Blogs from Medan, Sumatra, Indonesia, Asia - page 2


Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Medan January 29th 2015

After twelve hours in transit from Bangkok to Medan, Sumatra, we arrive in evening darkness into completely different energy than we left behind in the developed high rise beach resort that we had stayed at for two weeks. We are once again in the land of many many people, family excursions of four on one motorbike, buses choking fumes, truckloads of chickens, and cars all competing for road space on poorly maintained dusty roads, lined on each side by brightly lit food and merch stalls late into the night. For a moment it felt like being back in India or Sri Lanka again, which in itself was exciting, but then we turned off our very busy street and arrived at our destination, into an oasis of fairy lights and solitude, and in the morning woke up ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Medan September 13th 2014

Několikamilionový Medan jsem navštívil postupně několikrát, spíše nedobrovolně. V hlavě mám jednotlivé návštěvy tak nějak smíchané dohromady, takže je i tady popíšu na jednom místě. Původně jsem měl první odstavec uvozený slovy "velkoměsto Medan", ale Medan žádné město prostě není, jde spíš o obrovský chaotický shluk dvoupatrových garáží, oddělených proudy aut a motorek, i v noci vyplněný vřískajícími motory a ovoněný neuvěřitelným množstvím prachu. Ulice, nebo spíše silnice, jsou okrášleny reklamami na cigarety, cedulemi s tajemným názvem Door Smeer (ukázalo se, že jde o opravny motorek), stánky se smaženou rýží či třeba banány a občasnou bankou. Ne že by na Medanu bylo vše negativní - například u pouličních stánků nabízí opravdu nepřebernou řadu různých chuťovek a má aspoň nějakou hromadnou dopravu: formou minibusů za tři čtyři tisíc rupií, na které můžete mávnout kdekoli, ale u kte ... read more
Mesjid Raya

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Medan July 29th 2014

Ich bin Millionär! Nachdem wir im nahen Einkaufszentrum doch noch einen Geldautomaten gefunden haben, der auch Maestrokarten annimmt, habe ich mich mit ausreichend Kleingeld für die nächsten Wochen eingedeckt. Der Flug nach Medan mit einer Propellermaschine von Firefly lief problemlos. Am Flughafen angekommen, ließ ich die Taxifahrer links liegen und fuhr mit dem nagelneuen Schnellzug in nahezu Stoiberscher Geschwindigkeit ins Zentrum der Provinzhauptstadt. Bis hierhin hatte ich noch Schonfrist. Kaum hatte ich den Bahnhof verlassen, wurde ich von Auto- und Mptorradtaxifahrern umzingelt. Das Feilschen verlief dann aber doch recht zügig und mit dem zweiten Motorradtaxi ging es ab ins Viertel für Billighotels direkt an der großen Moschee.... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Medan May 13th 2014

Tuesday, 13th May 2014 To make our stay worthwhile in Medan, we scheduled a visit to the historic Tjong A Fie Mansion followed by a lunch at the iconic Tip Top Restaurant. Tjong A Fie was probably one of the richest men who ever lived in this city and this was evident from the luxurious mansion he left behind. The style of his house was quintessentially Peranakan even though one of the rooms was purposely decorated to resemble that of a European Tea Room. The mansion was constructed during the period when Indonesia was under the Dutch Administration. Visits by the European guests could probably be expected from time to time. For 25,000 rupiahs, our admission came with a local guide that brought us around the place. His laissez fair attitude coupled with the monotonous tone ... read more
Lunch at Tip Top Restaurant
An institution of its own
Medan Railway Station

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Medan May 12th 2014

Monday, 12th May 2014 After breakfast this morning, the few of us were ready to leave Lake Toba to embark on our long journey to the city of Medan. As advised by Berend, the helpful owner of our homestay, we decided to enter Medan via the market town of Berastagi. With frequent stops along the way, this would make our long journey less painful and more eventful. We took off to Simarjarunjung, the highest point along Lake Toba where ginger tea and toasted bananas were served at a hotel's café. The drizzling rain did prevent us from venturing outdoors which would otherwise afford a good view of the surroundings on a clear day. The cool winds of the mountains was best appreciated with a nice brew of ginger tea, a specialty from the highlands. Another 60 ... read more
Simpang Si Piso Piso Waterfall
Overlooking Centrpoint Mall, Medan

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Medan June 28th 2013

And after saying goodbye to the orang-utans of Bukit Lawang, it was pretty much time to say goodbye to Sumatra too.My last stop on the island was a quick overnighter back at the provincial capital of Medan, where I'd passed through on my way from Berastagi to Bukit Lawang.Medan is Indonesia's third largest city, but there's certainly no love lost between it and the many travellers who are compelled to find their way here, en route to their intended other destinations. LP described it as possibly the top candidate for the answer to the oft-asked "worst place you've ever travelled to" question, and though that might be a bit of an exaggeration, it's certainly hard to see dirty, busy, disorganised and noisy Medan winning many hearts.I don't think it was the worst place I've been to ... read more
Istana Maimoon
Cemetery next to Mesjid Raya
Istana Maimoon

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Medan January 14th 2013

If you ever need to take the Pelni ferry to Medan from Bedan in Sumatra you just have to upgrade to 2nd class. The standard, though very cheap economy class is seriously unappealing. 2000 souls with baggage and kids, a 24 hour journey with appalling toilets ( floating floaters, need I type more) and dormitories to, well, avoid really. I'm now in Medan at the upper end of Sumatra. Just had a chest xray at the request of Australian immigration office, cost 10 pounds for the film, a report and a CDRom! Amazing. Especially as , having gone and got it, the Ozzies, blessem' have decided I don't need the bloody thing! Actually it's quite reassuring to see a nice normal CXR about 40 years after I had the last one. Meanwhile, I'm off to the ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Medan October 29th 2012

Dear travel Lord, There comes a point in a backpacker's odyssey when the knots in his back and dirt under his finger nails come together and demand a higher standard of accommodation. With a bag full of stinky clothes and the anticipation for a soft mattress, I stroll up (going comando no less) to the counter at the Cambridge Swissbel 5-star hotel in Medan. "I have a reservation for three nights," I say as a member of staff hands me a complimentary fresh-squeezed pineapple juice. "Of course," the receptionist responds then informs me about in-room dining, the spa, and pool. "Enjoy your stay, sir." Recuperation and relaxation here I come! I arrived in Medan by a small van twisting and turning once again through the mountain curves. My driver and his buddy chain smoking the entire ... read more
Praying statue...
Dingy Medan

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Medan August 13th 2012

Medan is the third largest city in Indonesia. It's dirty; It's noisy; It's polluted. We saw very healthy rats, we had a couple of cockroach friends in our room and there are beggars everywhere. It's a large Asian city... what else could you expect? Beyond these generalizations that many people avoid on their travels, we found a city that is sooo much more. Another thing you hear about is the constant “Hello Mister!” calls. We were expecting it to be hookers trying to see that my Tyler gets a happy ending but instead it was every child on the street, and they were saying it to Rebecca! We are back in an Indonesia that isn't quite used to seeing Caucasians. The kids that aren't brave enough to say “Hello” or “Good morning” tend to snicker in ... read more
Grand Mosque
Rebecca and the students
Sultan's Palace

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Medan July 24th 2012

Vanochtend maar weer eens vroeg opgestaan om de taxi naar het vliegtuig te nemen. Het vroege opstaan wordt een gewoonte, want als we wel eens een keertje niet vroeg gewekt worden voor de taxi, is het wel een of andere moskee die om 4.30 's-morgens lawaai begint te maken. Tom en ik hadden het vliegtuig bijna gemist omdat wij even bij Strabucks iets lekkers wilden kopen. We kwamen bij het vliegtuig aan en die mensen begonnen tegen ons te schreeuwen dat we op moesten schieten. Iedereen zat nl al in het vliegtuig (al 20 minuten voor vertrek!) Toen we in Medan aankwamen, stond onze chauffeur al op ons te wachten. Het zou een rit worden van ong 2,5 uur naar de jungle. De verwachtingen waren niet hoog gezien het gemiddelde niveau hier in Indonesie. In Bukit ... read more
Lisa met de Doerian
Uitzicht vanuit hotel
de bar

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