Blogs from Cu Chi, Ho Chi Minh City, Southeast, Vietnam, Asia - page 7


Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » Cu Chi May 13th 2010

The Cu Chi tunnels are about 2 hours from HCMC and are very well worth the trip. Every tour operator in the backpakers district offers the day trip for only $5. At the tunnels you see different styles of traps that the Vietcong used during the war and you do get the opportunity to go down into the tunnels. There are three different levels of tunnels with the top level being the biggest. It is still so small that you almost have to get down on your hands and knees. The bottom two levels and not open to tourists but I believe that the bottom levle is so small you have to lay on your stomach to get through, I can not imagine. I was only able to do 20 meters of the tunnels before my ... read more
Bamboo Trap
AK47 or M16?
Going into the tunnel

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » Cu Chi May 3rd 2010

I've always enjoyed war movies dating from the World War I and World War II... it's a shame how I've 'only' heard of the war in Vietnam but have no clue what it's all about.... how it started.... and how it ended... I must admit that it was more of a disturbing shock for me when I saw the other side (the vietnam side, since being in Canada all I see is the hollywood american war heroes) of the war during my visit at the Cu Chi Tunnel... and after I visited the War Remnants Museum at Ho Chi Minh it opened my eyes to the reality of war and what exactly happened during the Vietnam War... something more than the eye can explain... reading the description of the war remnants and seeing the pictures of ... read more
the entrance to Cu Chi tunnel
getting ready to try the tunnel
Cu Chi Tunnel

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » Cu Chi April 25th 2010

We were up early again today to catch our bus to see the Vietcong tunnels at Cu Chi. We made the most of our free baguette breakfast at the hotel then hopped on the bus just after 8. The bus, which we rather naively expected to be a minibus, was a full blown tour bus full to the brim with the tourist types. Also as we were one of the last on, I got sat next to a big bloke so i spent the 2 hr journey riding sitting sidewards as i didnt fully fit on the 1/2 of a seat left for me. Our guide, Tung, was an eccentric character. He had fought for the Vietcong in his youth and bore a nasty scar from where hed been shot by a US helicopter. He sang ... read more
tank - wrecked
nasty trap

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » Cu Chi April 9th 2010

Our Vietnamese border crossing was at the newly opened border town of Ha Tien with a final destination of the island of Phu Quoc. We left on a journey that should have taken three hours from Shinoukville but in fact took six. A lot of the stoppages were unnecessary but we did not suspect what was to come. Upon arrival at the port at 12.58 we knew the boat was supposed to depart at 1pm but as there were 30 tourists who had all booked the onward journey to the island we assumed it wouldn't be a problem. Having exchanged our bus tickets for boat tickets we hurried down to the pier only to see the gangplank raised and the boat ready to leave. Despite the protests to the crew the boat did indeed leave without ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » Cu Chi April 8th 2010

É impossível falar de Ho Chi Min City sem comparar essa megalópole de 10 milhões de habitantes e cinco milhões de motocicletas, coração financeiro do Vietnã, com sua irmã bastarda do norte, Hanói. Enquanto a última, com suas vielas, chapéus de palha e berço do comunismo guarda resquícios de um passado em que teima perpetuar, a primeira direciona seus holofotes para o futuro, com grandes arranha-céus, shopping centers e sedes de multinacionais dando a tônica do que será o país daqui para frente. Apesar disso, sinais dos anos 60 e 70 ainda são vistos em quase todos os cantos. É o contraste entre o moderno e o tradicional, um resumo do Vietnã que conhecemos nessa viagem e um indício de um país que tende a mudar muito daqui pra frente. Ho Chi Min City (ainda Saigon ... read more
Cu Chi

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » Cu Chi March 28th 2010

I was up at 8.00am this morning with a severe hangover before getting the tour bus to the CU CHI Tunnels. These are a complex of underground tunnels that some of the Vietnamese people retreated to during the war. They fought from underground using various deadly booby traps, sniper holes and other tactics with the limited resource they had. There was a short walk into the jungle first of all before reaching the complex. The Tunnels go to 10 meters deep, it gets really hot under the ground and is totally pitch black. I learned quite a lot about the war here and it’s odd to think that it only happened around 30 - 40 years ago. The tour guide was a real raconteur and kept everyone entertained. Some of the tunnels can’t be entered anymore ... read more
A trap
Me firing an AK47
Inside the tunnel

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » Cu Chi February 7th 2010

After breakfast we jumped on a coach and were heading for the Cu Chi Tunnels. We had a guided tour from a retired Vietnamese secret service agent, which was a little bit of a contradiction being as he helped the green beret in the war, nevertheless he was funny and informative. He also was impressed by the dedication of the tunnel people, crawling through tunnels for up to 5km non stop. The tunnels were just something else, so small narrow and dark, and people lived in these! Quite a feat! Neither Charlie or Laura would go down in the tunnels but I braved it and crawled a section for about 5 minutes. It was so dark and narrow, and a bit eerie, not to mention it was so so hot! I was certainly glad to come ... read more
Cu Chi Tunnels
AK 47

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » Cu Chi January 6th 2010

Das zweite Ziel der Tour waren die Tunnel von cu Chi, ein ausgedehntes Tunnelsystem, das den Partisanen der Vietcong als Lebensraum und Basis für Guerilla-Angriffe auf amerikanische Streitkräfte und ihre südvietnamesischen Verbündeten diente. Unser Führer hieß Hai (ja, wie der Fisch) und er entschuldigte sich bereits zu Beginn der Tour für sein schlechtes Englisch. Er hatte selbst im Amerikanischen Krieg, wie der Vietnamkrieg hier genannt wird, auf Seiten der Amerikaner gekämpft. Danach hatte er zwanzig Jahre lang kein Englisch mehr gesprochen. Nach dem Krieg war es nicht einfach für ihn, einen Job zu finden und auch heute noch verdient er laut eigener Aussage mit 5 $ am Tag weniger als andere Guides, die 8 $ verdienen würden. Wie sich aber herausstellte, war sein Englisch durchaus verständlich und seine Erläuterungen von einem trockenen Humor geprägt. Wir waren ... read more
Alltagsleben der Partisanen
Noch ist die Falltuere verborgen.

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » Cu Chi December 26th 2009

A visit to Cu Chi War Tunnels and learning about the experiences of the Vietnam War with our tour guide being none other than a Vietnam Veteran himself.... read more
Thursday, 8th October 2009 - Saturday, 24th October 2009 063
Thursday, 8th October 2009 - Saturday, 24th October 2009 067
Thursday, 8th October 2009 - Saturday, 24th October 2009 070

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » Cu Chi December 16th 2009

PHNOM PENH TO HO CHI MINH CITY It took the entire day to cross from Phnom Penh to the Vietnamese border, to tackle customs and then to reach Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) itself, but on Tues 10 November 2009 we crossed into Vietnam and at 9pm we finally arrived at our destination Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). NEVER MIND ALL THE BICYCLES IN BEIJING, THERE ARE A BILLION SCOOTERS IN HO CHI MINH! The first thing which struck us about Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) was the sheer volume of scooters there. There were billions!! No exaggeration! Looking out from the bus, you could just see a sea of heads, you couldn't even begin to count how many gathered at each red traffic light (well thats if they bothered to stop at the red ... read more
Paul with Tank
Just like the people carrier's at home

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