Blogs from Xuhui, Shanghai, China, Asia


Asia » China » Shanghai » Xuhui July 26th 2016

Mein Grossvater erzählte mir von einem Sommercamp hier in Shanghai, allerdings müsste ich mich am gleichen Tag noch entscheiden, da sonst die Anmeldefrist schon abgelaufen wäre. Nach dem Durchlesen der Beschreibung war ich allerdings doch etwas skeptisch, vor allem was die Altersgruppe anging: 12-18 Jahre. Ich würde mit meinen 18 Jahren zwar noch teilnehmen können, aber wie alt werden denn dann die anderen Teilnehmer sein, wenn das schon die Höchstgrenze ist? Es sind ja schließlich 2 ganze Wochen. Ich habe mich dann doch noch angemeldet und nach einer Woche ging es dann auch schon los. Unsere Unterkunft war zufälligerweise mein altes Wohnheim in der Uni, also kannte ich da schon alles. Um 2 nach unten zur Rezeption, ab ins Zimmer, und zur Vorstellungsrunde würde man dann gerufen. Natürlich hoffte ich auf ein paar Teilnehmer in meinem ... read more
Qingming Shanghe Tu- Hauptattraktion im Kunstmuseum
Qingming Shanghe Tu
Bootstour im Huangpu-Fluss am Bund entlang

Asia » China » Shanghai » Xuhui May 27th 2016

Es sind nun noch 3 Wochen bis zu unseren Final-Exams und das Semesterende rückt immer näher. Davor besuchte ich allerdings noch ein lang herbeigesehntes Event. Dieses Jahr fand das "League of Legends " Mid-Season Invitational in Shanghai statt, ein Turnier des Online Spieles "League of Legends". Letztes Jahr fand es in Florida statt und ich habe so ein Glück, dass es ausgerechnet dieses Jahr in diesem Zeitraum hier stattfand. Ich besuchte das Turnier mit zwei anderen Studenten an zwei Tagen, in der Gruppenphase und im Halbfinale. Beide Tage gingen in etwa von 1 Uhr nachmittags bis 6-7 Uhr abends. Ich war wirklich begeistert, soviele Leute die sich gleichzeitig mit uns ein Videospiel anschauen, gespielt von Teams und Spielern, die wie Fusballspieler gefeiert werden. Alle Chinesen waren natürlich unglaublich motiviert, da grade das chinesische Team so gut ... read more
Shanghai Oriental Sports Centre
Noch 24:30 Minuten bis es anfängt

Asia » China » Shanghai » Xuhui July 20th 2015

The employment at Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center has finished on the 15th July and it has been 2 year living in this grand metropolis. The time was sufficient but I am going to miss it. 20th July will be the start of a long journey home to Denmark. First episode: My friend and brother, Ataya Boy, will accompany me on the first an very exciting stretch: Shanghai-Xining-Lhasa-Kathmandu. We will do this in 10 days. Phase 1:Tibet A lot of things to consider for planning the trip to Tibet: apart from the actual travel itinerary proper travel permits for the region had to be obtained, which was a longer process (~25 days) and any travels outside of Lhasa must be done accompanied by guides if you are non-Chinese citizens. Also, altitude sickness was an issue that ... read more
Jokhang view 2.
Debating monks at the Sera Monastery.
Potala Palace.

Asia » China » Shanghai » Xuhui March 28th 2014

Dear Shanghai, I really think you’re fantastic. I love that, in addition to the massive, throbbing pulse of humanity, there are also quiet, tree-lined streets. I love your history, markets, and art. I love my walk to work, the cheap, spicy street snacks, and the fruit seller who always shouts jovially and slaps me on the back. I really enjoy how there is always a mahjong game going on below my apartment with pots of green tea and lots of laughter. I love trying to find a pattern in the delicate brushstrokes of your calligraphy. I love how my students can play badminton and smoke a cigarette at the same time, because really, it’s all good. I love your convenient metro and how every day I see something crazy (like a worker balanced on a bamboo ... read more
The Marriage Market
Old Warehouse
Taihu Lake Village

Asia » China » Shanghai » Xuhui March 25th 2014

Most people who share a deep lust for travel tend to be extraordinarily optimistic, especially when it involves an adventure. As wanderers we're open-minded; seekers of the unknown whose thirst for the new and unfamiliar is nearly unquenchable! I admire this optimism. Once a few years ago on an island off Panama's Caribbean coast, my friend and I were caught in a torrential downpour. I was sopping wet, a little cold, and pretty sure my camera was ruined. Yet, it was PERFECT. So perfect in fact that I stretched my arms outward, droplets bouncing off my palms, and I raised my grinning face to the clouds. Without a care, my friend and I casted our drenched clothes aside and plunged into the warm dotted bay. Fast-forward to today. Location: Shanghai. It rained pretty much nonstop, I ... read more
Pagoda in Qibao
canals in Qibao
Guard dog

Asia » China » Shanghai » Xuhui September 2nd 2013

It’s impossible not to think of this summer without referencing the weather. Though it’s barely September, I’m already thinking about it in the past tense and hoping it’s behind us. I’m not sure that I can think up the proper adjectives to do it justice. Unbearable? Sweltering? Roasting? Broiling? Oppressive? When I look back at my June photos I was still wearing jeans, even boots in the cool, damp, early summer rain. In July things suddenly changed to full-on summer; the fickle spring weather replaced by two months of broiling sun. I thought perhaps I was being over-sensitive. I was, after all, accustomed to the temperate Pacific Northwest climate and recently, the even temperatures of the Guatemalan highlands. Apparently, however, many others felt the same. While the subtropical summer of Shanghai is famously unpleasant, this year ... read more
Us on the Bus
Epic Pudong skyline at dusk
View from C's office

Asia » China » Shanghai » Xuhui June 23rd 2013

Morning All I arrived at lunchtime in Shanghai after a lovely flight! It didn't get dark at all because I flew into the sunrise. Its warm very warm here. Im having breakfast at the moment and Im going to try and get some photos up to show about all the different things I could have had for breakfast. It's about half past 9 in the morning here but you will be fast asleep in your beds as its the middle of the night at home. Last night we went to an old bit of the town and had supper in a restaraunt which had lots of teddy bears! Earl didn't come he was a bit tired agetting rready to go to his new school. I hope some of you can leave some messages and I will ... read more

Asia » China » Shanghai » Xuhui April 24th 2013

Tomorrow marks our first full month in Shanghai. It’s hard to imagine that the transition phase is officially over and now we are settled into our own apartment. We’re cooking, working, beginning to explore. I’ve found a yoga studio and a Chinese teacher. For a long time I’ve debated starting another blog. It seems strange to put your personal life online. At the same time, it’s a great way to keep in touch. I also feel that blogs encapsulate the various phases of living and traveling abroad: different seasons, activities, life stages, events. I’ve also found other blogs to be incredibly inspiring and helpful in planning my own trips. So here I am. We live in a tiny apartment in the French Concession. Our building is five floors (no elevator) with laundry hanging out the windows ... read more
C on "Old Street"
Cool old house
YuYuan Garden

Asia » China » Shanghai » Xuhui February 20th 2012

Nick and I ventured out for our first weekend trip! It was fairly last-minute but we decided to get out to the "big city" and visit our friends in Shanghai. Our friend, Kathleen, was celebrating her 25th birthday so we met up with her and her boyfriend, Jason for dinner. Nick has been to Shanghai several times, but it was my first time and I was blown away by the city. We took the bullet train from Changzhou to Shanghai which topped at 301 km/h. It was amazing how smooth the ride was, even at that speed. It only took us just under an hour to get to the train station in Shanghai. From the station, we navigated the subway to take us to the Pu River, which splits the city into the financial district on ... read more
The Shanghai Skyline
Kathleen's Birthday Dinner

Asia » China » Shanghai » Xuhui January 23rd 2012

Kiinalainen uusivuosi on kiinalaisten vuoden tärkein juhla, jota vietetään perheen ja sukulaisten kanssa. Nykyisin juhla kestää neljä päivää, jotka ovat tyypillisesti vapaapäiviä maissa joissa asuu runsaasti kiinalaisia. Kiinan lisäksi tällaisia maita ovat muun muassa Malesia ja Singapore. Perinteisesti koti koristellaan juhlaa varten ja sukulaiset vierailevat toistensa kodeissa. Naimisissa olevat sukulaiset ja tuttavat antavat naimattomille rahalahjoja punaisissa paketeissa. Myös ilotulitteet, lohikäärmetanssit ja uhkapelaaminen kuuluvat kiinalaiseen uudenvuoden viettoon. (Wikipedia) Jäniksenvuosi jäi taakse ja lohikäärmeenvuosi otettiin vastaan kovalla paukkeella. Mulla ei ollut mitään suunnitelmia valmiina uudenvuodenaatolle, joten menin iltasella irkkupubiin muutamalle kaljalle siinä toivossa, että jotain kehkeytyisi. No siellähän tuli potkupalloa telkkarista ja eihän sitä kestä k... read more

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