Blogs from Quang Binh, North Central Coast, Vietnam, Asia - page 2


Asia » Vietnam » North Central Coast » Quang Binh July 6th 2015

Sarah: Despite the 6 hour train journey turning in to just over 7 hours, the views were stunning as we rode up the coast from Danang to Dong Hoi, arriving at about 7:30pm. We didn't get round to exploring to see if there was a buffet car on the train, but several trolleys came through with food of increasing palatability...passing on the steamed corn and weird boiled eggs we settled on some barbecued skewers with some rice and veggies. It was certainly an improvement on a tasteless sarnie from the First Great Western trolleys at home! The train station was a typically hectic affair: backpackers, locals, taxi drivers all determined to slow our progress through the crowds. Nonetheless, we found our pre-arranged ride and hopped in with another couple to our latest digs in Son Trach, ... read more
Phong Nha Ke Bang
Paradise Cave fun
View from the zipline to Dark Cave

Asia » Vietnam » North Central Coast » Quang Binh January 14th 2015

This morning we slept in a little late and rushed to get dressed in time to have breakfast before our trip to the caves. Thank goodness Dani was a lot better and able to do the tour with us. Delicious (I know I’m using this word a LOT, but seriously all the food here is fantastic.) breakfast of banana pancakes (as good as Cactus, Langkawi), perfectly poached eggs with baguettes, omelette and fresh fruit salad with yoghurt. Breakfast was included with our room rate but rather than being a buffet, you order off a menu. We literally had to throw back our cuppas before joining the tour bus for the day. The bus left just before 9 and we were off driving alongside farms, rice paddies and waterways. It wasn’t long before we were turning into ... read more
Rice fields on the way to the caves
Dani and Zav overlooking the river on the way to the caves
Our ride to the caves...

Asia » Vietnam » North Central Coast » Quang Binh » Phong Nha Ke Bang January 13th 2015

This morning we were up and having breakfast by 7.00am as our pickup was 7.30am to take us to the airport for our flight to Dong Hoi. We had a bit of a panic at the airport as the taxi driver took us to the International airport instead of the domestic. Lucky there were shuttle buses to transport people from on airport to the other as they are just down the road from each other. Hopping on the plane I was a bit nervous as it was only a fairly small plane. You know it’s a small plane when there are only 5 steps to walk up and into it. Flight was fairly smooth and we arrived at Dong Hoi airport at 11.00am. We were met by our driver who drove us the 45mins to the ... read more
Morning flower market
Bridge on the way to the airport
Frankie waiting for the bags.

Asia » Vietnam » North Central Coast » Quang Binh » Phong Nha Ke Bang September 20th 2014

Today was easily one of the nicest days of my life. Why? Because sometimes all you need is a reminder that life is simple, and simple things are beautiful and can make you very happy. I travelled from Hue to Phong Nha with Andrew, whom I met in the hostel in Hanoi. Phong Nha National Park has many caves, and you basically come here to explore caves. Many caves are still being discovered in this area on an annual if not weekly basis. Just 4 years ago, the largest cave in the world was discovered here. A trek in this cave takes 7 days. Let's talk about caves. I love caves. Which makes little sense since I'm intensely claustrophobic, but then again I'm also ridiculously stubborn .... so, I came here. To explore caves. Which I ... read more

Leaving Hanoi was hard as we'd had a lovely time eating and drinking our way through all the streets of the old town, and wandering around the lake of an evening. Our next stop was the famous Phong Nha caves, home to the very recently discovered biggest cave in the world. To get there we took a tour to the "Halong Bay of the rice paddies" at Ninh Binh (Tam Coc). It was a beautiful trip in a small canoe along a central canal in the rice paddies with spectacular karst mountains rising up all around you. We also went through a few caves on the boat. It was very touristy however, with boats waiting for us at the end of the river to sell souvenirs, food and drinks, and pretty incessant "tip, tip sir, tip ... read more
Beautiful Tam Coc
Heading towards cave 1
Out the other side with beverage boats waiting

The whole point of heading north to Huế was to eventually make our way to Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park and one of Asia's largest cave systems. Our homestay was in Cu Nam, a rural village surrounded by rice paddies, about 180km north of Huế near the Laotian border. Cu Nam is off the beaten path and the tourist industry is pretty undeveloped so the people we met were extra-friendly and curious. The following morning we were picked up early for the 90 minute drive to the caves and met our fellow trekkers which included an experienced caver and photographer from Calgary named Joseph. Just our luck as Matt doesn't have a tripod and knew that the low light situation in the caves would make photography challenging. Luckily Joseph most generously gave us permission to use some ... read more
Leashed Cattle
Ready to Go!
Roberta descending into the first Cavern

vietnam von unten, ist das tages thema von heute. wir haben neue freunde: esther aus vorarlberg und ben aus neuseeland, die jetzt in schottland leben. zu viert mieten wir uns zwei mopeds um unter strahlend sonnigem vietnamesischen himmel eine tour zu zwei weiteren höhlen zu machen. vietnam lässt sich ja angeblich am besten via moped erkunden und unterwegs wird uns klar, warum. es fahren ohnehin beinahe ausschließlich mopeds, was es zum puren vergnügen macht, über die breiten straßen und ohne störende autos zu cruisen. rechts und links weitreichende reisfelder, kleine dörfer und immer die wundersamen berge in unmittelbarer nähe. nach kurzer strecke erreichen wir den nationalpark, zahlen völlig zurecht eine kleine gebühr, um dann durch irre grüntöne, entlang von türkisen flüssen und beeindruckenden kalkfelsen zu kurven. die straße ist in bestem zustand, der fahrtwind... read more
paradise cave
paradise cave II
paradise cave III

heute zeigt sich vietnam so, wie man es sich vorstellt. mit endlosen reisfeldern unter durch eine milde brise durchbrochener schwüle und abwechselnd bewölktem himmel. in aller frühe kommen wir mit unserem open bus in dong hoi an und stärken uns gleich mal mit wunderbrau frisch gebrautem vietnamesischen kaffee. dieser wird in eigenen kleinen aufsetzen direkt in die gläser gefiltert und schmeckt herrlich karamellig. mit händen und füßen verständigen wir uns mit dem cafe-inhaber und schlussendlich bringen wir ein zielführendes telefongespräch mit unserer homestay lady zu stande. wir werden abgeholt und durch herrlich grünes landleben zum pepperhouse homestay gebracht. das sehr authentische homestay (betten sind nur durch vorhänge getrennt) inmitten von pfeffer, reis und bananenfeldern ist unter vietnamesisch-australischer führung (die chefin hat einen australier geheirate... read more
höhlen impressionen
höhlen impressionen II
river road

Asia » Vietnam » North Central Coast » Quang Binh » Phong Nha Ke Bang September 1st 2013

Wir fuhren von Hue los um zu den Vinh Moc Tunneln zu geladen. Als wir dort ankamen, fing es erstmal kräftig zu regnen an. So warteten wir 2 Stunden, bis wir endlich die Tunnel anschauen konnten. Dafür hatten wir einen Guide, da wir zusammen mit einer anderen Gruppe gewartet hatten, welche einen Guide hatte. Wir schlossen uns ihnen an. Die Vinh Moc Tunnel sind ziemlich ähnlich der Tunneln in Saigon. In Vinh Moc hatten sie aber nur den Zweck Schutz der Bevölkerung, sowie das versteckte Lagern von Kriegsmitteln, bevor diese dann weiter in den Süden transportiert wurde. Die Tunneln sind noch viel besser erhalten und noch im Ursprünglichen Zustand. Man kann durch die meisten Tunneln "hindurchgehen" (eher hindurchkriechen). Weil wir 2 Stunden warteten bis es aufhörte zu regnen, ging unser Plan schief und so übernachteten wir ... read more
Anbetungsort für die heilige Maria
ein Reisfeld

Right around 4 am I was rustled awake and took a few seconds to get my bearings - 'Dong Hoi' one of the employees said softly, 'this is Dong Hoi.' I shook Tara awake and we looked around the sleeping town a bit disoriented. The maps in guide books or even on google maps easily provide that false sense of security, looking at it from above it all seems so easy - until you are dropped down into the streets and suddenly it all falls apart - completely unfamiliar from those simple lines on the pages. While the rest of the bus dreamed, huddled up tight in their blankets, their destination of Hoi An a few more restful hours down the high-way, Tara and I gathered our luggage and trudged out into the dark streets – ... read more
Lagoon inside the National Park
Paradise Cave
Inside the cave

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