Blogs from Perak, Malaysia, Asia - page 3


Asia » Malaysia » Perak » Kuala Kangsar March 21st 2014

HE SAID... Our home–stay – Suka Suka Lake Retreat – was a peaceful haven on the edge of Lake Chenderoh, far from the bustling madness of KL. Our hosts were Aziz, Asiah and Azam, and they were incredibly friendly. We settled into our bungalows and then wandered the tranquil surrounds. The father of the family, Aziz, taught us how to play congkak, a game involving marbles and a wooden board. We took to this immediately and played for about an hour. I ended up playing Azam, the 11 year old son, who was a little master at the game and completely outplayed me. We wandered back to our bungalow and kicked back for the afternoon, relaxing in cane armchairs and selecting photos for the blog. What I haven’t mentioned is the heat. It was hot, almost ... read more
suka suka retreat bungalow
homestay breakfast
malay wedding

Asia » Malaysia » Perak » Pulau Pangkor May 23rd 2013

Im Reiseführer Lonely Planet steht das Pulau Pangkor nicht gerade das Supermodel ist, sondern eher die hübsche Nachbarin von nebenan. Das ist ziemlich zutreffend. Das reizvolle an dieser Nachbarin ist, dass man sie unter der Woche fast für sich alleine hat. Die Strände haben wir mit höchstens 5 anderen Leuten geteilt und das Hotel mit genau einem anderen Gast. Die Nachbarin ist vorallem bei Wochenendurlaubern beliebt und so kann man während der Woche von sehr grossen Rabatten profitieren (wir haben zb. das Zimmer für ca.15Fr statt 40Fr erhalten). Zu sehen gibt's nicht viel und so haben wir die Zeit verbracht, indem wir die Verschlungenen Pfade entlang der Küste abgelaufen sind (reizvoll), geschnorchelt haben (lohnt sich nicht) oder einfach am Strand gelegen sind. Am Abend haben wir dann jeweils ein persönliches BBQ gemacht. Auf dem Markt haben ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Perak » Ipoh May 14th 2013

Another fairly early rise (well for us anyway!) to catch the early bus to Ipoh. A rather comfy large bus took us to the bus station where we grabbed a taxi to the hotel. It turned out the hotel, although clean and with good AC, was a long way away from the centre of town. The drive to Ipoh was absolutely stunning the huge limestone cliffs either side of the bus covered with palm trees. The Chinese owner was really unhelpful and not at all clear whether we had booked or had paid for it. After checking the emails once again, and then firing up the so far reliable Nationwide Flex Card (they should advertise the fact that their rates are better than STA Travel more, I think). We then grabbed a taxi to town (our ... read more
Assam Laksa for a Birthday Dinner
Tesco Resuced Fudge Cake
Perawak Cave Temple

Asia » Malaysia » Perak » Pangkor Island April 28th 2013 Our bus ride to Lumut was supposed to be around 3-4 hours but it ended up to be around 5-6 hours instead. Like many countries where timeliness is not a focus, we definitely did not make it by 3-4 hours. First of all our ride was not supposed to include a connecting bus change nor a bus that made stops to pick up and drop off riders but it happened folks. I was kind of annoyed but honestly its part of the territory. I do enjoy taking the bus since you do get a chance to see the country you're traveling through. Malaysia is so lush, there are lots of mountains/hills that are green. The seats were pretty comfortable and besides, it would have taken just about the same time to get to the airport ... read more
election flags
election banners
one of the fishing docks

Asia » Malaysia » Perak » Taiping January 17th 2013

With me playing sucker dj and navigating our way out of Penang, Dean did a sterling job of driving the family truckster along the freeway to Taiping. In the left lane, vehicles were doing anything from 60 km/hr to 100. In the right lane, the average speed was probably 150 km/hr. With the limit being 110, and with advice from the concierge at the Mansion - "Ask for a receipt if pulled over by the police, they are corrupt." - fresh in our memories, Dean was zig zagging our way towards the old tin mining capital. Luckily traffic wasn't too heavy and we found ourselves in what was also the place where Chinese secret societies flourished last century by early afternoon without causing, or being in, an accident. The town centre reminded me a little of ... read more
A glorious view from the pool
Entry to lost world
The Lost World

Asia » Malaysia » Perak » Ipoh January 7th 2013

Gaharu is known as the Wood of God. It is also known as Aloeswood, Agarwood, Eaglewood, Oud and even Jinko. It is the most expensive wood ever grown on this world. It produces resins after the mature age of over twenty years. It has medicinal value. Gaharu leaves contain high levels of anti-aging, anti-cancer properties. Traditionally used for strengthening the heart, reducing blood sugar, lowering blood pressure and stabilizing the nervous system. Also helps to improve sleep, anti-aging, promotes beauty, eliminate flatulence and expels oils. The resins are commonly used for burning of incense and made perfume. This is commonly used by the Middle East, The Chinese and The Indians. The price for unpolished resins is RM20,000 per kilogramme, RM100,000 after manufactured. Gaharu Tea Valley of Gopeng has about 300,000 hectares of land, carpeting at least ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Perak » Ipoh January 7th 2013

After the lovely start to the trip at Melaka, my next stop after a 5h bus ride was a quick one at the less pretty, and more unassuming city of Ipoh in the state of Perak, in the Central/ West part of Peninsular Malaysia. This city was historically built on its famous tin mines and smelters, and was apparently at one point in time in its rich history, one of the wealthiest cities in Southeast Asia. Somewhat sadly, those past glories seem to be long gone, but the city nevertheless still seems to retain a interesting and balanced mix of colonial heritage and edgy Malaysian reality. You know you're off the tourist track when people no longer speak to you in English by default. It's almost surely Bahasa Melayu first here in Ipoh, until they realise ... read more
Birch Memorial Clock Tower
Railway Station
Masjid Sultan Idris

Asia » Malaysia » Perak » Pangkor Island September 2nd 2012

Captivated By Four Reasons. This Pangkor Island Beach Resort was here way back approximately 20 years ago. It was once known as Pan Pacific Hotel, not until few years back they had changed the name which I think this new name suits the presence time. They have their private white sandy beach that I don't have to walk for a mile to reach the waters. It is clean and well taken care of. I walked from my room to the lounge that lead me to the Hornbill Restaurant for breakfast, I can see their staffs were busy doing their jobs given respectively, the pool side, the lounge, the beach, recreational booth, restaurant and the reception area. They always greet the guests as they dust, wipe and arranged. Their smile and grins always made me replied the ... read more
pink glow sunset
pink glow sunset
pink glow sunset

Asia » Malaysia » Perak » Pangkor Island September 1st 2012

It was a busy morning for me, as I had to attend to my guests at the breakfast terrace Pangkor Island Hornbill Restaurant, Pangkor Island Beach Resort, Perak. Good breakfast served. The crowd had a marvelous time and was very surprised and attentive especially for the children when we have the some unexpected guests arrived at our table. It was the Hornbills (Anthracoceros albirostris). Some guests even questioned the waiters, “Do you rear these birds? ". On YouTube, they were described as “brought in" from the Borneo Islands. To my knowledge, there are 10 species of Hornbills in the state of Perak as compared to the state of Sarawak, whereby Sarawak claimed the slogan as “The Land of The Hornbills” in which Sarawak state has only 4 species in its name. So I don't think it ... read more
hornbill *
hornbill with cherry**
hornbills came for breakfast****

Asia » Malaysia » Perak » Kampar June 30th 2012

De dag erna huurden we een brommer om de theeplantages te verkennen. We gingen eerst naar de verste theeplantage. Cameron Highlands tea. Een leuk uitzicht, lekkere thee, verse scones en aardbeienjam én we mochten doorheen de plantage wandelen! De maks gewoon! Ook deden we een Butterflyfarm 'een vlindertuin'. Heel speciale vlinders gezien! En heel veel dode dieren ook! We zagen meer dode dan levende vlinders. Ze waren ook heel groot! Wel 10 keer zo groot als een vlinder in België. O ja, vlinders leven maar 3 dagen en sterven dan. Jammer genoeg zagen we ook gekooide dieren. De eigenaars wilden er een soort mini-zoo van maken. Heel jammer om de dieren in een veel te kleine kooi te zien! Ik had echt zin om ze vrij te laten! Ook zagen we een hoop reuzegrote insecten (zoals ... read more

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