Blogs from Tokushima, Japan, Asia - page 4


Asia » Japan » Tokushima » Tokushima June 10th 2009

2009年6月10日(水曜日) おめでとうありがとう。 本日、無事に24回目の誕生日を迎えられました。 環境も場所も過ごし方も、毎年ごとに変化のある私の誕生日。今年は・・・ 数年前から脳内企画されていた、みんなで「KISSメイク」が、ようやく実現化されました。 普段はクールなあの子もシャイなこの子も強制参加。 時間が経つにつれ、パリパリに乾いた顔の絵の具が地面に落ちて、掃除は大変でしたがそんなことお構いなし。 笑顔。笑顔。笑顔。24歳なりたてほやほや時間はそんなこんなで穏やかに過ぎていきました。 皆でやると楽しい!皆が楽しいが一番!そんな今年の6月10日。 ただ、写真には写っていませんが、実はもう一人KISSメイクをした友達がいます。 撮影時にちょうど彼女と喧嘩・討論が始まった為、マンションの外に出て電話をしていた彼。 駐輪所に場所をうつして皆で大はしゃぎしながら撮影している間も話し中。えらくもめていたみたいで。 一同が部屋に戻りひとまずクールダウンした頃、ピンポーンとインターホンにうつる彼の姿。 と、その横に警察の姿。 おや!? この時点でもうおわかりでしょうか。 彼が警察と一緒にいる理由。 つまり彼は、ここの住人の誰かに通報されてしまったのです。 「階段にピエロが座っている!」と。 ひとまず玄関先まで来た警察に事情を説明。そして和解。 帰り際にはなんと、警察の彼から 「お誕生日おめでとうございます」というお祝いメッセージをいただきました! うん、きっといいことあるに違いない!24歳万歳。いえい。 兎にも角にも百恵ちゃん風に・・・私のわがままに付き合ってくれて、ありがとう♪楽しい一年にします!... read more
Birthday cake
Birthday cake (2)

Asia » Japan » Tokushima March 3rd 2009

明かりをつけましょ雪洞に~ ぼんぼりって雪洞って書くんですね、また一つ知識が増えました。 ということで、今日は桃の節句、おひな祭りです。 数日前に友達と勝浦町、BIGひな祭りに行ってきました。 全国各地からもういらない。といって送付されてきたおびただしいほどのお雛様方たち。 女の子から女性に変わると同時に邪魔者扱いOR イン押入れ。雛も大変ですね。 私が1歳の頃のエピソードなのですが ずっと一重だったのが、このひな祭りの日に二重になったと母から教わりました。 ひな祭り=可愛くなった記念日=誕生日同様自分にお祝いしなきゃ=半身浴 つまり、今日は2時間近く湯船につかって十分なくらい自分に投資。 たまには自分だけに時間を費やしてみるの良いものですね。 Merry hinamatsuri!!!!!!! ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokushima September 30th 2008

WOOOOOOOOOkaaayyy... where oh where to begin. First off a warning, this post is huge as the day was probably the most remarkable day I've ever had here in Japan. Most of the pics of Iya itself is in the next post which I'll make tomorrow, it's getting far too late here. I guess last night would be a good start, well, the night before I left here since people probably won't read this for a few days, not exactly a lot of Internet cafe's here in the middle of nowhere. I had no luck sleeping last night... think I finally did about 2:30am. Kept playing over what I would do in the morning, the drive, the possible issues i could run into, everything. Which really messed me up for the actual day. I slept in (a ... read more
Shinkansen Train

Asia » Japan » Tokushima September 30th 2008

Well this part of my adventure is now complete... Yesterday I woke up and had an amazing Japanese Breakfast at this hotel. Everything from a poached egg to mandarain oranges and miso soup. After that drove around and checked out the valley. Iya Valley was very very impressive. If mist covered mountains, vine bridges, and tons of greenery sounds good to you, you'd love it here. Felt very exotic, minus the well paved roads. The area has quite a number of small villages sprinkled throughout it, with the shops, homes, and schools built literaly into the side of the mountain. Many of them are built on platforms sticking out of the side, living here must be a very unique experience. In the morning I checked out one of the famous Iya vine bridges. It wasn't quite ... read more
Feast fit for a Shogun
Beautiful Waterfall at Iya Valley
Wooden Markers at the waterfall

Asia » Japan » Tokushima August 15th 2008

The most famous festival on Shikoku and one of the top festivals in Japan Awa odori* was on the top of my list of things I had to see while living in Japan. From August 12 to 15 people from all over Japan swarm to Tokushima to watch and/or dance at the festival. The nickname for Awa odori, the dance of fools, is derived from the chant the dancers sing. 踊る阿呆に見る阿呆同じ阿呆なら踊らな損、損 Odoru ahou ni miru ahou onaji ahou nara odorana son, son Crazy Dancers with other crazies watching them since both alike are mad you might as well dance, might as well dance. Who can argue with that logic? ^_^ According to legend Awa odori was started one night in the late 1580s during a party held to celebrate the new castle built for the lord ... read more
Window shopping
Dancing demonstration
Walking through the shopping arcade

Asia » Japan » Tokushima August 1st 2008

Well, here i am, six days in, and I'm in the city of Tokushima, resting my feet for a day - it may have to be two - because i can hardly walk for blisters. I have about seven and they are oozing various gross substances. (i always end up writing about puke and ooze in my blogs, don't i? The realities of travel!) My dad tells me they should harden up in a day or two, but yesterday it took me seven hours to hobble eight miles which isn't good. Still, I'm holding out hope for a recovery within the next 24 hours. I've still got 71 temples to go! I have come 62 miles. I'm kitted out with the hat, the hakui shirt and the staff, much to the amusement, I'm sure, of many ... read more
A Roadside Torii Gate
Heading Into The Mountains (and yes, the outfit...)
Becoming a Familiar Sight

Asia » Japan » Tokushima July 21st 2008

Some friends approached me in Grasshopper’s one night and asked me if I wanted to go camping the next weekend. I was really excited about it because I wanted to go to Oboke Koboke, but the only way to get there is by car. They picked me up outside my apartment Sunday afternoon and we began the two hour drive to the camp site with the radio playing 80s tunes and all four windows down. We drove up and down the winding mountain road in the heat talking, laughing and enjoying the sites around us. At one point one of the boys broke out the smallest cans of beer known to man for us to drink. We arrived at the camp site just before dusk and unloaded our gear and set to work setting the tents ... read more
Mountain Village
View from the campground
Pristine River

Asia » Japan » Tokushima May 7th 2008

There are two distinctive types of hikers to be found in Japan; the ridiculous and the absurd. The first type of hiker is the gear buff. They aren’t hard to spot. They are outfitted from head to toe in the latest European and American outdoor gear, their hiking boots are so fresh that they may as well have just been pumped out from the factory mold, their hats are securely attached to the collars of their high performance sports shirts, their breathable hiking pants are stowed into their super fashionable gators, and ultra small carbon-kevlar kaleidoscopic poles are firmly attached to lightweight daypacks. They are only then ready to descend from the air-conditioned interiors of their tour buses and be whisked more than halfway up the mountain on music filled gondolas before making the final push ... read more
Out of their Element
Super Stylin'
A Dot of Blue

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