Blogs from Mandalay, Mandalay Region, Burma, Asia - page 10


Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Mandalay July 1st 2009

After initially stepping off at Bagan airport and not realising it until the nurse checking our ears for swine flu informed us, we counted ourselves lucky to have made it back on the plane to Mandalay as planned. Located approximately an hour away from the airport, there was something I found charming about Mandalay instantly, even with its dusty potholed roads! With a population of around 7.7 million, mostly Burmans including a large Indian and Chinese community, Mandalay is Burma’s last royal capital and second city. It has more of a relaxed vibe and laid back atmosphere to that of Yangon and perhaps that is why I found it so appealing. It is home to around 60% of Burma’s monks, numerous teahouses and trishaws. Although Burma opened up its borders with China in the 1990s and ... read more
On Mandalay Hill
On the streets of Mandalay
Roads of Mandalay

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Mandalay June 25th 2009

Erster Tag wie immer bequem mit Guide, dann wie immer auf die eigene Tour. Der Guide war phantastisch. Joe Joe Foto im Anhang, perfektes Englisch und wahrscheinlich der offenste von allen. Er erzaehlte stundenlang ueber familiaere Traditionen, religioese Orientierung und wie man hier eine Frau ausfuehrt. (Nur eins dazu - Gott sei Dank ist das bei uns anders... findet sogar Moni) Er ist sicherlich ein wohlhabender Familienvater lebt aber wie alle mit seinen Eltern unter einem Dach und bewohnt mit seiner Familie ein Zimmer. Die Frau liegt neben dem einen Sohn, er neben dem anderen. Wie es da zur Zeugung des zweiten Sohn kam trauten wir uns nicht zu fragen, sonst wissen wir alles. In Mandalay besuchten wir auch wieder ein grosses Moenchskloster. Die Menschen sind hier unglaublich religioes. Also diese Geschichte mit der Reinkarnation stimmt ... read more
Auto kaputt
Militaer traut uns nicht
Am Fluss

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Mandalay June 5th 2009

In Mandalay angekommen nahmen Devon, Jeanelle und ich erst einmal eines der allgegenwaertigen Blue Taxis, ein umgebauter Mini-Pickup. Auf Empfehlung von Frederic quartierten wir uns im Royal Guesthouse ein, das ein nettes Flair hat, obwohl es recht beengt zugeht. Die Strasse davor wurde gegenwaertig neu gebaut. Und das heisst hier pure Muskelkraft: Mit Ausnahme einer Dampfwalze nur Handarbeit, sogar Grossteils von Frauen. Waere es nicht mitten in Mandalay und direkt vor dem beliebtesten Backpacker-Guesthouse, koennte man meinen es waere Sklavenarbeit. Grosse Steine werden per LKW angeliefert, per Hand durch Hammer zerkleinert und so auf die geplante Strasse verteilt, dass sie eine gewisse Neigung erhaelt. Werkzeuge: Koerbe, Hammer und eine Schnur zum Ausloten. Angekommen war erst einmal Relaxen auf der schoenen, blauen Dachterasse mit einem Bier angesagt. Nach einem kurzen Besuch der ... read more
Teak-Bruecke in Amarapura
Lu Maw
Blue Taxi von der Bus Station in die Innenstadt

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Mandalay May 29th 2009

The progression of the road work was impressive, most of which was done by hand. We went out on another excursion at 730am and the workers were already starting the day and when we came back around 530pm the workers were just finishing. Long hours for only making about 3000 khats (US $3) as we were told. We commented it was not very much; the response we received was the job does not pay much but it ensures a daily income. Although it is the way of life in Myanmar it was tough to see young children working. Interestingly and uncomfortably, you also see children the same age begging just nearby. Its a shock to see and a harsh reality. Later, we had discussions with our driver about the situation which revealed a lot about his ... read more
Mandalay 2 003
Mandalay 2 004
Mandalay 2 005

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Mandalay May 28th 2009

Mustache Brothers was listed in the Lonely Planet as a comedian group that at one time enjoyed some freedom practicing political satire. However, after some stints in jail and in labour camps the main actors only do their shows in English for tourists these days. The group consists of 3 brothers and their wives, who were activists for democracy and some of the comments/jokes are related to the situation in Myanmar. Par Par Lay, the oldest brother was specifically noted for doing his share of time. Even though some residents believe Mustache Brothers aren't the best comedians and that fees aren't necessarily to support political dissidents it was an interesting and funny show. We were told there are many other comedian and dance groups along the "Hollywood Road" that don't get involved in politics which locals ... read more
Mandalay 2
Mandalay 3
Mandalay 4

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Mandalay April 15th 2009

The Tung Byone 37 Festival Nat Spirit Medium Festival is held this Year on July 31st 2009 . The Main 37 Nat Spirit Medium (Nat Kadaw) Festival (Pwe') held every year for 5 days in Burma/Myanmar in the Three Hundred year old Village of Tung - Byone, followed by consecutive smaller scale events in Amarapura and Mount Popa or any of the smaller Nat Pwe's held throughout 'Burma' so it is substantially what the forthcoming website is about getting you there to promote your 'involvement' 'support' and 'information' last but not least having fun in one of the most amazing Festivals in S.E Asia.  Contact : Nat Worship goes as far back as the 4th Century 'Pyu' Era and derived from Indian Cult Worship the head Nat 'Mahagery' originates from India Nat Worship arrived and ... read more

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Mandalay March 14th 2009

Today in Myanmar has published a four parts series on Travel story of a Myanmar man from Mandalay to Myitkyina using train. The author writes about his horrible experience while going to Myitkyina by train. He writes about difficulty getting a train ticket, the poor condition of the trains, life of ordinary train passengers, corruption of the railway workers and the problems encountered on the way. The article is a very interesting one and everyone who intends to travel in Burma using train should read the article before deciding to use train. The original article can be read at Mandalay - Myitkyina Train Trip · Today in Myanmar.... read more

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Mandalay March 6th 2009

"On the road to Mandalay, Where the old Flotilla lay, With our sick beneath the awnings when we went to Mandalay! On the road to Mandalay, Where the flyin'-fishes play, An' the dawn comes up like thunder outer China 'crost the Bay!" - Excerpt, "Mandalay" by Rudyard Kipling, 1892 Wiki Facts: Mandalay is the second largest city (after Yangon - Rangoon), and a former capital of Myanmar. Mandalay is not an old city, not even a medieval one, but rather a new city that was created by King Mingdon Min of Burma in 1857 as the new capital of the kingdom of Ava. Only two Burmese kings ruled from there, King Mingdon and King Thibaw, before the British conquest of Upper Burma in 1885. So, we've got that over with: The bad news, my camera is ... read more
Mandalay Royal Palace
Mandalay Hill
View from Mandalay Hill

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Mandalay February 12th 2009

Mandalay is a harmless city with a fantastic chapatti stand (one chapatti and veggie curry is less than 35p). We were there few a couple of days and took the boat to nearby Mingun, where what would have been the largest pagoda in the world stands uncompleted and cracked (from the big earthquake in 1975 which seems to have damaged everything in Myanmar). The boat left at 9am, and we were on it after a brief argument with a highly suspicious guy claiming to be the owner. Turns out he was, but he needs to work on his people skills. The trip was only about 30 minutes but it was nice to see the Ayeyarwady river. The 'guidebook' goes on and on about week long trips down it, but what we would do for that long ... read more
Mingun pagoda
U Being Bridge seen through an awesome sunset filter which is better than reality!
Persistant girl

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Mandalay December 28th 2008

(Day 268 on the road)We arrived in Mandalay by means of another uncomfortable overnight bus journey, that left us stranded at the bus station far away from the city centre at four o'clock in the morning. After finding a reasonably priced hotel (which took us over an hour) and a morning nap, we soon discovered that Mandalay itself is nothing special. It is a big, dusty and busy city during the day, and at night it is pitch-black and noisy, as electricity is extremely patchy and all the restaurants and hotels have their generators standing out front near the road. We planned to stay for two days, and spent the first day exploring the city on bicycle, mainly a few temples and the presidential palace (we didn't go inside however, as the palace was a) restored ... read more
The suppressed Moustache Brothers
Boys near Amarapura

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