Ninh Binh

September 5th 2010
Published: September 5th 2010
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Toto je nas posledni vstup psany z Asie. Posledni dva dny jsme stravili v neprilis hezkem provincnim meste Ninh Binh, kolem ktereho ale jsou krasne vapencove utvary podobne tem v Halong Bay jen s tim rozdilem, ze tady jsou na pevnine.

Oba dny jsme si v nasem hotelu pujcili motorku a vydali se na pruzkum. Vcera jsme se jeli podivat nejdriv na zajimavou katedralu, ktera je postavena jako mix goticke a orientalni architektury a potom do jeskyni Tam Coc. Tam Coc jsou vapencove jeskyne, ktere je mozne nastivit pouze po vode a na nepripraveneho turistu zde muze cekat nejedno nemile prekvapeni. Nas nastesti pripravil nas pritel Lonely... Kazdy navstevnik si krome vstupneho musi zaplatit i lodicku, ktera je pohanena jednim z mistnich vesnicanu. Nasim puvodnim veslarem byl starsi pan, ktery si nas ale po chvili vymenil s pani, se kterou na nasi lodku putovala jeste kouzelna truhla, jejiz tajemny obsah nam byl brzy odtajnen. Nez se totiz nase lodicka otocila na zpatecni cestu, pani nam ho odhalila se slovy: "You buy souvenir". Truhla obsahovala rucne vysivane ubrusy, tricka a dalsi kramy. Abychom se moc nerozepisovali... Po absolvovani obligatniho smlouvani jsme si koupili krasny, vysivany ubrus na stul, ktery jeste nemame, do bytu ktery taky jeste nemame.

Dnes jsme vyrazili na prohlidu chramu, ktere jsou rozhazene mezi vapencovymiv skalami pobliz Ninh Binh. Vietnamci si bohuzel zdejsi krajiny moc nevazi a dost necitlive v ni stavi. Nasi projizdu tudiz dost kazily neustale projizdejici kamiony prevazejici hlinu a kameni.

Cestou jsme taky narazili na asi nejdivnejsi misto, ktere jsme na nasi ceste potkali {coz zahrnuje i Budha park ve Vientiane}. Jedna se o rozestaveny komplex budhistickych chramu, ktery je ale pojaty v megalomanskem budovatelskem stylu. Protoze stoji uprosted niceho, byli jsme jedni z mala zapadnich turistu, kteri se tam dostanou, a proto jsme i budili velkou pozornost.

Zitra rano odjizdime do Hanoje, odkud dalsi den letime zpet do Prahy. Az budeme doma, tak jeste napiseme zaverecny vstup, kde pro zajemce napiseme orientacne ceny a par dalsich typu na cestu.

This is our closing entry writen in Asia. We spent the last two days in not paricularly nice provincial town Ninh Binh which is surrounded by beautiful limestone karsts. These are similar to the ones in Halong Bay only that in here are inlands.

We borrowed a motorbike in both days and went to explore this part of the country. Yesterday we firstly went to see quite interesting church which is built as mixture between gothic cathedral and oriental pagoda. From there we went to Tam Coc caves which are accesible only on a boat. There might be some unpleasant surprises for unprepared tourists. Luckyly, thanks to our friend Lonely we weren't one of them.

In price of a ticket to Tam Coc is also included fee for a little boat which is proppeled by one of local villagers. Our journey started with an old boy who after a while swaped with his wife with whom a magic box came to our boat. Contains of this box was presently revealed to us with words: "You buy souvenir". There were handcrafted tablecloths, T-shirts and other stuff. To cut the story short... We bought a very nice tablecloth for a table which we don't have yet, to a flat which we don't have either.

Today we went to explore temples which are hidden among rocky hills nearby Ninh Binh. Unfortunately, Vietnamese are not very environmentaly concious therefore, there is lot of building going on in this beautiful landscape. We were very often disturbed by trucks which are rushing around all the time.

Tomorrow we are going to Hanoi and the next day we fly back to Prague. When we get home we want to add one more entry with some information on prices and some other tips.


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