Guate Gal's Guestbook

31st January 2010

¿Todavia tienes nada nueva a contarme? Esta bien, todos en sus proprios tiempos. ¿Espero que tú hubieron divertido limpiar tú casa para preparar por tú nueva vida!
31st January 2010

Thanks Mary Ann! As always you are so sweet and supportive. I look forward to catching up with you too. Maybe we can have that dinner with you and Jerry that we are always trying to have. Sure hope so!! Much love right back at you...
23rd January 2010

Hola Tams. Es genial para leer acerca de su tiempo con Willie en Guatemala. Estoy seguro de que usted se está sintiendo muchas emociones como el tiempo llega a su fin. Estamos muy ilusionado con su regreso! Voy a tener que empezar a practicar el poema Samadhi, por lo que estoy listo cuando te veo! No tengo mucho que reportar. Estoy limpiando mi cuarto de vuelta para Dan. Quiere empezar a moverse lentamente sus cosas a mi casa. Pero todavía ninguna propuesta, todavía! Mucho amor para usted, mi amiga.
19th January 2010

Response to blog
Dearest Tamara, Thanks so much for continuing to share your incredible adventure in Guatemala. It's easy to feel how happy you and Willie were to be back together. I'm so glad, too, that you'll be back soon and we can actually spend some time catching up. Your Spanish capability in a short time is wonderful and will serve you so well in all ways, including your job search. Plus, you understand so much about the culture now. YOU DID IT!!! It didn't sound easy, but you have (just about) accomplished your goal. I really do admire you for that. Also, love the photos. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Much, much love, Mary Ann
16th January 2010

Guategal and Willie can't be beat!
Dear Tamara, Thanks for the great travel blog edition! You and Willie certainly packed in a lot of site seeing and even Spanish classes during his 2 week stay. Saw Willie this past Sunday and he said it was hard to leave you and Guatemala. Sounds like you'll be back to Los Angeles in a few more weeks. We look forward to having you back with us. Again, many thanks for your wonderful travel notes and pictures. In Master's joy, Mr. Jim Wing
12th January 2010

Hi Tamara
Tamara, I am still thinking about coming out to visit you... What airport in Guatamala would I go to? Anyways let me know lets talk or email soon> #310-502-5429. I would love to see you! WHat do you think? Lets be in touch soon> Lots of Love,Lilah
23rd December 2009

Cat Report
Hola Tams. Esta es una actualización fácil en su gato. Su gato está loco. Pero está bien alimentado y agua y se ve saludable. Cuando estoy en su casa para darle de comer, se frota contra los muebles, se frota contra los zapatos, se frota contra las paredes y hasta el suelo y ronronea como un loco. ¿Es feliz? ¿Es simplemente loco? No lo sé. Yo no hablo la lengua de gato! Una Navidad muy feliz para usted! Y un Año Nuevo feliz! Te mando mucho amor, Cynnie
22nd December 2009

Thanks for the update.
Dearest Tamara, As always, it was great to hear from you and to hear about your Spanish progress and most current adventures. The photos are really great to see. The weaving you were doing looked amazing. I remember meeting an older woman who had woven a likeness of former President Eisenhower (sp.?) that was so fantastic it looked like a photograph. And I am so happy for you that Willie will be there soon (in fact, I think he's there now! Yay!). It sounds like you have wonderful plans. I've stayed in Antigua, which is just a beautiful little "city." Again, thanks so much for the update. You are doing so well (the heck with the mistakes!). Listening to Spanish radio and watching Spanish TV will help because they speak clearly, but fast, so that should really help your hearing adjust. I look forward to your next update. Much love to you and Willie. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Mary Ann
28th November 2009

¡Hola mi amiga buena! Estoy en Xela ahora. Disfruté mi pausa pero necesito estudiar mucho ahora. Muchos graciás para me piensas. Me gustan las respuestas cada vez. Está muy divertido cuando estoy tratando leer y contestando. Te voy a escribir una otra carta ahora porque tengo muchas preguntas para ti. ¡Adios!
28th November 2009

La recompensa es rico!
Hola, mi amiga!! Me encantó leer tu respuesta. Comprendí todo con la ayuda del Internet! Recuerdo todo el estudiar que hice para aprender francés. La mayoría del tiempo, fue penoso. Entonces habría un gran avance y las cosas sería bueno para un rato. Entonces, era más monótono. Se siguió así hasta que por fin pensar en francés y no traducir del Inglés al Francés. Es mucho trabajo, pero la recompensa es rico! Me parece que pensar en otro idioma es ver el mundo de una manera nueva y emocionante. ¡Estoy contento que usted se siente inspiró y en la paz en sus nuevos alrededores! ¡Cómo diversión para leer Harry a Alfarero en español! Para mí, la lectura en voz alta de Francia ayudó mucho. Estoy pensando en ti y el envío de mucho amor! ¡Acción de gracias feliz!
5th November 2009

Hi Anjna!
A chocopina is a slice of frozen pineapple on a stick that´s dipped in chocolate and nuts.....yummy!! Thanks for the update of Mother Center, it sounds wonderful. Were you dressed up too?
5th November 2009

Hi Rach
Thanks. No need to do this in Spanish, I gave up that idea a while back. I do have 1 friend who posts in Spanish and I do enjoy it but I don´t many people would read it in Spanish and I would be very limited in what I could post .
5th November 2009

Hi Steph
Yeah, I love the view from my room. There are about 30 students in my school right now. This is the slow season. I´m told that there can be as many as 80 students in the summer. The celebration definately seems like it is right up your alley. I always remember when you asked me to take you to Grandma Oyes´grave.
5th November 2009

Sounds wonderful. I am still hoping to find some devotees in Xela, but so far no luck. Thanks for keeping me posted. The holiday season is always such a sacred and special time at Hollywood Temple. I am happy to hear about the festivities.
5th November 2009

Thanks for the prayers, love,and support!!
5th November 2009

¡Hola Chica!
Tu no eres tonto, pero me gusta la palabra. Estoy Escritiando in español sin el dictionario entonces perdon las problemas por favor. Me encanto recibir su letre in español & puedo a aprender mucho. Yo solemente aprendio tres tiempos (presente, el preterito, y imperfecto). El tiempo tiene frio aqui & tiene lluevo tambian. Espero tu peudes comprender mis palabras. ¡Adios!
5th November 2009

Hi Tamara, Really enjoying your updates and so glad that your "Guate Girl" expereince is going so well. You are an excellent writer and the photos are great, too. You're bringing back some memories for me. I've been on a chicken bus WITH chickens (quite an experience) and I've shopped in Chichicastenaga, but how did I ever miss chocopinas?! Take good care. It's great to hear from you. Much love, Mary Ann
4th November 2009

Hey Tamara; Boy! I can see that you are really getting to know the locals and the lifestyle thats wonderful. Life here is as usual. Halloween was a fun night I was serving near the queen's court. Helping the children carefully come down the steps after being blessed by the queen. There were over 2300 people mostly children. Lilah was there with her husband Lilah was Tinkerbell and Manu Captain Cook. That was cute! The weather here has been too warm I hope it cools down soon. We really could use rain. I am happy to hear about your chocopina experience- is that chocolate with pineapple? Thanks again for keeping us informed. Lots of love and Divine Mother warmth to you. Anjna
4th November 2009

good writing
You are actually quite a good little writer Tamara. I didn't know that about you. I am thinking of you and thanks for the pictures and updates. Uh...Is this supposed to be in Spanish? I love the pictures and stories, keep them coming.
3rd November 2009

well at least your room has a view it looks like.thats pretty neat that they have celebrations to honor there loved ones lives. to bad we dont have celebrations like that. they seem more happy out there than americans. And thats great that there are a couple other students so you guys can help eachother learn spanish. well sounds like you are having fun and learning alot. we need some of those chocolate covered pinneapple's out here!
3rd November 2009

Loved the pictures
Tam, sounds like your fittin g in really well. What an experien ce. Try to stay warm. Miss you. Mom
3rd November 2009

Skateboarders and Jim-all English
Hi Guate Gal, Very much enjoyed your latest entry. When I was a boy we always celebrated the eve of All Saints Day by going Trick or Treating (All Hallows Eve or more commonly called Halloween). Nov. 1st was our Bro. Anandamoy's birthday and Nov. 2nd (today) is Bro. Bhaktananda's B.D. Many people in America probably have forgotten the meaning of these important days. It's good to see our brothers and sisters in Guatamala remembering the holy ones who have graced our lives and their dear ones who have gone before them. Your life in Xela seems to be a very colorful one. The chocopina surely covers many a frustration. Thank you for all the beautiful pictures. We are beginning to set up for the Christmas Faire already. This past Wed. evening was Lay Disciple night and we saw a video of a talk Bro. Bhaktananda gave at the 1994 Convocation. The perfect thing! It was like getting a birthday present from him. Well, time to close. Keep warm and keep up the good fight! Hasta luego! In Master's joy. Mr. Jim Wing
3rd November 2009

Blog & photos
Hey Sister! Great pictures and naratives as usual. Keep 'em up! We miss you a lot. We always include you in our healing circle on Monday nights. I pray that this experience is all you imagined and more! Keep warm and learn lots. God bless you my sister.
3rd November 2009

Tonto mí
Oops! Yo no me di cuenta de que podría hacer comentarios acerca de su página! Hola, chica! Adoro lectura su blog de viaje. Sus experiencias son muy interesantes. Sobreviví curso avanzado de Landmark. Estaré comenzando SELP este mes. Teniendo adelantos agradables. ¿Tengo yo sentido en español? Probablemente no! Dan es todavía un petimetre fresco. ¡Yo me pregunto cómo eso fue traducido a español! ¡Muchas risas! Nosotros no somos casados, todavía. ¡Víspera de Todos los Santos feliz, mi amiga! El tiempo tiene calor aquí. Adiós para ahora. ¡La escritura en español es divertida!

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