Rachel and Katie

Rach and KT

Rachel and Katie

Two young friends on the adventure of a lifetime through Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Quảng Nam » Hoi An December 23rd 2011

Firstly I want to say that we are so sorry that no photos have been put up. We are finding it hard to find hotels that allow you or have the right software to upload photos. Tuesday morning we took it very easy since the weather was being very unkind before taking our transfer to Nha Trang Airport. We lifted off at 12pm, not before loosing our drink bottle under the plane and the flight attendants running under the plane to retrieve it. After an hour in a little Turboprop plane with a little turbulence we arrived in Da Nang, where we jumped into a taxi with an Australian couple to Hoi An. When we arrived at our hotel we were shown our grand room with a bed that would fit a small African village (it ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Khanh Hoa » Nha Trang December 20th 2011

We are currently sitting at our rooftop bar of our hotel in Nha Trang where the outlook is of countless hotels with a mix of pain in the arse type rain. Rach and I left you at our last day and since then we have been on many 'interesting' adventures. On Saturday we were picked up from our gorgeous little hotel and began our LONG drive to the Mekong Delta. The drive was nice but our company(tourists) was not. On the way we drove through various little towns and rice paddy fields. We arrived at Cai Be and hopped onto a motorised boat where we were taken up the river to look at the floating markets to see how the local people exchange various items such as fruit and vegetables. We were then taken ashore to ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » District 1 December 16th 2011

So we have just 'survived' our first day in Vietnam and WOW what an experience. We landed at about 9pm and whizzed through customs (customs...what customs???) where we were greeted by extreme humidity and a little man holding a sign, Katila Taylor. We jumped into his car where we meandered through the crazy traffic and streets. Our driver seemed to be quite polite as he honked his horn when he was turning AND his indicator. All you could hear was a continue hum of honking horns. We were driven down some pretty sketchy streets but finally made our way to the little alley where our hotel is situated. As soon as we exited the car Katie was asked if she was the taxi driver's wife..GREAT greeting. Our hotel staff are AMAZING and the rooms are immaculate. ... read more

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