Blogs from Maldives, Asia - page 16


Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll July 12th 2009

I arrived to Baros Maldives resort in the morning via speedboat. Luxury 5 star I tell you. They gave me cold wet towels and a drink during my 20 mins ride to the resort. When I finally arrived, management personally came out to greet me, offered me this delicious cold ginger tea and escorted me to my water villa. When I finally reached my water villa, my luggage was already there and my room attendant explained to me everything in the room. I had a hard time paying attention to what he was saying as I had my eyes towards the balcony overlooking the ocean. When he finally left (which seems like an eternity) I changed into my swimsuit and ran outside, oh man WHAT A VIEW! I have to say many people wondered why ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 5

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll July 9th 2009

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll July 9th 2009

Extras photo de la capitale des Maldives... read more
flotte port male
male 1
male 2

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll July 9th 2009

Photos de mon Resort : Paradise Island... read more
resort 2
resort 3
resort 4

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll July 7th 2009

26 juin : Depart vers 6 :30 pour l’aeroport, direction Delhi. Dans le vehicule qui m’amene a l’aeroport je fais la rencontre d’une jolie francaise qui a fait ses etudes a l’Universite d’Ottawa, malheureusement j’ai oublie son nom, je sais juste qu’elle travaille dans le secteur administratif. Vols Kabul - Delhi - Colombo, avec 6 heures d’attente a Delhi et la nuit a passer a Colombo. Aeroport de Colombo beaucoup plus beau que celui de Delhi. Avion, service et bouffe beaucoup mieux avec Srilankan Airway qu’avec Air India. 27 juin : Tot le matin, vol Colombo - Male. En arrivant au dessu de Male, je peux affirmer, selon mes maigres et legeres experience en avion, qu’il y avait de legeres turbulence ! By the way, si vous pouvez aller voir l’aeroport de Male sur Google je ... read more
poisson 2
male 1
male 2

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll May 8th 2009

August 2008 - We had already booked our holiday so off we pop to the Maldives for two weeks of the most relaxing holiday you can ever imagine, I enjoy it far more than Fiona who is suffering terribly from morning sickness and obviously can’t drink or enjoy any of the water sports I’m partaking in. Worst of all we’d booked a posh Jacuzzi villa and Fiona is told not to use it because she’s pregnant, I think this hurts her more than the zero alcohol intake…. She does enjoy some special pregnancy massages and loves the pain I’m in after getting a deep tissue massage. Seriously, I hurt my back water skiing and though I’d go for a massage, now you may remember from Laos and Thailand that massages aren’t really my bag but I ... read more

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll May 7th 2009

UNO - Red ants have taken over, they are the ruler of all. Main quarters located in bed, wardrobe and kitchen DOS - Franko the rat and family.. who's excrement has found its way between my sheets TRES - Little black rice like bugs who i believe are the culprit of the majority of my misery, QUATRO - Spiders, up, down, sidways and in every nook and cranny CINCO - I am pleased to introduce the newest member of my family, the cockroach! Found mainly in my scarf and underwear drawer you'll find they are a lovely shade of redish brown in this fine country! My lack of attention to you, dear travel blog and readers, is due to illness.. what kind of illness you may ask? Why none other than the fabulous Dengue FEVER!! As ... read more

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll May 3rd 2009

Well things are looking up yet again. But I refuse to speak too soon.. I reserve the right to keep my heart strings pulled tight and my toes stiffened out of fear of another collapse in this bipolar fairytale land. I again have power to my lap top, i now can power all of my electronics, i have a money on my cell phone and Franco the fridge rat seems to be well acquainted with all that live in this castle ruled by vermin, in fact.. he may be king!? I've learnt that teaching at this school isn't all that important, i do believe that its more of a cash grab than anything else. These children speak, read and write better than i do. I am certain the roles aught to be reversed and I should ... read more

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll May 2nd 2009

After having the best day I could possibly imagine yesterday everything took an ugly turn. The white sand and blue water had washed any almost every worry in the world but my heart sank along with the sun. After a lengthy unpaid meeting I went to get money from a bank machine as I had finally spent all of my airport money. There was a long line up, 'men' were hissing at me and saying things under their breath in divehi. Young boys were laughing back and forth through the glass with the security guard who wouldn't stop pointing at me. It was almost my turn at the machine, the two guys in front of me tried twice and were rejected, they went out to their way to usher me toward the machine to give it ... read more
frank the squid
male from the beach
sparkle foot swim

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll April 28th 2009

Well, I've just gotten in after three days of being in transit. Best shower I've had for awhile. They wanted me to go straight to the school but I really need to lie down in an actual lying down fashion. Maybe unpack I made my first Maldivian purchase.. TP! Woot! I apologize about the lack of excitement and/or detail but i'm pretty much an empty shell of some sort of brain eating living dead at this point. To all who care to know, I am alive and very excited for my first sleep.. my first swim and most of all my first class. I'm going to go ahead and check the most important one off that list right away! Loves and Carrots April ... read more

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