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November 9th 2016
Published: November 9th 2016
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Despite how the election developed, we knew it would be interesting to be overseas during the American election. In full disclosure, we were happy to be away from the whole messy process. We thought it would be peaceful to miss Election Day, changing the clocks and Halloween. Win. Win. Win.

Obviously, win is not exactly the best description. Maybe eye-opening is a better discription.

I mentioned earlier that the first question we faced at immigration in the Delhi airport was who we liked in the election. That was surprising. As we met Americans along our journey, it was clear no one wanted to discuss politics. We all avoided it like the plague. When we met Brits and Aussies, they could not wait even seconds to discuss the election that seemed to fascinate them.

We read the Indian newspapers and that is where we got most of our coverage of the early polls and predictions. Seeing America through the eyes of Indian newspapers was interesting. They described Trump supporters matter-of-factly as "white, uneducated males" and they made strong predictions that Latinos and women would carry the vote in favor of Hillary. Nearly everything we read suggested Hillary was winning. The editorials laughed at us, said we would get what we deserved and professed that maybe Americans were not as sharp as once thought.

In our past travels, whenever someone asks where we are from, we get a similar reaction. A smile. Respect. Intrigue. Even deference. Despite what Americans may believe, many other countries are fascinated with and like America. They like the glitz, the drama, the pop-cuture, the prosperity, the history and everything else that is America. They all want to travel to America. They want to see Washington, New York, and Las Vegas. They embrace the idea of the American Dream.

Today has been different. We are in a very remote part of India without encountering another American. We were the first in our area to know of the results of the election because we worked hard to seek them out. Today, when we had to tell people where we are from we were not granted respect. We were not considered the bad asses of the group.

The young Indians who learned of the election results looked at us with pity. We were the victims of the group. They wanted to save us or take care of us. An Indian women said, "we are devasted for you." The Brits who learned of the American election results reported feeling suddenly less worried about Brexit and more concerned about the already falling Asian markets caused by early rumblings of the election. They asked us what we could do about the results and we politely explained nothing.

I come from a long line of tough, proud, caring women--nothing to do with their political leanings, simply their gentics. My great-grandmother took my grandmother door-to-door helping women in the Attica, KS community sign up to vote for the first election that deemed women astute enough to vote. My grandmother was a young girl who remembered her mom explaining to her that some women would not sign up and some women's husbands would not approve of them voting.

No matter how my great-grandmother would have voted in our most recent election, she would have been amazed and proud that the women of America joined together to deem a woman strong enough to lead our country. Our plan was to post a Hillary sign in the cemetary where Nellie Ratliff Hunt is buried in her honor of advocating for women. That plan is no longer. I am glad she is not alive to see this day were millions of women chose not to vote or chose not to elect a woman president.

I knew Americans were scared of a black man running our country which brought about a great deal of hatred. I routinely told my husband, "the only thing that scares Americans more than a black man, is a smart woman." Rarely, do I wish I were wrong, but today is one of those days.

My dad is not doing well today. He suggested we go home because he is feeling clouded by depression and anger, but I refused to change the itinerary. I know that I would rather be here than at home, even if we are being pitied by everyone who discovers our nationality. Dad has removed himself off social media as part of his therapy and I suspect he will continue to be more reclusive when we return to the states.

Kyle is trying to enjoy India, but continues to worry about the impact this will have on the people who could not vote...the poor Americans, the undocumented Americans, the Syrians seeking safety.

We will return to our typical style of travel blogs tomorrow and I will return to keeping things apolitical, but I wanted to share the unique perspective we have experienced.

As Americans hang their heads in shame or bow their heads in sorrow over the loss of their dignity and intellectual prowess, just know the world mourns with you. The snickering or jokes about America have turned to sincere sadness and empathetic concern.


9th November 2016

I have no other word to describe how I feel today. I'm scared for minorities, the poor, the handicapped, victims of all kinds, and for women. I'm a complete mess today. I love you all, and hope you have safe travels and can enjoy your trip, despite this despairing news.
9th November 2016

You still don't get it and never will
The blue collar uneducated workers of this country are going under! I find it unbelievable that because I have a vagina I must vote for the most corrupt candidate we have ever seen run because she is a woman. Jesus Christ that is insane. Our political system has turned into a corrrupt morass of elitist snobs who think we peeons can only be patted on the head in sympathy and then talked about in derogatory terms because we don't march in lockstep with those who know best. I also find it amusing that Uneducated people can be dismissed as unworthy and not to be taken seriously but many of those who help your party win, live off of those uneducated people who find themselves paying ever more taxes to support them. Tell the Indians to correct their own mess in there country and not worry about ours, last time I checked they can still murder a woman who goes against their wishes by marrying someone they don't approve of. How is that for women's rights. The next step I hope for is a true investigation into the Clinton crimes and for them to pay for those crimes like ordinary people would pay for them. Am I happy with Trump, nope but if he can break up the political machine that is so fucking corrupt then I will cheer him on. I am disgusted with his attitude toward women but I also believe that a huge majority of men in private talk like that. I helped elect Bill "cigar" Clinton because I fell for the line that the women were accusing him of rape or molestation were gold diggers and trailor trash, Hillary's words. It was the women's fault not his and the media played that up big time. The market is up 150 points. Nancy one of those uneducated deplorables.
9th November 2016

The only thing that scares Americans more than a black man, is a smart woman." - so true. It is a sad day to be an American, but this is a beautiful post. Please enjoy your trip and be glad you are not here. Spread the love - show the rest of the world that Trump does NOT represent us. XOXO
9th November 2016

I don't believe it!
I have 4 grandsons The oldest are are 16 and 17.a granddaughter 18. I'm thinking of moving to canada to establish citizenship for them because we will have more fireworks by the 4th of July. He said he likes war but got 5 deferments. My older brother spent 3 years in the navy after he graduated from dental school and my younger and I spent our time in the Army . I'll bet your father did also, I didn't believe we have so many stupid people in America. Joe

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