OliD's Guestbook

20th January 2015
Nelson Maitai River

Awesome picture!!! I have been in Nelson...grey in grey, so this is pic is quite unusual! ;)
From Blog: Golden Bay
22nd January 2015
Nelson Maitai River

Hey I'm happy you like it! still love the place though:)
From Blog: Golden Bay
17th December 2014

So far, so awesome!
It looks like you're having an amazing experience down there! I just got back to cold, slushy Toronto, so I need you to update this more frequently so the vicarious living can continue.
29th December 2014

I am dear cousin it is wonderful down here :) I'll do my best I'm so busy enjoying life I can hardly find time to tell you all what is happening! ;) take care
15th December 2014

schöööööni Föteli!
Hey Oli, mir füüled ois natürli mega gschmeichlet, dass du oisi Atlantik-Rundreis zunere "Fast-Weltreis" gmacht häsch ;) und s Föteli isch super schön, au d Bilder vom Heaphy Track sind zauberhaft! Villicht sötsch ja Landschaftsfotograph wärde? :) Mir hoffed, du häsch no vill Spass und froied ois scho uf de nächst Bricht, cheerio, merry x-mas und villi Grüess, Regula und Götti
29th December 2014

Oh wow da bin ich ez aber gad chli gschmeichled, mir vorschlah landschaftsfotograph zwerde :D ich lans mer dur de chopf ga ;) Ville dank, de Bricht isch in bearbeitig! Guete rutsch & ganz liebe gruess
29th December 2014

Oh wow da bin ich ez aber gad chli gschmeichled, mir vorschlah landschaftsfotograph zwerde :D ich lans mer dur de chopf ga ;) Ville dank, de Bricht isch in bearbeitig! Guete rutsch & ganz liebe gruess
8th December 2014

hiking! how about sailing?
Hi Oli supersuper tolli bilder und erläbnis, machd mi au gard gluschtig! Hey im Sägelparadies chammer bestimmt esmal chli go böötle, was meinsch? heb sorg und E N J O Y!
9th December 2014

Hiihoo danke villmal das ghöri gern! hey das dönt super, ich mach mich gad jetzt ufde wäg zum en cruise go bueche für morn, danke für die guet idee :D ha scho länger mitem gedanke gspillt und da in Akaroa gsed nachem richtige ort us defür :)
7th December 2014

Wonderful Blog
Heya Big Ol. Such a nice thing ur Blog, your journey! Always a big joy readin bout your adventures! Mind boggling pictures and stories :D Really looking forward seeing u and hearing from these stories live in a few months time! Cheers from Zurich where its freezing fucking cold :P
8th December 2014

hellooo couus thanks for your kind words :) happy that people read it, so i'll make an effort to keep it up! :) yees can't wait to see you guys again! don't worry it's probably not that much warmer here.. take care
23rd November 2014

You lucky young man. I can now live vicariously through your adventures and still get to work on time. I once threw a "virtual" dart at google maps and ended up on the south shores of NZ. I think I want to retire there. Find some properties for me !
25th November 2014

Great to hear you're reading them Rob! It's wonderful here you'd have to come over to experience it all.. I'll keep an eye open! Are you thinking about retiring already?
13th October 2014

Gnüss es!
Super Oli, wünsched Dir en huufe tolli Erläbnis uf dim Trip und läsed gern devo...
13th October 2014

Danke au oi! froit dasers lesed, ich probiers so spannend wie möglich zphalte:)
12th October 2014

So spannend oli:) freu mich scho uf dini ganze gschichte wirds bestimmt verfolge. Gnüss dini reis und bis bald!!
From Blog: Getting ready!
13th October 2014

diie sind etz scho super chan der garantiere :) froit mich dases vefolgsch, den gib mer wiiterhin vill müe :D machs guet!
From Blog: Getting ready!
8th October 2014

merci bien!
hey mer wished dir alles beschti und sind au stolz dass es machsch! mer sind mega gspannt was du öis alles prichtisch! hebs guet!!! Re&Tho
From Blog: Getting ready!
11th October 2014

Danke eu villvillmal :) ha scho jetzt villi gschichte!
From Blog: Getting ready!

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