Megan Petty


Megan Petty

I'm a senior at Ole Miss studying abroad at Sophia University from September through January.

Asia » Japan » Tokyo December 23rd 2009

Days 55-97: November 11- December 23, 2009 Sorry I haven’t updated in almost two months… School and social life have gotten the better of me. Because it’s been so long, I’ll only mention days that I remember things. I have this little planner that I occasionally wrote down things in, so that’s what I’m going off of. On Nov. 12th, I bought a sweatshirt and a book holder thing from the Sophia book store. I’m very happy with them :) On the 13th, I went out to Artyfarty and had a wonderful time :) I see why everyone goes almost every weekend now. But everyone seems to be getting tired of going to the same club every weekend, so I guess we’ll see how many times we go. On the 17th, I have midterms in Japanese ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo November 10th 2009

Days 40-54: October 26-November 10, 2009 Sorry I haven’t updated in two weeks, it’s been pretty crazy for me. I don’t remember what I did the 26th through the 29th… Probably just the usual… Go to school, come back, occasionally go to the supermarket to get food… Nothing big. On the 30th I went to Karaoke for the first time. Masaki, Nicole, Molly and I walked to the other side of Warabi station to go to this fairly cheap place. It was hella-fun! On the 31st, I stayed in most of the day so that I could rest up for Halloween night!!! The package Jessy sent me came sometime during the week (Thursday I think…), and so I basically only wore stuff she sent me. I bought this little headband with a crazy little hat attached ... read more
Cafe au lait in a juicebox...
Frodrick visits Lita's room
Frodrick with Alex

Asia » Japan » Tokyo October 25th 2009

Days 31-39: October 17-25, 2009 On the 17th, I got money (it turns out I was just trying to get out too much…), and then I went grocery shopping; nothing exciting. On the 18th, I tried to rest because this cold sucks!!! On the 19th, I went to school thanks to Dayquil, and afterwards Fox went with me to Warabi. I saw this cute purse and phone charm last time I went there, and I went to try to find them again, but I couldn’t find the phone charm store, and the store that sold the purse I wanted was closed :( So I just went home, the cold still has me feeling like crap. On the 20th, I found cough drops at the 7-11 at school !!! :D Maybe I wont cough up everything now! ... read more
It's in English!
Frodo and Belc
Let's We Are Enjoying Good Law-Men Times XD

Asia » Japan » Tokyo October 16th 2009

Days 21-30: October 7-16, 2009 On the 7th, it was still raining… We had to go watch a film --The Funeral-- for a while, and then we went to Akihabara. A word of advise for anyone going to Japan, Akihabara at night in the rain is miserable on a Wednesday night… I imagine I’ll go back one day though; it seemed like a good place to get a lot of souvenirs for people back home. By far, it’s the most touristy place I’ve seen since I’ve been here. On the 8th, the worst typhoon to hit Japan in 10 years (according to an article I read while trying to find out if the train lines had been canceled) hit us; well, it hit the other side of the island more than it hit us… But we ... read more
My shelf with all my contents from home
Pool Table in kitchen area
Flowers in Nishi-Kawaguchi

Asia » Japan » Tokyo October 6th 2009

Days 16-20: October 2-6, 2009 So I went for my other set of classes on the 2nd. They all seem to be pretty cool. I have my Japanese class and Development of Japanese Civilization class --which seems to be pretty awesome by the way. Karsunn is in my Japanese Civ. Class too, so I know someone in there as well :) On the way home, I met Alex who invited me to go out to Karaoke with them. Then I met John who wanted (and convinced me) to go out to Shinjuku with him and some other people. Shinjuku was a lot of fun, and the way there was a lot more fun…, but Lita and I had to take Staci home around 11 because the poor thing was laying down at the bar. I feel ... read more
Me and Lita
Effia, Staci, Me and Lita at the train
Staci, about to walk into traffic

Asia » Japan » Tokyo October 1st 2009

Days 13-15: September 29-October 1, 2009 On the 29th, we went and figured out our placement test results. I got into Japanese 3, which I was a little disappointed about, but then I figured, since I hadn’t finished IJ yet, it was probably appropriate. Then we went to our advising session, where the man told us that he had no clue what he was supposed to do, we didn’t register until the 2nd, and we should all just leave. Nice waste of around $7 to get there… I did nothing on the 30th. I cooked dinner, and was completely lazy besides that. It was wonderful October 1st is my first day of school. So I leave a bit early so that I know I’ll get to school on time and partake in my first crowded morning ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo September 28th 2009

Days 10-12: September 26-28 Looked up a store online that has prepaid phones, and the closest one that has them FOR SURE was in freaking Harajuku… So I get Lita to go with me, and when we get there, I realized that I forgot my alien registration form and my passport… WONDERFUL! So we walk around for a long time, get smoothies at this place called Forbidden Fruit, and two cute Japanese guys came and sat by us. We walked around some more, walked down Harajuku St. and I finally got my crepe. ‘Twas yummy ;) We were gonna go to Meiji shrine, but it was 4 when we got out of Harajuku St. and it closed at 4:30. We’ll go next time, because now we have to go back again… I didn’t do much on ... read more
Forbidden Fruit
Forbidden Fruit Glass
Harajuku St.

Asia » Japan » Tokyo September 25th 2009

Days 6-9: September 22-25, 2009 The past few days have been pretty laid back. Both on the 22nd and 23rd, pretty much all I did was wake up, talk to parents, go out exploring (I found this HUMUNGUS 7-11, I was so happy), eat lunch while out, come back, make some sort of dinner, talk to more people, go to bed. It was nice having a few quiet days. The 24th was the day of orientation, and Ashley and I had met in the hallway the night before and made plans to go together. Lita and Shinae went with us too. Orientation wasn’t until 2:30, so we decided to leave at 12, eat lunch in Yotsuya, then go to orientation. Well, it took us longer to get there than we thought it would, so we had ... read more
Austrailian Mandarins
Miso Ramen
Ramune flavored KitKats

Asia » Japan » Tokyo September 21st 2009

Day 5: September 21, 2009, The flan parfait-ice-cream-thingie wasn’t that bad Talked to mom and dad for a big this morning, then got a shower. Eventually I’m gonna study for that placement exam, I promise ;p Three of us who went out last night rode bikes to donkyote to get supplies for survival, and the place is packed with all sorts of stuff and a lot of people. The seat of the bike was too high, and my big but on a seat that small (and slanted upwards…) was the most miserable thing I’ve been through so far. It’s still hard to sit down… But we went to the store and I ended up spending somewhere around 40 dollars, and then we rode back. I was in front, so I was going really fast. I felt ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo September 21st 2009

Day 4: September 20, 2009 First of all, I just realized I’ve been putting all my dates as August, so now I have to go back and change that… Woke up, talked to mom and Chris At noon, a bunch of us met up to go to Harajuku. When we got there, we ate in this building with a bunch of restaurants, and it ended up all the guys ate Thai and all the girls ate Chinese. Then we searched around for the main street; it took forever, but we found it. Some of the boys broke off while we were in a store, so it ended up with just 6 of us. We walked the streets and went into a few stores. I got yelled at because I was trying to take a picture of ... read more
Crow in the park
Park in Shinjuku

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