Blogs from Dominical, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 5


Next "stop" on the December blog catch-up is Dominical, which is located on the Pacific coast in the middle of the country. Steve's dad arrived late Wednesday night, the 12th of December and the next morning we all piled into a rented Toyota Prado 4x4 for the 4-hour drive to the coast. The drive included climbing to the highest point (10,000 feet) on the InterAmerican Highway within Costa Rica - called Cerro de la Muerte (the Hill of Death!). It was a beautiful (and thankfully non-fatal) drive. Turning off the paved road, we had to engage the 4-wheel drive in order to get up the road to the house that we had rented for 5 days - called Villa Baha. It is - in a word - spectacular. There is a pool, a great kitchen, and ... read more
Sam keeping the pool clean - note the amazing view behind him
A big grasshopper at the house
Check out this beetle

Vi var veldig fornoyde da vi ankom San Jose sondag 6.januar.. Endelig var det paa tide med litt skikkelig sol og varme! :) Ankomstdagen tilbragte vi paa hostellet, med film og pizza. Passa oss bra, siden vi skulle reise videre neste dag. Siden Linda hadde vaert i prat med en bekjent, Lars, som var i Dominical, bestemte vi for aa dra dit og moete han og kameraten hans, Andreas, som var paa en maaneds surfeferie i Costa Rica. Etter en 7timers lang busstur paa 17mil, kom vi endelig frem til Dominical. Et lite kyststed paa vestkysten, som kun har noen faa hundre innbyggere, men som tiltrekker mye turister, spesielt surfere fra hele verden. Vi visste ikke hvor Lars og Andreas befant seg, men morgenen etter gikk vi paa dem paa hostellet vi hadde sjekket inn paa ... read more
Lars i solnedgangen i Domincal
oegla som skremte livet av oss;;
tid for bordtennis..

Our adventure began the second we got off the plane. Our sources told us not to reserve a rental car online because of the saving we´d receive in person. We quickly found out there were no cars to be found. We were lucky enough to get a compact car ¨yaris¨ which we are beating the shit out of due to the wonderful dirt roads and pot holes. Once we left the car rental and headed towards our first destination we quickly found out that Costa Ricans aka ¨Ticos¨aren´t too fond of road signs or street names. A few wrong turns, a new tire and a few new friends later we were on to Dominical. Needless to say a full day of traveling wore us out and we were happy to see our San Diego friends. Sunday ... read more

Recap of Wednesday - July 25th God is good, all the time…. Mission Accomplished… Today, the team experienced both good and bad. Early in the morning on the way to the Palmar Sur school, guess what? It rained (“llevo mucho”)! Palmar Sur was formerly a banana plantation support center for the Dole Company. At the school, the team focused on telling he children about El Buen Samaritano (“The Good Samaritan”). Oh, to see the faces of the little children who were learning this parable in English y Espanol!!! In the sports arena, the girls and boys danced and participated in potato sack races. The music team not only taught the children to song, “Alleluia,” but they learned a new Spanish dance, called “Yo Loco.” Babies and parents all participated with the team. The team ate ... read more

The day started off sunny and beautiful, as we began our costal caravan to Punta Dominical. Each day, we wake up to encouraging letters from you our supporters, and we want to take the time to thank each one of you who contributed to this. We left San Jose at around 9 am to start on our 4-hour journey. Along the way, we stopped at a local mercado (supermarket). There we met an ESL teacher from North Carolina, who is a native of Costa Rica. As we continued, we encountered various sights, such as different city plazas, volcanos and we even rode by the hospital, where our team leader's son was born. After 2 hours of driving, we stopped at a restaurant on top of a mountain (surprisingly, we experienced a cool burst of tropical air), ... read more

Aamulla valmistauduttiin matkaamaan Boca Bravasta Costa Rican puolelle. Aamiaista syödessä kävi ilmi, että päästäisiin ”dollari per lurjus”-paatilla jos pakattaisiin nopeasti. Ehdittiin paattiin ja paikan omistaja Frank kuskasi meidät Boca Chican kylään. Siellä Frank sanoi, että päästäisiin bussilla, joka kulkisi kylän keskustan ohi. Muutaman minuutin kuluttua Frank tuli sanomaan, että bussi olikin jo lähtenyt aikataulustaan tunnin etuajassa. Noh, ei se mitään, koska oltiin jo varauduttu siihen, että jouduttaisiin maksamaan taksi. Taksin sijasta yksi kyläläinen lähti heittämään meitä samasta summasta. Jälleen pomppuisen ja pölyisen matkan jälkeen oltiin Pan Americanan varrella. Siinä sitten kökötettiin ja samalla tuli mieleen, että unohdettiin kyläläisen autoon juomat, jotka otettiin Bocas del Torosta. Nooh, ei se harmittanut. Painolasti keveni ja meidät kuskannut kyläläinen oli mukava k... read more
San Isidro
Matkalla Dominicaliin
Matkalla Dominicaliin

Hello Everybody, Well guys like I always said you can't put time on good time. And Costa Rica has come to an end. My trip was suppose to continue on for another two weeks but I got a wicked nasty virus in Dominical while out on the surf. I had an ear infection in the early part of december as well as a cough that I think never went away. I remember the brown foam floating around me while out in some good surf and decided that it wasn't worth wasting good surf for a little polution so continued to surfing. Later that night my temperature shot up to roughly 38.5 and unwards to 39.5 after taking a few whites i had brought along the temperature continued to rise to 41.5 a rough 101. F. NOw ... read more
attack of the parriot
craigens areials
Palm Skewers

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