotel near the station - saw the leaning tower but decided not to go up- 15 Euros and very hot there so decided the appeal is in seeing ... read more

Europe » France » Languedoc-Roussillon » Carcassonne October 3rd 2007

Well we have left Vigo for our next planned date- Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. It was sad to leave our good friends in Vigo but we were looking foward to what lied ahead. We travelled throuth Andorra, a small country built up and full of shops in its capital; but with beutiful scenery only 20 mins away from its central district. We indulged ourselves in Europes largest spar complex (30 Euros for 3 hours in a large pool, says Ben) and found a lovely camping spot smack bang in the middle of the Pyenees in a little village called Soldeu. We took a cable care to the top on one of the Mount Gallo which had gorgeous scenery. Sadly bens ankle meant he coudlnt hire a downhill mountain bike, but maybe thats for the best. We ... read more
Ben in Andorra
Stacey very cold in the Pyrenees

Europe » France » Languedoc-Roussillon » Carcassonne July 28th 2007

Carcassone, Bas-Langedoc, 28 & 29 July The locals I met in Marseilles made a lot of fun of Carcassone, saying is was not the real France. The place is so tourist-orientated that this perception is not too surprising. However I did notice locals stocking up at the Saturday morning produce market, proving that people to actually live here. La Cité - is one of Europes largest city fortifications. It looks like something out of Disneyland with turrets, witches-hat roofs and a dry moat. There is also a castle within the walls. The small, winding streets are chock full of restaurants and kitschy souvenir shops selling everything from jewellry to clothes to medieval costumes and armour, in fact anything possible to separate tourists from their money. At night the illuminated La Cité appears quite magical. Ville Basse ... read more
Entrance to the Old City

Europe » France » Languedoc-Roussillon » Carcassonne May 22nd 2007

The title for this one really should have been Going, Going, Gone; but I have already used that one. Anyway you will see why later on in the blog.... After Barcelona, it was another early train ride and I made it with 7 minutes to spare (for someone on holiday, I seem to be giving myself alot of those early starts. I really am a glutton for punishment), then it was a relaxing ride to Carcassone via Narbonne. I just escaped Barcelona in time as it looked like a thunderstorm was coming into town, and arrived in France to perfect sunshine. So I got off the train with no idea where I was going, or where I was staying that night, and I couldn't help grinning! This is what backpacking is all about. In the ... read more
Old City Ramparts
Old City Citadel
View over French Countryside

Europe » France » Languedoc-Roussillon » Carcassonne May 17th 2007

CARCASONNE to AVIGNON 17th May 2007 (Thursday Overcast and Windy 17º - 22º and Sunny Breaks Avignon). We depart Carcassonne as we found her - grey and windy. We elect to take a quiet provincial road through Sete and are amazed at the hundreds of Camper Vans that are parked on the side of the roadway. Even though the weather is not playing its part it does not deter these holidaymakers - they are impervious to the weather. They are, I assume, either Brits or Germans and as they sip wine out of plastic glasses and try to look relaxed in their new deck chairs the weak sunshine is obliterated by another cloudbank. Further on we stop in Beziers to stretch our legs before the run into Avignon. Beziers is a pretty little place and the ... read more
La Palais de Papes
Central Hotel
Olde Buildings - Avignon

Europe » France » Languedoc-Roussillon » Carcassonne January 29th 2007

Tipica giornata di questo atipico inverno 2006/2007: sole e 15 gradi di temperatura. La stazione ferroviaria di Marsiglia è un ribollire di frenetiche attività umana. Masse di pendolari si muovono al mattino in direzione centro per poi rinculare alla sera in egual numero nella direzione opposta. Sarebbe come il mare con le sue due maree quotidiane se non fosse che quello non riposa il fine settimana. Ma oggi è giorno feriale e così ci sono i pendolari, ci sono gli occasionali viaggiatori come me, c’è la polizia spiegata in gran numero e ci sono quegli omnipresenti membri del sottobosco umano che, come gabbiani intorno a un peschereccio, non perdono occasione per raccogliere i frutti dell’altrui distrazione. All’ostello avevo conosciuto Susanne, Olandese bionda e rubiconda cui mancano solo gli zoccoli di legno e le treccine per poter ... read more
Altri Sapori di Francia
La Bonne Mere e un Castello Fiabesco
Vicoletto al Tramonto, Carcassone

Europe » France » Languedoc-Roussillon » Carcassonne January 29th 2007

A typical day in this atypical 2006/2007 winter: sunny and 15 degrees of temperature. Marseille railway station is a ferment of hectic human activities. Masses of workers move towards city centre in the morning, recoiling then in the evening, same number, opposite direction. It would be like the sea and its two daily tides if only the latter would rest on week-ends. But today it’s week day and therefore there are the workers, there are the occasional travellers like myself, there is the police aligned in great number and there are those ever present members of the human underbrush who, gulls around a fishing boat alike, do not miss a chance to collect the fruits of other’s distraction. Back in the Hostel I had met Suzanne, a blond and well rounded Dutch girl who, with wooden ... read more
More Flavours of France
La Bonne Mere and a Fairy Tale Castle
Narrow Alley at Sunset, Carcassone

Europe » France » Languedoc-Roussillon » Carcassonne December 21st 2006

We visited Carcassonne last Sunday. I must say that is the best day to sightsee, there are never many people. It was nice, but a little too touristy for us. The town consists of La Cite and Ville Basse. La Cite is a walled medieval fortified town originally built in the 6th century BC by a Gaulish settlement. Today the walls are a result of two thousand and five hundred years of fortifications and occupations by the Gauls, Romans, Visigoths, Moors and Franks. In the 19th century the walled town underwent a massive restoration. The Ville Basse; the city that flourishes down below La Cite, was established in the thirteenth century. As I said earlier, La Cite was very very touristy. I read somewhere that two thousand people visit a year, and it is obvious that ... read more
Inside the walls
Walled City and Ville Basse
Old Moat

Europe » France » Languedoc-Roussillon » Carcassonne November 13th 2006

France, and possibly the world's, most beautiful canal is the gorgeous Canal du Midi which stretches between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean. It's a wonderful place to go boating, or to buy property near it. Should you want to read about it - I've found the definitive guide to the Canal du Midi in France at this address: Canal du Midi... read more

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