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Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Günzburg June 13th 2006

much better than hongkong disneyland, although to visit alone was somehow odd, but really funny, and i brought something stupid...haha VIDEO-Allianz Arena@Legoland... read more
she's playing what I can't play
Sepp Herberger and Fritz Walter (Bundestrainer and captain of the '54 West Germany team)

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Lake Constance June 12th 2006

i rode into switzerland, but in fact, nothing's special, unless i were a retired person, who owns a bicycle or even a boat. 單車店老闆可能誤解了我提出的'natural landscape'的要求,他點了那段路,地圖上看雖是沿著河岸走,但風景倒沒有,而且經常要駛離岸邊,穿過田野、村落、跟著鐵路走,甚至有一段誤進公路,公路本身問題不大,keep going便是,最慘是交通燈位,因為座位大高(我懷疑全店最矮的已是這輛了),每次停車腳尖幾乎碰不到地,萬分狼狽,屁股又很痛,但我一邊踏著單車一邊想,在香港斷不會有如此「風景」的單車徑。穿過瑞士關卡,自出自入。 在極度昏迷的情況下到了轉車站Ulm,之前一班車還未開出,乘客不滿的吵鬧聲從車廂裡傳至月台,最慘的是這邊廂著他們乘月台對面的車,那邊廂又要返回原車,有人說"Scheiβe Deutsche Bahn!",甚至高呼"Italian!!"。 那時只是想起04年在慕尼黑從意大利同房得知意大利火車的「效率」,但請記住這一句"Italian!!",好戲在後頭。 ... read more
the ferry that I took
on board

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna June 11th 2006

我在家裡發現家姐有一本藝術家Hundertwasser的作品集,發現他的風格天馬行空,很是特別,而當我知道維也納有著一所依他的藝術風格設計Hundertwasserhaus時,它自然成為行程的一部份了。 幾經辛苦,才找到了Hundertwasserhaus。幸好Hundertwasserhaus果然是一所有趣的公寓,雖然明知不能內進,但在附近走一趟也挺覺得有趣味,而且紀念品也價錢合理。Wien的特色朱古力確實種類繁多、精美,而且相比起德國的物價,它們亦很「便宜」,但看我的「瘋狂賽程」,買了朱古力的話,回香港的話早已變形了。惟有寄望München有大平賣。 in conclusion, i had found "Before Sunset"s Paris, but i couldn't dig up "Before Sunrise" from Vienna. ok, they are just fictions, i know, i know. 1747 IC 62   還以為是報站廣播,豈料傳來的是"Niederlande gegen Serbia & Montenegro, eins zu null"(「荷蘭對塞爾維亞和黑山:一比零」)!! 1755 EC 62@Linz Hbf 有少許熱   坐呀坐的,雖然談不上極度舒服,但似乎忽然尋回那種期待已久的閒適感覺。 在München Hbf下車時給便衣探員查護照,他竟然拿出放大鏡。也許因為那是由Budapest開來的火車吧,又或者,假如我沒有在下車前把Schneider脫下,又會否「避過一劫」呢,哈哈! 還有,那名便衣探員極有「許紹雄飾演警察」的熟悉感覺,若非他閃閃縮縮地亮一亮警章,我斷不會相信他是個警察! ... read more
a modern hostel
a tiny room
locker room?

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna June 10th 2006

我告訴hostel職員我會暫離一天,想寄存行李;今天早餐後他示意進內,那其實是舍監的辦公室…… 今早甫進Augsburg Hbf,迎面而來的中年男人便對遇見的一位女士說「那是越位球」…… if the attitude of public transport in paris was a nightmare, then the railway system of vienna was a COMPLETE FAILURE: no main station in the city centre, complicated street maps without index and grid reference, let me make it short, it's totally user-unfriendly, even a burden to the tourists, on the streets u can find lots of puzzled and depressed eyes. notes to the new-comers: 1. don't save money, buy a detailed map, and make sure the location of the target before u go, while u may not find the way inside the railway station 2. don't save money again, buy a 24 hour-ticket, your cost of getting lost would be reduced to minimum, since the probability of getting lost is close to 100% 3. don't save money, i repeat, please take ... read more
S-Bahn of Vienna
railway map: extremely user-unfriendly
performance on the street

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich June 9th 2006

等待多天,終於到了世界盃揭幕戰的一天。 慕尼黑的Fan Fest設於Olympiapark內、拜仁舊主場Olympiastadion隔鄰的一幅傾斜的大草地。因為這裡是慕尼黑,又因為我其實是Mehmet Scholl的球迷,因此今天我決定穿上拜仁7號球衣到場觀戰。 1006 RE@Augsburg Hbf 陽光充沛   剛上車,已有好幾位盛裝準備的乘客。 VIDEO-"It’s My Life" waiting for the match VIDEO-"Das Deutschland Lied" VIDEO-Lahm Tor! (replay) 2044 ICE   德國勝哥斯達黎加4:2,Lahm的世界盃首個入球入得妙到毫顛,本來Frings可以飲頭啖湯的,幸好最後射入一球同樣絕妙的遠射。   其實4:2掩飾不了後防的嚴重漏洞,對手定已做足功課。   在離開RB前拾起別人的報紙一看,說Ballack連後備名單也不能入圍(傷未痊癒吧),但我倒沒有太擔心。最後Kehl入替Borowski,4:2是釋放「芬寧B」的結果吧。   看直播時驚心動魄,但等待卻很慘痛。沒有人陪伴之下不敢去廁所(8.5小時,大破紀錄),最大問題是陽光太猛,穿了長袖衣褲倒也不壞。   今天穿了Scholl的球衣觀戰,到場坐好後久不久亦發現穿Bayern的;電視每當影到Lehmann時,觀眾皆大叫"Olli, Olli",始終這裡是慕尼黑。 在場內發現有幾個人穿了德國隊球衣,印上的名字竟然是Scholl,畢竟我們仍然相信,他才是德國真正的7號,奇連士文沒有帶他去世界盃,是一個理性但令部份人頗感失望的決定。 the ... read more
please smile!
the dancing Costa Rican
helicopter from above

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Augsburg June 8th 2006

i still cannot escape the 'second stop symthom', although paris is really a fasinating city, i still felt lack of security. 因為慕尼黑旅舍早已爆滿,想起04年到過附近的Augsburg(離慕尼黑約半小時車程),感覺甚佳,因此這一段我選擇住在Augsburg。 today morning, i checked out at 8 a.m. and walked towards the metro station, and the gates just kept closed down! i walked along the street heading Paris Gare du Nord, hoping to get on a taxi, but unsuccessed. finally i asked a woman by the bus stop (she spoke fluent english!), she taught me to take a bus. but the bus suddenly changed it's route (maybe because of the traffic jam), i missed the best chance to get off to run into the north station, instead it took me to the east station, by the time of gettig off, i had already cried out at least thee f__k s. luckily when i stepped ... read more

Europe » France » Lower Normandy June 7th 2006

0825 TGV 8001 晴   Le Mans至Laval……夠45分鐘吧,後面的男女竟然不停站討論了45分鐘!忍到如此地步才敢打斷他們,已算仁至義盡,我有權利出聲吧……   唯有將一切罪名推在那對男女身上,就算前往Mont St. Michel的巴士上昏睡了,到達後一直沒有心情,修道院入場費€5,走進去便發覺可以省回,因為內部建築根本nothing special,充其量只是一座建築在山上的迷宮而已,半路上我已發現真正好看的應是它的外部。   午餐時看見有很多雀鳥在穿梭盤旋,活了廿多年,首次對雀鳥能飛表示羨慕。   垃圾時間多得很,於是走出那茫茫無際的河灘,向那小島進發。來回幾近一小時,靠近小島時,終於要脫下鞋子,拉起褲管,踏著淤泥走過去。小島令我想起<鳥的天堂>(雖然我未曾讀過),特色倒沒有有,更具賣點的反而是往返的道路,方圓一公里,一個人也沒有,來到歐洲後從未試過。感覺似乎較好,但自覺得仍然未能放得開,難道仍然逃離不了「第二站症候群」的怪圈? 2116 McDonald’s   進來剛好播放法國對中國的友誼賽,坐下不久,便見Cisse給人弄傷離場(好像又斷骨了),又看見施丹滑倒射失12碼…… 2237 hostel Rm 529 bed 1 天未全黑   老實說,Paris的確夠浪漫,但二人同行始終較好,否則會有點浪費。市內的人種甚多,我看不出有甚麼「融和」的跡象,但至少各有各天地,互不干涉,在複雜之中維持著status quo,不是已經很好嗎?我已經將它看作是一項成就。 這幾天穿梭於巴黎小巷時口邊常哼著的,是Julie Delpy的'Ocean Apart' ... read more
Mont. St.Michel
walk alone

Europe » France » Lower Normandy June 6th 2006

本來「法國」與「克羅地亞+意大利」兩段路,究竟誰放在行程中的最先/最後,一直未有定案。到我想起6月6日這個熟悉的日子,法國一行放在首段便是逃不了。 on d-day, i visited the normandy beaches, out of my imagination, the site is very cool and windy, how the soldiers beared the weather to do the must-die mission 62 years ago? in the guided tour i came across an australian boy, finally could say some english. i discoverd my listening has become good. 問了幾句,那澳洲青年便招認出他是二戰迷。不想冒犯,但我實在很難明白那些戰爭迷的想法,我倆同樣看過"Saving Private Ryan",我看到的是血腥與恐怖,但他在Normandie卻不斷流露出興奮的神情。至於我為甚麼來到這裡?全因為我相信62年前的今天,在這裡發生了一件改變了世界的大事,我到來只是為了憑弔。 在美軍墓地走著,忽然軍樂響起,全個墳場的人皆面向傳來樂曲的一方肅立。我走了幾步,雖然不知如何才好,心想還是停下來會恰當一點,有人甚至向著同一方向行敬禮,剎那間,全場靜默。... read more
Cathedrale de Bayeux
"We Shall Remember"

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris June 5th 2006

1202 公園   嘗試接收Wi-Fi,結果奇怪地只能登上,現時只知道Game 1在8/6,Dallas對Miami。   聖母院雖然將望彌撒與參觀的人分流,但仍然太熱鬧,Köln Dom的感覺較好。原來那份浪漫的感覺,真的要在Seine的觀光船上,從遠處觀看,就像"Before Sunset"一樣。(心想:那是甚麼時候拍的?如此少人?)   然後摸上Pantheon(先賢祠,法國名人大多葬於此),的確莊嚴肅穆,一邊行一邊想:將來Zidane可以入住嗎?只覺得奇怪,雨果的葬禮如此盛大,但只能睡在房側。 1904 hostel 晴   有幾件一直想寫下但未有時間寫的事: -Paris地鐵極像Disneyland的Space Mountain,駛入車站前仍有扭來扭去的,車卡又短,隧道又見光,望著列車載著一排排的乘客進入隧道,有次笑了出來,香港的地鐵根本沒有這種滑稽的感覺; ─Paris街道上最多的不是狗屎,而是用完的地鐵車票; -Paris是一個令人自動將相機調校至黑白模式的城市,最重要的其實是遊人構成風景的主要部份,有些場景真的極像舊照片中所見; -論hostel設備,德國的還是勝人一籌。 ... read more
a view from Seine

Europe » France June 4th 2006

i came across a french teacher in berlin in 2004. when i asked where he lived, he hesitated and said, "mm... it's in central france, famous among the french people,but not well-known internationally, it's famous of it's volcanoes, of course it's sleeping, haha..." i looked through the touring books, only clermont-ferrand fit his description, so i went there today. out of expection, the tiny city is quite beautiful. it's sunday and the streets were deadly quiet, so i could take many photo there. and of course, i couldn't meet him la, although i've tried my best to let it happen, haha...   因為只顧著在公園看"The Lord of the Rings",錯過了不用訂位的回程火車,在火車站乾等接近兩個小時 1837 Clermont-Ferrand Voie H   趁空檔預訂6/6、7/6的票,職員一邊數手指一邊唸"one, two, three……"可惜我只懂說"merci",再高一級,我怕我只能說"danke schön"或"vielen dank",在法國,看見德文或聽見德語已倍覺親切(英文則別奢望了)。 VIDEO-so bored... read more

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