Blogs from Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India, Asia - page 2


Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Spiti Valley August 30th 2010

Tak predsa sa nam podarilo este zastavit na nete. Prechadzame opat Kazou a mame par hodiniek cas kym nam pojde bus do Tabo. Poslednu noc sme stravili v klastore nad dedinkou Ki. Bol to uplne iny zazitok ako spat v guest house urcenom pre turistov, kde si clovek v pohode da sprchu, alebo najde nieco co vyzera ako zachod. Miestne podmienky boli viac ako skromne, ale zato ich pohostinnost bola uzasna. Vidiet ako cely klastor funguje od kuchyne az po skolu pre male deti je nieco co treba zazit. Len milk tea uz nemozeme ani citit, lebo nam ho tam nalievali stale a nie do poharov ale misiek. Tie sme nafasovali hned po prichode a pouzivali sa na vsetko, od caju az po veceru. Vecera inak pozostavala z niecoho co chutilo ako parena knedla a k ... read more
A samotny klastor
Nasa 5 hviezdickova izba :-D

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Spiti Valley August 28th 2010

Dnes to bol nas posledny den v Kaze. Nakoniec sme sa rano rozhodli, ze este vyjdeme k ruinam old monastery a do Ki pojdeme az zajtra. Oproti vcerajsku to bol celkom v pohode vylet aj ked prevysenie bolo asi rovnake. Len ta vzdialenost bola o kus mensia. Cesta bola na jednom mieste zasypana a akurat sa ju snazili trosku dobrodruznym sposobom zase sprejazdnit buldozerom. Nejak sme to ale preliezli a konecne sa nam naskytol pohlad aj do udolia za skalnou hradbou nad mestom. Napodiv bolo krasne zelene s malou dedinkou uprostred. Za nim sa uz ale tycila dalsia skalna hradba a za nou nenapadne vykukalo nieco, co urcite nemalo pod 7000 metrov. :-) Ruiny klastora boli sice male ale bol odtial pekny vyhlad a cele to posobilo malebne, tak sme tam zostali hodinku oddychovat a obratili ... read more
Este raz stupa nad mestom :-)
Tadeto sme slapali vcera :-)
Cesta zarubana

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Spiti Valley August 27th 2010

Vcera sme mali lahsi aklimatizacny den. Pobehali sme mestecko, pozreli si carovne policka dolu pri rieke a vybavili povolenie na vstup dalej do udolia smerom k Tibetskej hranici. Indicke urady su celkom komedia. Uz len najst spravny office je tazky boj a to co clovek najde dnu uplne nema chybu. Sedi tam slecna co si natahuje zuvacku z ust a pyta sa navstevnikov ci ma pekny hlas (Kosto jej povedal ze na Aziu ano :-D) a k tomu uradne papiere nie su. Dostane sa cista A4 a clovek musi vypisat nie len udaje, ale aj titulky. :-D Podvecer sme este cvicne vybehli cca do 4000 m.n.m. k stupe nad mestom. Bol odtial nadherny vyhlad a este sa nam krasne rozisli mraky akurat ked sme tam vysli. Len nas ten vystup skoro dorazil takych nie uplne aklimatizovanych. ... read more
Chram v Kaze
Obed v Kaze
Polia pri rieke

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Spiti Valley August 25th 2010

Zazraky sa deju, sme v Kaze a maju tu internet! Je to mensi zazrak, lebo tu momentalne nejde ani len elektrika a v celom meste je tma. Este ze tu maju generator. :-) Ale tak ideme od zaciatku. Rano o siedmej sme stepovali pred hotelom a cakali nas shared taxi. Trvalo to polhodku ale nakoniec prisla nejaka podozriva dodavka bez poznavacich znaciek neurciteho typu. Nase prve pochybnosti boli ale rychlo zahnane, lebo to co to auto dokazalo cestou je neuveritelne. Cesta bola este o dost horsia ako sme cakali. Casti boli zavalene, od Manali kopa blata, na druhej strane zase ziaden asfalt, len kamene a prach. Vacsinu cesty na jednej strane hlboky zraz a na druhej skalna stena. Za vsetko hovori ze cela cesta trvala desat hodin a bolo to len 200km. Sme ale celkom radi ... read more
Ale toto auto vylezie vsetko! :-D
Panorama po ceste :-)

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Spiti Valley May 26th 2010

Early Spring Visit to Spectacular Spiti Valley Part One:- Getting There We began our journey from Shimla, summer seat of the British during the Raj days. It was a journey that would take us to the far reaches of the Indian Himalayas bordering on Tibet, to a little known valley called Spiti. I became obsessed with Spiti after seeing pictures and hearing stories from my mountain friends: They would talk of a place which was so isolated it took 2 days to reach and was impassable during much of the long winter which would last up to 8 months of the year. They spoke of a high altitude desert, with extreme weather conditions where the sun is so close it burns you in minutes what would take hours of sunlight at sea level. They told of ... read more
Our trusty Sumo
On the other side - Tibet
Rock formations like this are common

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Spiti Valley September 29th 2009

Hi All, Param is posting this entry. This is a trekking trip to Chandra Tal Lake in Manali, Himachal Pradesh, India. A historic place, where it is believed that Vyas had performed his daily bath, Beas Kund is regarded as a sacred place by the Hindus. The originating point of the Majestic river Bias, Beas Kund is found sheltered by an igloo like stone formation. A typical rocky terrain, this place is devoid of vegetation. The crystal clear and chilly arctic waters resemble that of a spring, which would freeze the fingers. In this trip I, Rohish Ikhe, Anoop Mathew and Chetan Pachpande traveled to this beautiful place. Our Itinerary was: Day0: Delhi - Manali Day1: Manali - Rohtang Pass - Chatru. Day2: Chatru - Bhatal - "Chandra Tal Lake" - Bhatal. Day3: Bhatal - Manali ... read more
Getting some imp stuff for trekking

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Spiti Valley July 13th 2009

Kaza (3600 metres) had the feel of a wild west town when we arrived there - it seemed to have just been plonked in the middle of nowhere. It didn't have a lot of character as it was mostly cement houses (it is a government centre) though later we did find a small old town on the other side of the small tributary of the Spiti which flowed through town.. It had as it's backdrop a barren brown mountain which we were to explore the next day. Both of us didn't like Kaza much at all but the three nights we were to spend there were actually to be spent in the area around, using Kaza as a base, so it didn't matter. It was absolutely filthy - the streets were strewn with a lot of ... read more
Sharp angles - surreal landscape
Enormous Buddha at Hikkim
Mountain road between Komik and Hikkim

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Spiti Valley July 11th 2009

The road up the Pin Valley was very dusty as it was only a dirt track and rough in places as the region had only recently opened to tourism. We were traveling through an animal reserve and Jerry was hoping to see an ibex - he didn't! The countryside was very similar, at least initially, to the Spiti Valley (we had just left it I guess) but as we went further in it started to change - there was more colour in the mountains and wild flowers - purple, yellow and white - started to be seen. We stopped for lunch in the first tiny village we came to - all of about 5 houses - where a lady cooked us some food in her kitchen and we ate it next to her stove. The rest ... read more
Driving into the Pin Valley
The splendour of the Pin Valley
Mudh - nestled in the mountains

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Spiti Valley July 10th 2009

We spent the next day winding through the stark grandeur of the valley, passing many people improving the roads, including again sadly many women with tiny children beside them. At one stage even Sanju was holding his breath as he drove over a very nasty patch of road made from very loose shale. We know when it's going to be bad now - he prays and the road before is lined with prayer flags for luck. Our evening stop that night was in the small village of Tabo (3050metres) which was founded in 996. It is the oldest Buddhist establishment in this part of the world. Since it opened to tourism the town is rapidly modernizing, with bitumened streets and restaurants and guest houses starting to spring up everywhere. We saw old photos of the town ... read more
Driving along the Spiti Valley
Lonely prayer flags
View of Tabo village and monastery buildings

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Spiti Valley July 9th 2009

After our happy day walking around Kalpa we were up early and in the jeep enroute for Nako. The scenery got more spectacular and almost surreal as the day progressed. We were held up just outside Kalpa whilst they cleared a landslide from the road - there had been rain on and off all night and it had made the roads even more unstable. We stopped for coffee in a small dhaba at Jangi where we met a group of three Canadian cyclists who were on their second day of cycling through Spiti and ounward over the high mountain passes to Leh. Though we had seen many motorcyclists doing the same trip these were the first group of cyclists we had met. One of the group was an inexperienced rider and she was already ill and ... read more
Permit checkpoint, with temple
Beginning of landslide - the dust cloud was enormous
Mountain roads and scenery at the end of Kinnaur Valley

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