Blogs from Prambanan, Java, Indonesia, Asia


Asia » Indonesia » Java » Prambanan November 5th 2013

Prambanan temple ruins was our first day of temple exploring. Prambanan is a 9th century Hindu temple compound so there were many areas to see. As you may remember from previous temple blogs, I love ruins so I was very happy here. We paid a small amount of money to hire a bike for an hour to get to the temples that were further away. This was fun, as I had not been on a bike for a while. The lads enjoyed cycling tandem and of course they made a video. We finished in the temple complex at 10am, had some breakfast and made the long journey to Borobodur consisting of 3 buses and a motorbike ride. We collared a guy to take us to the sunrise point in the morning at a split cost for ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Prambanan September 2nd 2013

A gust of cool wind brings a respite to the early afternoon heat. I squint into the sun at the sign that should tell me I’ve reached my destination. Then a young Indonesian man asks me in the local language, which I answer with nothing but a clueless look, slightly slack-jawed. “I’m sorry, I don’t speak Indonesian,” I tell him. “Oh, where are you from?” he asks again. “The Philippines.” “Ah! But you look like an Indonesian.” I learn that it’s a conversation I’m going to get a lot here. As for now, I’m trying to withstand the heat while trying not to get lost. The man was asking if I would like to ride his ojek (motorbike taxi) to Prambanan. I tell him I can walk but will appreciate it if he can tell me ... read more
Temple of Shiva
Intricate Carvings
Prambanan Museum

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Prambanan June 5th 2012

De dag nadien besloten we niet meer met het openbaar vervoer naar Prambanan te reizen en huurden we een brommertje voor een dag. Dit slechts 50.000 IRP (€5) met helmen! Er is wel geen verzekering inbegrepen (dit kan trouwens niet in Indonesië voor 1 dag) en ook geen benzine. Benzine is hier zeer goedkoop! 10.000 RP voor een volle tank! Jan besloot de brommer uit te proberen en hup we waren weg. Omdat ik niet goed kaart kan lezen en ook de straatnamen stonden niet aangeduid op onze kaart reden we algauw verkeerd hmhm en reden we aan de andere kant van de stad. We hebben een goed uur de stad verkend (rondjes gereden) tot we uiteindelijk een bord richting Solo zagen staan. Prambanan is zo'n goeie 20 km rijden van Jogjakarta. We wilden ook de ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Prambanan March 3rd 2012

Von Yogyakarta aus nehmen wir das Angebot einer der tausend Reiseagenturen in Anspruch und lassen uns, gemeinsam mit anderen Touristen, zur Tempelanlage Prambanan bringen. Die große Parkanlage gleicht mehr einem Vergnügungspark mit alten Tempelruinen an Stelle der Attraktionen. Viele der kleinen Tempel befinden sich noch mitten in der Restaurationsphase. Das hält uns jedoch nicht davon ab, sie, ins rechte Licht gerückt, auf ein oder zwei Fotos einzufangen. Abends besuchen wir dann das Ramayana Ballet neben der Tempelanlage Prambanan. Während die Tänzerinnen und Tänzer in ihren aufwendigen Kostümen quasi in Zeitlupe über die Bühne gleiten, machen es uns die vielen unruhigen und unaufmerksamen asiatischen Zuschauer (keine Einheimischen) schwer, dem Geschehen auf der Bühne zu folgen und den roten Faden des Stückes nicht zu verlieren. Zurück in Yogyakarta frönen wir dem lässigen und... read more
Prambanan vor dem Merpati-Vulkan
Stein mit Bartwuchs
Das ernst-interessierte Besichtigungsgesicht hat kurz Pause.

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Prambanan August 9th 2010

Sunday, 9th August 2010 Our day started early with the aim of reaching the vantage point of Mount Merapi before 9am. The 1 hour drive took us through the Javanese countryside where rice fields, tobacco and coconut plantations made up most of the scenery. We managed to reach our destination by 8.30am, in time to capture the last shots of Merapi before it disappeared into the smog covered skies. Hermanto was right from the beginning and we were thankful to have heeded his advice to set off early from Yogyakarta. The next leg of the journey took us through the Hindu Temples of Prambanan and we were pleasantly surprised that there were not too many visitors this morning. According to Hermanto, most visitors would timed their visit to Prambanan in the evening to coincide with the ... read more
Majestic Merapi
Great value lunch

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Prambanan June 13th 2010

I have wanted to see this classical Ramayana ballet for so long that when I finally had a chance, I felt so excited about it. And the most exciting part of it is, it was held at open air theatre, with the figures of three Prambanan temples as a far-away background. The air was so magical, felt like we were brought back to the ancient time with palaces and soldiers and prince and princess and magic, all together came into life. An eternal love story between Rama and Sinta, and Rahwana who tried to separate them by kidnapping Sinta, and the battle to bring her back in the name of love was reminding me of many other beautiful love stories around the world. This story, along with beautiful Prambanan temples on the background, created magical moments ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Prambanan May 17th 2010

See English text below 24 de noviembre de 2009 Los templos de Prambanan es el equivalente hinduísta de Borobodur y sin lugar a dudas ambos son los lugares más visitados de Java. La diferencias entre los dos sitios son muchas, pero en esencia se podría decir que lo que cambia de uno a otro es la hora a la que llegan los turistas. Normalmente se visita por la mañana Borobudur, y ya después del mediodía se viene a Prambanan. Tenía que haber tenido en cuenta esto a la hora de visitar Borobodur, pues no soy amigo de las multitudes, y ya escarmentado, busqué el mejor momento para visitar Prambanan. Budi me trajo en la moto a primera hora de la mañana y tuve los templos para mi solo. Además era el primer día que veía el ... read more
Candi Sewu

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Prambanan October 23rd 2009

As soon as we landed in Yogyakarta, I received a text message from Paul. The message read: "I guess it is not that difficult to spot a long-haired man with a beard." And it wasn't. Piece of cake. ;-) Paul drove us straight on to the Hindu temple complex in Prambanan . Just before entering the complex, we decided to buy our hats. This is when I remembered I forgot to bring my sunscreen. Oh well, let's hope the hat does the trick. Best sunny than wet. Prambanan Temple This ancient masterpiece is unquestionably the greatest Hindu architectural wonder in all of Indonesia. Just like the temple at Borobudur, Prambanan is adorned with bas-reliefs depicting the Ramayana epic. Built around the same time as Borobudur , this 9th century heritage site is only 17 kilometers from ... read more
Give us a break!!!
Ramayana Ballet @Prambanan

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Prambanan September 8th 2008

just arrived in jokja. it is much more foriegner-friendly than our previous jaunt in prambanan. there are actually places like internet and laundry service and cafes. we stopped in prambanan to see a famous hindu temple of the same name. turns out they find a way to rake in $10 from travellers, so we saved the trip for sunrise. we went to find out where the temple is, and it turns out it was right across the street from our guesthouse. i think the town basically exists because of this temple. there is one major road and not much else. we decided we wanted to go get massages (we are all spoiled from thailand) and we enquired at a hotel, and they said they did them there (i felt like such a badass, i was speaking ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Prambanan September 6th 2006

Prambanan Statutory Warning: This blog contains the ferocious Komodo Island dragon. Open the blog at your own risk. You must be wondering, how the reptile got in the blog at all and more importantly, how we managed to lock him in. I mean that sort of thing should happen only to people like Gerald Durrell, Frank Buck and Steve Irwin (May his soul rest in peace.) and not to poor old Charu and Avi, who are a most mild and unassuming couple, not even remotely connected with zoology. It happened like this. Some 5-6 years back, we had decided to visit Indonesia and I was ‘reading up’ on it. Suddenly, I came across an advertisement, that promised to take the tourists to Komodo Island from Java and more importantly, ALSO to ‘bring them back ... read more

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