Blogs from Dalmatia, Croatia, Europe - page 126


Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia July 3rd 2006

It's been about two weeks since I last checked in and if you're thinking I must be having a great time, you'd be right... read more

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia July 3rd 2006

G'day everyone, Well, we have done London, Amsterdam and are now in the gorgeous Croatia and I now understand why Josie raves about it so much. But first, London. We arrived early Tuesday morning, checked into our dive of a hotel (seriously you can't get anything decent there for less than $200 per night), and then we slept! I know it sounds like we're sleeping this trip away sometimes but it's tough going all this changing of time zones and it's not being kind to our bodies. Anyway, we got up around 9pm and went and checked out Piccadilly, Leicester Square and then had dinner in China Town before heading back to sleep some more. The next day Stu woke up sick again and spent the day in bed. I was coming in and out because ... read more
On top of the world...London Eye.
Dinner with Sally and Colin...
Sarah and Harrison bears

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Dubrovnik July 1st 2006

Travel Blog, Well hello again. Our travels have taken us to some more amazing places in the past few weeks. We decided to head out from spain into Andora. Androa is a gigantic duty free shopping meccer. Five lieter bottles of Rum, vodka or whisky, im talking good stuff- 30 euro, a drinkers paradise, and to our surpise we only bought one bottle of Gin !!!!!!!! Andora is set high above the French and Spainsh borders, large ski fields strech accros the ridgelines accesable only buy gondelar. We looked in a few ski shops and to our surprise you could buy Spider jackets and pants for under $300 nz dollars. (for thoes who dont ski a good deal) but unfortunately it is not that praticle travlleing with ski gear in 30 + temperatures. Lower France, wow! ... read more
St Tropez
Monti Carlo
My little boat

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia June 29th 2006

Posting time: 4:30pm, Location: Betina, Croatia I arrived in Zagreb at 10:30pm on monday evening. I stayed at Zvon' apartment. The day time temp is constantly at 36. The apartment is not any cooler. Apparently croatian didn't know the world has invented the fan. The first night was unbelieveablely hot. I am glad I don't have to stay here in Zagreb for another night. With the temperature constantly this high, I didn't want to do any tourist stuff. I went to a cafe to meet up with Barbara. We met in a party in vancouver last night. We spent the afternoon walking around the town and have geleto. The geleto is pretty cheap and good. It costs about 0.80 cdn per cone. We left that evening and headed to the coast. It is a 3 hours ... read more

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Korcula June 26th 2006

Croatia is amazing! We have been on the Island of Korcula for 5 days now and the water is so amazing, you can see the bottom in the deepest of waters. We spend the days at the beach because it is too hot to do anything else, average temperature here is in the 40's. The water is so salty which makes it super easy to stay afloat and super fun to swim in. Yesterday 8 of us rented a ˝speedboat˝ and cruised throughout the island and stopped off at various beaches, one having a 14th century monestary on it that was absolutely beautiful. The water here is much like the tropics, so warm and fun to swim in. The nightlife on this Island is full of tourists like us which makes conversation very interesting, yet often ... read more

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Korcula June 24th 2006

Today is our last day in Croatia before heading out to Hungary and a week’s bike riding in a national park up North of Hungary, then back to Budapest before heading back to real life and the big smoke (literally) of London. Croatia has been great, though we both agree it has been quite strange going from travelling to holidaying and back again as a lot of the areas we have been in are really tourist resorts and not set up for serious travelling, however this has not been a bad thing. The last week has been spent in Korcula, an island off the coast of southern Dalmatia, with about 16,000 people and here the tale begins... Having decided that lying on the beach and swimming and eating was a bit too much relaxing even for ... read more
Biking Fun
The aftermath of the Wasp

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Split June 23rd 2006

1225 Fastfood Skalinada 陰   上了山上的觀景台,又蕩進了住宅區(簡直是石硤尾翻版),但一無所獲,MISSION KUKOČ,已經失敗了一大半。   Split真的可以令人自動減速,買好船票後,我坐在門外,慢慢看那近95%看不懂的「香艷版」《都市日報》。   籃球在Split完全缺席。 原來克羅地亞打和澳洲2:2,仍然要出局。 Split最特別的是沒有大型百貨公司。我在小食店找來一個「懂英文」的女孩,我說要找'department store',她竟然問'department store'是甚麼! 找球衣,市集有的只是「足球A貨」,走進僅有的一兩家運動服裝店,就算是足球隊,亦只有國家隊球衣一款而已。我真的想買一件,然後強迫店員在背後印上7號KUKOČ。 退一步,我其實極想買一件有紅白格仔的、或是胸口有大大的'Hrvatska'字樣的t-shirt,但市面有售的,不是「A貨」,便是樣式不合心意。 下午沒事可做,但又陽光猛烈,於是發明了在火車站候車室午睡、在碼頭數數從船上走出來的車輛數目等新奇玩意,最後終於……拿出自己的旅行日記「溫習」。 2050 Blueline@Pier 開始入黑   上船前身上只剩下0.6kn,取得了慘痛的勝利。   這艘船……充其量只是一首可供過夜的新渡輪(油麻地)而已。全靠那還有效的中大舊生圖書證(幸好決定帶來),以半價(€37.5)買下了4人艙的床位。 2209 Rm 311   船駛了40分鐘,Split的燈光完全在視線內消失。旅行究竟為了甚麼?風總讓人腦袋一片空白。 克羅地亞的印象是: .克羅地亞的流行音樂極像在80年代流行的disco music,即是我最不喜歡的那一種,在巴士上已經聽了n個小時。克羅地亞語聽起來像西班牙文,但拼寫方法跟在捷克看過的又有點相似。 .雖有「欺壓遊客金錢」之嫌疑,但氣氛的確一流,整個國家皆像一個渡假村,所見的人皆好客,旅客區大多有英文指示,而且未到過(應該更漂亮的)北部,因此絕... read more
evidence of cleanness
Split version of "Metro Express"
Split version of "Metro Express"

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Dubrovnik June 22nd 2006

  今早給包租婆準備的早餐嚇著,原來除了咖啡外,她真的準備了麵包,而且是三大個新鮮的!平時不飲咖啡,但今早的是新鮮煮好,又熱又濃,不想浪費她的好意,結果還是喝了半壺。 決定多住一晚,包租婆不懂英文,倒易辦,在她面前將兩張100kn鈔票搖搖晃晃,哪有不明之理?我出最後一招,問她"Sprechen Sie Deutsch?"(妳會說德語嗎?)她一邊笑著一邊用唯一懂得的德語回答"nichts"(她大意是想說'no'吧)。   來回10小時車程,為的只是兩小時的古城參觀,是否值得見仁見智。在往Dubrovnik的巴士上認識了一位來自L.A. 的男人,總算談得來,但我的英文似乎比之前更爛,慘了。 我跟他談起NBA,因為我將要向他介紹:Split就是Toni Kukoč的家鄉。他似乎霎時間想不起Kukoč是誰,我早料到有此一著,便立即解釋說"He used to be a Chicago Bull…in Jordan times",他似乎想起來了。他見我有留意NBA,便問我總決賽的最新戰況。多天之前收到的消息是Miami Heat領先Dallas Mavericks 3:2,我極之不願意看到。 他之前到過波蘭、捷克。他強力建議我日後到訪波蘭的Krakow,因為鄰近Auschwitz集中營遺址。 當他知道我剛到過布拉格後,便雀躍地問我有沒有喝過地的捷克啤酒?我立即說那是出奇的甜呢。他便問我:平常慣喝甚麼?我便直截了當一句"Heineken only"。他驚訝地再問:就只有Heineken?我便說是,哈哈。他又說在布拉格吃了兔肉,覺得極之好吃。 他打算在Dubrovnik住一兩晚後乘船北上至Rijeka(幾乎是最近撒格勒布的港口),然後在撒格勒布坐飛機回布達佩斯返回老家;我便說船程太長了,建議他乘船到Split,然後轉乘巴士返回撒格勒布,那是"more reasonable"。他亦同意。我還教他在Dubrovnik下車後接受那些守候多時的女士的「兜搭」,便可以找到民宿過夜了。 雖然他不會到意大利,但仍對我明晚經海路登陸意大利極感興趣... read more
the harbour
national flag
Stari Grad (The Old Town)

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Split June 21st 2006

我的籃球偶像是Toni Kukoč,所以會留意一下克羅地亞這個國家。人人皆說意大利多美男子,我從來都沒有這種感覺。意大利男人的樣貌給我的印象是太雕琢,太精緻(想想Totti吧),反而一點男子氣慨也沒有;克羅地亞男人則有著一種略帶滄桑的成熟感,這才像個男人嘛! Split是克羅地亞最大的海港,特產不是甚麼海鮮,反而是運動員,說來也有點奇怪,你不認識Toni Kukoč不要緊,你總會認識溫布頓網球冠軍得主Goran Ivanisevic吧,沒錯,同是Split的榮譽產品。 全因為Toni Kukoč,我決定要到他的家鄉Split一趟(曾經幻想過:如果市面仍然有售Kukoč的克羅地亞國家隊球衣,就算要一千塊我亦要把它帶回香港。事後當然知道那是天方夜譚了);既然到了Split,到訪克羅地亞其他城市自然順理成章。在此之前,我對克羅地亞的認識,還在於「型男多」的原始階段,碰巧報章上有廣告說有一個有關克羅地亞的旅遊講座,便去了聽聽。主持人(其實即是書店店主)給我們的意見是:在國內乘長途巴士,而非火車;夜晚在Split上船,翌晨醒來可以看著輪船進入威尼斯。事後證明前者極之中的,後者則給他耍了。事關我聽到可以坐船登陸意大利後非常雀躍,於是二話不說即訂了威尼斯的旅舍兩晚,然後才到羅馬;但到查閱輪船班次時,才發現SplitVenezia的航線早已取消!剩下可行的是: Plan A: SplitChioggia──Chioggia是地理上最近威尼斯的落船點,下船後轉火車進入威尼斯。後來發現連這條航線亦沒有了,就算仍有,上了船的話一定高呼中計,因為事後再看看火車路線圖,將Chioggia轉車站Venezia三點連起來會呈現一個近乎完美的直角三角形,怕未! Plan B: SplitAncona,這條是最常見的航線,在意大利中部Ancona轉乘火車到威尼斯,唯一會教人喊笨的是,其實Ancona是比較接近羅馬的。 最笨的是:到了籌備的最後階段,才計到根本沒有足夠時間由柏林乘火車到Zagreb! 於是向包包求救,她介紹... read more
midway break
Stari Grad (The Old Town)
Stari Grad (The Old Town)

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Dubrovnik June 21st 2006

In Croatia right now, in a beautiful city called Dubrovnik. My sister flew in last night to celebrate my birthday with me, here are some pics to recap the past 2 weeks (or something like that) ... read more
Croatia - Split

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