Page 8 of laikl Travel Blog Posts

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris June 3rd 2006

paris is an absolutely 'RAM-killing' city, and i discovered that everything is from the people to make it happen, without the people, those were just ordinary streets only.   得承認,巴黎的地鐵系統很容易掌握。   曾經在香港參觀一個有關巴黎的攝影展,當中印象最深刻的,便是一張又一張的長椅。因此我打定主意,要是有一日來到巴黎的話,一定不斷尋找長椅的芳蹤。事實上,巴黎的長椅無處不在。我便曾經坐在面向塞納河的長椅上寫日記,背後不夠半米,汽車風馳電掣駛過。如此心急,因為我一定要記下:數分鐘前迎面而來的,正好是昨晚在地鐵上坐在我對面的男人! 今天的行程: .凡爾賽宮(雞肋,正如家姐一早已說過的) .巴黎鐵塔(名不虛傳) .傷兵院(推介) .拿破崙墓(小學班主任王sir早已介紹過:參觀者一定會(被迫)向拿破崙鞠躬!) .凱旋門 ... read more
CARNET (discount tickets)

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris June 2nd 2006

0938 Köln Hbf Gleis 8 清涼   如果那紅背囊女子不在火車到站前問我列車是否要往'Brussels',我才不會將'Brussels'與(車票上的)'Bruxelles'拉上關係,再看看站牌……究竟是知道好一點還是不知道會較好呢…… 0955   數是怎樣計的?? #1 Railpass只適用於德、法(今行將途經比利時,之前完全沒有印象) #2 預留給railpass holder的quota已滿 (=?) #3 訂位單據寫的是AachenParis(Aachen屬德國邊境) (感覺太差了,Thalys我只能坐車尾的一個小車廂,8個座位,但卡位前的行李架只能放三件大型行李!我的背囊幾乎放不進頭頂的架上!ICE在哪!?) 1018啟動   更有趣的是Railpass上沒有寫明是5個國家的票!   為甚麼窗口會分割成上下兩半!? 1050 進入Aachen   仍未平伏,究竟是否笨了? 1055 Aachen Hbf 但月台大鐘指著12:00   有數名香港男女上車,甫上車便「頂」來「頂」去,本已夠煩,還要引用「巴士阿叔」的語錄,我千山萬水跑來這裡幹嗎? 1121 THA 9428   到目前為此,這一輛Thalys仍然行得很慢,比RE還慢…… 1232 THA9428 Bruxelles Midi   火車在Liège之後一段終於可以加速,快得有點飄浮。   這段古怪的行程需要我補錢€85,誠實的代價真高。   一到了Gare du Nord,便給整了。大堂約大八部售票機,但有一半不能使用,我排隊偏偏選了一部不能入銀的……其他的紙幣也不行(Carnet €10.4也沒有預備收鈔票!),只能先買一張€1.40單程票(看來沒有找換機,假如口袋沒有足夠輔幣我便完了)。由火車站至hostel用了80分鐘,車程恐怕只有30分鐘。   返回市中心,因為早知道星期五晚羅浮宮免費開放給像我們這些「青年」,所以先到了羅浮宮「見識一下」。 ... read more
THALYS heading to Paris

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne June 1st 2006

today's routine...eating, railway booking, playing in department store..... 2148 Hostel 暖了少許   巴黎的事留待巴黎才看,自覺得今次旅行的心態比上次又有了些轉變,想是務實了點吧,不會特別收集東西,又是那一句,留不住的便不留。   從包包買下的報紙得知,昨天國家隊球員到了5時才到達LTU Arena,早應猜到。之前覺得昨天的安排不佳(到了16:20才放人入場,球迷早已鼓譟),但全場45,000人在大會不斷播放音樂之下給「蒙蔽」了個多小時,回想起來,大會又自有他們精明的一套。   爸爸的SMS說巴黎又有青年騷動,不知會是怎麼樣。   今天只是吃與行街。... read more
no football in this book store!
Huth t-shirt!

Today's programme... waiting for train, waiting for the opening of Düsseldorf LTU Arena, waiting for the coming of the players... 45,000 visitors, the paper says, and we were the 2 among them. VIDEO-DFB Open Training At the end of the training session, Tim Borowski kicked the ball to the seats, and it falled in my hands! I can't believe it! But since I didn't grab it like a rebound in a 'basketball way', the person standing behind me 'stole' it from my hands... forget it, I don't know how to get it back to Hong Kong if I really had it... 1943 U78 7-13°C 冷   剛從LTU Arena乘U-Bahn離去,很冷。   重回Düsseldorf,包包要買頸巾,我便獨自蕩回04年時到過的玩具店。店子比印象中的要遠,今次我沒有再放棄了,終於買了一卡二等DB火車、路軌(還以為是€1一盒,付款時才知是€1一節……),還有德國隊球員的小型砌圖,很希望快點找到工作,有地方安置那卡DB火車。 ... read more
…and then closed
they finally appear!

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne May 30th 2006

1356 Dom 時有微雨   今晚熱身賽只剩下€50與€60兩種,惟有忍痛用信用卡付款(否則我怕山窮水盡),但我從未有想過打退堂鼓,或許今次旅行的重點不在這裡,但如果身在德國而省掉了德國隊的比賽的話,實在說不過去。   我絕對相信今天我倆定會被人當作日本人,我對此頗感抗拒……   包包去買禦寒衣物,我獨自重遊大教堂,感覺不錯呀,始終我懷念那種獨自面對自己的感覺,與包包一起的話,我會很依賴她的。   前年或許我正坐在同一地方呢。 開口中:Dom@2004 How's the feeling of being regarded as Japanese? Maybe you think that's so common and not worth talking, but let me tell you, although I'm not against the Japanese, it's really really awful, when the whole world thought you MUST be a Japanese, just because Germany is having a warm-up match against Japan in the region! Manman & I fortunately got the tickets in the fan shop of Bayer Leverkusen in BayArena (I could walk again on the path that I walked in 2004, the memory was so good), thanks to the final sale session held by the host stadium. When we went back from Leverkusen Mitte to Köln, th... read more
signed jersey
'00 jersey
Leverkusen Mitte

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne May 29th 2006

the flight was disgusting, an hour delayed, lots of meals, repeated turning on and off of the lights. i've slept for only about 4 hours during this 18-hour journey. this time was the german police officer to ask me the purpose of going to germany, and he asked me to show of my euro prepared. i know what did he mean. so i directly showed my credit card. ALLES GUTE! as shown in weather forecast, Düsseldorf is rainy and cold. my eurail pass is yet activated and i had to calculate if there were any cheaper way to buy some discounted ticket. i knew nothing and my brain refused to calculate. manman helped me a lot, maybe i owed her a loft of bread! the atmosphere in köln is strange. no huge poster, no special decoration. ... read more
quiet in koeln
railway to koeln hauptbahnhof, from hostel

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei August 19th 2005

早上我與君寧分頭行動,我選了摸上一家之前看中的餐廳吃早餐,一個人霸了整個上層,慢慢地吃慢慢地看。 我們訂購作手信的鳳梨酥多得足夠包箱,幸好還可以登機。服務員還友善地問:「要為它貼上『易碎』標籤嗎?」... read more
Lin ZL-the sign of Taiwan

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei August 18th 2005

今次旅行我特地帶了籃球鞋,為的就是與當地人「切磋交流」一下。感覺總算不錯。 晚上兩位中大中文籃球元老隊隊員享受了一次非常舒服的溫泉浴,平靚正。... read more
Basketball Court, NTU
my new company
heading Beitou

Asia » Taiwan » Keelung August 17th 2005

  以為可以坐一下長途火車,豈料來往台北與基隆的列車和地鐵沒有什麼分別。白撞了大半天。   全程焦點:拜會誠品書店,竟然發現"Before Sunrise/Before Sunset"「劇本」,二話不說立即據為己有。   穿著Torsten Frings走在台北夜市很是愜意,因為台北沒有人會穿球衣,四天行程內我只在路上遇見過一件巴塞隆拿。走進百貨公司,我覺得有點像日本。... read more

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei August 16th 2005

台北的一個重要印象:很多電單車... read more
Taipei GP!!

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