LivingTheDream's Guestbook

7th April 2009

Comments on your travels
Hi Ben I must congratulate you on your travel blog. It is one of the best I have read. I am also addicted to travel. I have just come back from my third trip, in the last twelve months, to Thailand. I like it very much and am trying to learn Thai. Like you I have had a few adventures. I was very interested in your comments on lao and Vietnam. They do confirm what I had gathered from my reading over the last months. I am getting together a rough itinerary for my next trip and was going to include Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. But I think I shall restrict it to Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. If you get back to Thailand you might like to have a look at Khao Sok National Park .(older than the Amazon and with, reportedly, greater bio-diversity)- stay at Art's River View lodge - recommended Also, Mae Sot, on the Burmese border with one of the worlds great road trips south (about 4-6hrs) to very rugged national Park and where some excellent trecking can be organised. All the best and I shall follow your exploits. regards from Western Australia Steve Keeling
7th April 2009

Hi Ben I must congratulate you on your travel blog. It is one of the best I have read. I am also addicted to travel. I have just come back from my third trip, in the last twelve months, to Thailand. I like it very much and am trying to learn Thai. Like you I have had a few adventures. I was very interested in your comments on lao and Vietnam. They do confirm what I had gathered from my reading over the last months. I am getting together a rough itinerary for my next trip and was going to include Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. But I think I shall restrict it to Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. If you get back to Thailand you might like to have a look at Khao Sok National Park .(older than the Amazon and with, reportedly, greater bio-diversity)- stay at Art's River View lodge - recommended Also, Mae Sot, on the Burmese border with one of the worlds great road trips south (about 4-6hrs) to very rugged national Park and where some excellent trecking can be organised. All the best and I shall follow your exploits. regards from Western Australia Steve Keeling
7th April 2009

Grüsse aus dem Norden in den Osten
Hallo Ben, nun bin ich doch tatsächlich auf deinen Blog gestossen. Und ich werde schon ein bisschen neidisch, wenn ich deine Berichte lese und das schoene Wetter sehe. Seit fast einem Jahr bin ich nicht mehr im Marktbereich, sondern wohne in Kopenhagen. übrigens auch eine schöne Stadt. Wenn ich auf deine Weltkarte sehe, dann warst du wohl noch nie in Dänemark. Du bist hier herzlich willkommen. Bis nächstes Jahr im Februar sind wir auf jeden Fall noch hier. ;-) Gruss aus Kopenhagen Silke
7th April 2009

Lieber Ben, habe mir gerade einige deiner Fotoalben angeguckt - großartig!!! Da bekomme ich prompt Lust, selbst wieder loszufliegen, nur leider wird das zumindest in den nächsten paar Jahren etwas schwieriger, denn Jan und ich erwarten zu Ostern Nachwuchs. Auch recht aufregend, wenn auch auf eine andere Art... Wünsche dir / euch noch viele traumhafte und vor allem lustige und skurrile Erlebnisse und gutes, trockenes Wetter. Gruß Alrun
6th April 2009

Congratulations for your success in the past 12 months and wish all the best to you for the following days and nights of the journey. Remember this, we are following your every step and watching your every move, we are just behind you.
5th April 2009

great post!
Hi Ben! I've been lurking here for quite some time. I got to your blog after looking for info on Myanmar. Thanks for sharing your experience there. I can't believe you're traveling some more after a year. Great that you can afford not working for so long. I'm envious haha! Can't wait to see where you're heading next. Have an awesome journey ahead!
24th February 2009

Why you there
If you don't like it, why you there. No one is forcing you to be there. So, hope you don't go back because without you, China will still be China. Stay back in your own country and assess it as I'm sure you'll find many problems also.
24th February 2009

Your good looks
When I left you you were bad not as bad though, and you forgot to mention your killer feet smell when you take off your sandles! I wonder why poor stingray stinged you :)) so all in all things are turning up all well and bright for you :) Enjoy
21st February 2009

Hmm Malay women don't put on headscarf,hoping not to withdraw the attention from the men.I don't know why they wear a headscarf though(I will remember to ask my Muslim friends about it.Look at how ignorant I am even though I live in this Islamic country)In fact many young Malay girls these days don't bother to put on headscarf.So don't be surprised to see young Malay girls with tight mini-skirts with/without headscarf XD
1st February 2009

knapp verpasst...
Hey Ben, wann warste genau auf Ko Tao??? Waren die letzte Woche auf Ko Pagnan!! Hätten uns also fast treffen können. Mann, Mann, hätt ich das gewusst...
23rd January 2009

Meine Tauchlerninseln... ich will auch :-) Freut mich, dass Du auf diesem kleinen Idyll ein bisschen Nichtstun konntest :-)
8th January 2009

The way it is
No, bashing is helping no one. But making other travellers aware of scams going on does help a lot. Of course one can always only focus on the good things and never mention any bad experiences; however, I am writing the stories in my blog exactly as they have happened to me.
3rd January 2009

From Mandalay to Bagan
Sorry you had a problem with the taxi drivers. That's not my experience in Myanmar. And not the experience of other people I know that have traveled this route. Bashing the country is doing nothing for the people.
30th December 2008

That beart is just awesome!!!
6th December 2008

Nice trip
Hey, I'm teaching in China at the moment, I finish in January and will be travelling overland into vietnam, laos, cambodia and thailand. I came across your blog about your vietnam experience, doesn't sound all too great, any advice you can give me, especially about the border crossing, would be much appreciated. Good luck with the rest of your travels. Waseem
18th November 2008

Hey Ben, wish you a great time in Laos. Nice pics! Jan
21st October 2008

noch mal China?
Hi Ben, ich finde das ja super interessant hier. Hab vieeeeeeeel Spaß weiterhin!! Mich würde no interessieren, warum Du wieder nach China zurück bist? Viele Grüße us Berlin von Deinem ehem. Kollegen Oliver
20th October 2008

look upon searching for my visa card
hel ben i have a visa card and i want to check up the money on it.
11th October 2008

You are a good man and a good friend friend of Chinese.
11th October 2008

To those Chinese girls I do not know what they are looking for, I do not care about them. If ones do not respect themselves, no one respect them.
11th October 2008 China has developed the train, and has the copyright now. Interesting discussion.
5th October 2008

I am so proud of you that you can make to Mount Fuji eventually. I envy you!!!
1st October 2008

Reverse Engineering
Wow guys, this entry of mine about the trains sure has sparked some discussion and controversy. To add one final thing in response to Traverlers' comment: You write that the technology initially came from abroad and that after "digesting" it, the Chinese came up with their own version, thus now making it Chinese. That however, does not make the technology "Chinese" at all. This process is commonly called Reverse Engineering. Saying that the technology that one just copied is your own is like saying that a Mozart symphony played by a Chinese orchestra is Chinese music.

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