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13th November 2005

my Emily
you're my sun-shi-ee-ine on a cloudy day, what can make meeeeeeee feeeel this way? my girl, my girl, talkin' bout my-eye-eye gur-ur-url
13th November 2005

did anyone see a Princess??
Oh Em, quite a "project" you have taken on! Was that you draggin my daughter across some gawd forsaken jungle to see a what???? I couldn't even get her to take the garbage out with pluggin her nose! Love the pictures!! Keep them comin! Love Lindsay's mom PS - you put on that freaken life jacket next time too!!!
13th November 2005

You Look HOT
Hey Baby (That's Canadian for "you're my woman" in case you forgot.) Anyway, you look really beautiful in that picture of you and the butterfly. If you get the chance to upload more pictures then please give the world a full view of your new hair. As always I'm lovin' the stories and while I've always fancied (that's English slang for "wanted to" *isn't this spelling out of words that you know getting annoying?) traveling with you but these entries make me also want to hop on a cammel with Lindsay and see where it takes us. I LOVE YOU! Keep on having fun.
14th November 2005

Thank you for the pictures FINALLY!!!!! Looks like fun, as usual. JEALOUSSSSSSS
17th November 2005

seeing pictures of you warms the bowels of my heart (isn't that a great line? it was in one of the films I watched in class this semester and I was looking for a place to use it) also butterflies scare me so being chased by them would probably make me pee my pants Lost is on tonight... eeeeee! also I just got my hair cut and dyed but unfortunately I can't show you cuz you're on some other planet known as fun right now while I am on a planet known as schoolwork PS Lindsay's mom's comments are by far the funniest things I've ever read, gotta love the overseas mom worry!

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