Blogs from Dax, Aquitaine, France, Europe


Europe » France » Aquitaine » Dax August 19th 2016

El Toro in DAX A Roman soldier abandoned his dog by a river in the area we now know as Aquitaine, France. When he passed through the same region some time later he found his dog in excellent health. It turned out that the dog had been cured of its arthritis by wallowing in the muddy banks of the river Adour. Today a thriving health spa industry pumps euros into Dax’s economy like helium into a balloon so that it enjoys a micro economic superpower status. Dax is in the Basque region- French side, and bull fighting succeeds to deliver what rugby League attempts to provide at home. Matadors do not get caught up in scandals. We missed the bull fight by a few days, but the pong of fresh dung was present in the vicinity. ... read more

Europe » France » Aquitaine » Dax November 1st 2015

On the road, that's what we said. Samedi 31 Octobre après un apéro/Sound system/ Barbecue underground au fin fond de la montagne organisé par la Société Leger bro' and co, on démarre le fameux voyage avec un air de déjà vu. Direction les Landes avec notre classique traversé de la France à travers l'Auvergne pour une arrivée à Sorde l'Abbaye. Sensation étrange d'un démarrage en douceur au coeur de la France. Une pause ressource avec les derniers produits du terroirs chez la Famille Bouyer à base de chorizo/huitre/foie gras/Jurançon au bord de l'Adoure... Demain passage en Espagne direction Madrid pour rejoindre notre amie de voyage Anna...... read more
Maud & Strut - 1er Covoiturage
Bouyer family

Europe » France » Aquitaine » Dax September 4th 2010

Com o final de semana se aproximando e a carte jeune enfim feita, comecei a planejar o próximo passeio. A ideia original era passar os dois dias em Bayonne, a capital do País Basco francês, mas deparei-me com a falta de uma hospedagem disponível e barata. Tentei ainda o couchsurfing, mas como estava meio em cima da hora e eu estava sem internet em casa, não deu certo. Felizmente, eu tinha o meu “plano B” - não era um grande plano, na verdade: havia visto sugestões de passeios com os trens locais (os TER Aquitaine ), dentre as quais Dax, famosa como a primeira cidade termal da França. Na hora pus na minha cabeça uma cidade repleta de piscinas e fontes, e visualizei-me relaxando numa delas. Era verão ainda, estava quente, então ótimo! A viagem de ... read more
O rio Adour e a cidade
A fonte quente
Melão orange e Jambon de Bayonne

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