I don’t think that was Chicken

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June 17th 2009
Published: June 20th 2009
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I have joined the American Women’s Club of Shanghai and for the last three weeks I have been attending their Wednesday morning coffee outings. They are informal get togethers and it has been nice getting to meet new people and having conversations in English. After the first meeting I had lunch with one of the women. She took me to a restaurant called Food Fusion and we had two different noodle dishes. Very tasty! So the second week I went back for some take out and picked one of the dishes. Still very tasty and I had it for lunch for two days.

So this week I once again thought I will go back and get the other dish that we had. I walked in, took a menu, looked up the dish and ordered. I was starving when I got home with my lunch, sat down and dug right in. With my handy chopsticks I reached in and pulled out a piece of chicken and in it went. My next thought was uh oh, I don’t think that was chicken. But I was hungry so I ate some of the noodles and only stopped when I came to the piece of meat with, I’m not kidding, suction cups. AAARRGGGGG… I had ordered noodles with squid. Sorry I don’t have a picture of the dish but it went into the trash really fast.

I’m beginning to see where our Chinese classes are going to come in useful. I will be taking my Chinese translation book with me for my next food adventure.


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