Blogs from Male Atoll, Maldives, Asia - page 5


Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll November 13th 2012

Hello again :-) I've woken to another beautiful morning on the island of Kurumba - I'm not sure there is any other kind of morning in the Maldives... I'm sporting two very attractive mosiquito bites (one on each leg...) and my hair really has taken on a life of it's own! The locals have suggested coconut oil to tame the curls so might give that a try. Can you tell I'm not really a morning person...? I'm heading to work in an hour or so and get this... I go by speed boat!!! No crowded buses or trains here... this would not be a place to work if you get sea sick :-) I'd like to think I resemble a 'Bond' girl whilst standing on the rear deck casually leaning against the railings but in truth ... read more

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll November 11th 2012

Warm wishes from the Maldives. A new employment contract and a new adventure for me, as is writing this blog. Something I have always wanted to do but never quite got around to... bit like working overseas as a travel rep - should have done it in my 20's but settled down instead, now in my footloose and fancy-free forties I have never enjoyed life so much. I have worked mainly in Switzerland but did a stint in Finnish Lapland and a brief spell in Northern Italy. It's not a boast or an enticement, simply the chance to tell people what I've encountered along the way. If you're still reading this, my first ever blog - then thank you - any feedback and advice will be most welcome :-) So now I find myself in paradise, ... read more

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll August 26th 2012

Jak vlastne vznikla situace, do který jsem se dostal, jsem popsal v minulym prispevku. Vsechno bylo potvrzeny, Zderada se doopravdy vydava k rovniku a byla jen otazka kdy. Puvodni odlet byl planovan na konec zari, konkretne 28. Bohuzel na Maledivach zrovna v tu dobu bylo vyrizovani pracovnich viz dost pomaly, takze se datum odletu posunulo na paty rijen s tim, ze to uz snad bude vyrizeno a ja budu moct zacit pracovat. Ani takovyhle odklad ale nestacil, ovšem nakonec jsme se dohodli, ze toho pateho odletim s tim, ze se ještě prikoupi prelet na Sri Lanku, kde ve druhem sidle firmy na udeleni viza pockam. No proc ne, na Sri Lance se preci jen ceka trochu jinak nez na Smrzovce. Krome toho jsem byl rad ze vim kolik casu na rozlucky zbyva. No.. Moc ho nebylo, ... read more
Svaca u LH
Frankfurt - odlety
Condor boarding

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll July 5th 2012

Our team has been warmly welcomed in the Maldives. We have been treated with the utmost care and respect and we feel so grateful to be here! Just when we thought we couldn't feel more honored, we were invited to have dinner with the President at the presidential palace. We were informed that we are the first group that has been brought inside the palace by the current president! We truly felt very special. We spoke for a long while with the President and his wife, Madame Ilham, about the mission of Knowledge for People and how our training here is helping their country. The following day we continued our training. The 35 teachers and 20 parents have been working so hard with us. Eight days of training for 6 hours each day is not easy ... read more

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll June 27th 2012

I arrived in the Maldives two days ago and all is well. Aside from my toes looking like little sausages from 21 hours on a plane and embarrassingly bawling my eyes out through the movie The Vow, the flights here were uneventful. Some of the other team members got stuck in Dubai due to delays at JFK on the first leg of their trip, but they ended up getting to do an awesome day tour there, so they were happy! We decided that we needed to get a glimpse of the Maldivian culture prior to starting our training so that we are as culturally sensitive as possible. Maldives is very tourist driven and most of the islands that are open to tourists are filled with resorts. This is not the Maldives we wanted to see. We ... read more

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll September 11th 2011

Club Med Kani in the Maldives is amazing. I have an overwater lagoon suite and the water flowing (quite fast actually) underneath is so clear it is see through to the sand and coral. The little black tipped sharks, baby stingrays and cheeky fish swim under my deck while I stare out to sea in peace. There’s a reef to the right that protects the sand cay from the waves, but every now and then a surge gets through and you can hear it whoosh up on to the beach. There’s a surfing break called Ninja’s that I can see, and a few surfers have paddled across at high tide and had a surf. Last night it rained so hard I thought I might wake up floating in the middle of the Indian Ocean, but these ... read more

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll July 23rd 2011

和男友約定過,一年總要去一個地方旅行。因為有了這個約定,2011年夏天,我們來到了馬爾代夫。 第一次聽到這個名字,是在18歲那年。透過文字的敘述,它竟然可以如此動人。我也在心裡告訴自己,有生之年,要親眼看看這一個被譽為“人間天堂”的地方。 我們用了半年時間,籌備這次旅行。馬來西亞時間8:45PM,飛機準時起飛。經過4小時,我們來到了這個讓我夢想了很多年的人間天堂。 過了海關,開始聞到海的味道。我的腳,踏踏實實地踩在這一片天堂。按着心裡的興奮,看到工作人員拿著渡假村的牌子,引導我們走向44號櫃檯。另外一位工作人員向我們確定了名字,將行李綁上房間號碼,就帶著我們走向碼頭。船都在等著了。此時已經是晚上9點(馬爾代夫時間),但站在碼頭往水里看,我竟然看到了珊瑚,看到了海底。以往只在DISCOVERY CHANNEL看到的珊瑚,真實的呈現在我眼前了。20分鐘的後,我們到達了渡假村。當時天色很暗。靠著微弱的燈光,我還是可以感受到,眼前這一幕。和照片看到的是一模一樣啊!!! 工作人員帶我們去前台坐下,接著就送上冷冷的迎賓茶,還有帶著淡淡香茅味的毛巾。搽一搽臉,時差帶來的睡意一掃而空。經理前來向我們打招呼後,就讓工作人員帶我們進去別墅休息。踩在腳下的,是柔軟的沙子,我的嘴角,竟然不自覺地往上揚。 渡假村別墅分4大類:Oceanview Villa 海景別墅、Beachfront Villa 海畔別墅、Deluxe Oceanview Villa 豪華海景別墅 以及 Deluxe Beachfront Villa 豪華海畔別墅。男友喜歡海,因此我們選擇了海景別墅。別墅屋頂為圓錐茅草型,很田園式的別墅。走進房間,柔柔的燈光、淡淡的熏香、輕輕的音樂。工作人員和男友講解房間內的設備。而我,就到處參觀房間。左看看右看看,看到建在木地上的戶外按摩池、一個靜思涼亭,以及徐徐的海浪聲,真是低調的奢華。。。其實在安排這次旅程時,我很想住馬爾代夫聞名的水上屋,卻因為心裡中意的水上屋渡假村價錢太高而放棄了。可是心裡還是念念不忘。後來看到文章,寫出水上屋是炸掉海底的珊瑚才能建成的... read more
Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru
Beach Front Villa

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll May 11th 2011

The Maldives are an archipelago of 1,190 coral islands grouped into 26 coral atolls (200 inhabited islands, plus 80 islands with tourist resorts) in the Indian Ocean. They lie south-southwest of India and are considered part of Southern Asia. Photographs on the official Michel Piccaya website: read more

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll January 9th 2011

The Maldives Trivanthinum Airport must have been built in the days of Biggles. We went to the airport by taxi, from Kovalum, and entered the Airport from it’s seafront entrance. The road into the airport enters the terminal area, and goes around the car park. As you face the Airport building, the architecture shows, with the wave shaped corrugated iron awning , and rust colouring, that this is a very old airport, and nothing has been done to maintain the exterior since it was built. After a security interrogation by the guard at the entrance door, we lined up in two queues to have our luggage scanned, and banded. Once through the banding, we lined up at a counter behind other people in the hope that it was the correct counter for our flight. I say ... read more
Inside a Dhoanis
Male from the Mookai

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll October 18th 2010

一直以来就钟情于美丽的海岛,自离开大学进入社会工作,就开始一步一步的实现梦想,踏足于各个美丽的岛屿上。有史以来,国内热门的都七七八八到过了,包括有登嘉楼潜水金三角-热浪岛Pulau Redang,停泊岛Pulau Perhentian和登嘉乐岛Pulau Tenggol;吉打州的浮罗交怡Pulau Langkawi和明星小岛渡假村-YTL Pangkor Laut Resort;靠近柔佛州丰盛港的性格小岛-拉华岛Pulau Rawa;沙巴州内Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park 里最大的一个岛-嘉雅岛Pulau Gaya和世界著名潜水天堂西巴丹岛Pulau Sipadan. 国外的,有令游客觉得可蔼可亲,十分亲切,泰国的普吉岛Phuket Island与甲米岛Krabi Island;还有时常散发着浪漫气息,印尼的巴厘岛Bali Island。但,至尊无上的目标,是被人称为海岛天堂的地方-马尔代夫,还没实现, 因为去那儿真的不便宜喔。哈哈,几年下来, 旅费几经辛苦终于存够了,就在今年, 成功实现目标! 马尔代夫(Maldive), 位于印度洋上的一个岛国,在印度和斯里兰卡的南下方,回教国家,共有1,190 个岛屿,其中200个有人居住,现有97座不同星级的渡假村,分佈在大小不一的岛屿上, 美金为主要货币。马累(Male)是该国的首都,马累市和马累国际机场都分别在不同的岛上,意思是如果从机场要到市镇, 那是需要乘搭水上的士的。我们的班机到达马累国际机场已经半夜十二点多了,走出机场, 当时看到很多”请投我一票”的海报, 别以为是什么政治选举活动, 其实是网上搞得”世界自然遗产” (World’s Natural Heritage) 选举, 马尔代夫被列为其中之一. 跟渡假村派来的人员会过面后, 在还没有上船前, 我们先到机场的便利店买上几瓶矿泉水, 因为从网上得知渡假村会比较贵. 过后, 上了快艇向着黑暗驶去, 心情莫名兴奋. 天堂岛渡假村(Paradise Island Resort and SPA), 是个五星级渡假村, 距离马累国... read more
Swimming Pool
Sky & Sea

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