Blogs from Hsipaw, Mandalay Region, Burma, Asia - page 2


Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Hsipaw March 18th 2012

Hallo again!! The next destination from Mandaly by bus was Hsipaw in Northern Shan State. Already on the way there with the bus we drove along totally naked hills, first impression - depressing. A lot of fires where there in action and the road to there was in some parts under construction. In Hsipaw itsself we didn't see much trees either!! After asking arround we got different explanations from teak wood for the neighbouring countries to burning down for hunting, getting rid of snakes, and for getting new fields for agriculture!! I have seen this a lot but not in this extreme. To give you an image, it was hard to breathe in a city in mountainous area in the countryside because of the smog. Around Hsipaw we found a gaspipeline to china under construction and ... read more
Train station in Hsipaw - Burma
Spice transport - Hsipaw - Burma
Noodle factory - Hsipaw - Burma

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Hsipaw February 17th 2011

We hopped on the jeep at 9.30am bound for Namhsan. We stopped by the other guesthouse to pick up an Israeli, Aitan which made it 10 people in our small jeep. Jessie and myself ended up sitting on a large sack on the tailgate. The first 45 minutes was okay although a little bumpy and then the driver stopped and got out a tarp which he attached to the back of the roof and hung it over mine and Jessie’s backs. And then the dust started, it was coming up from the sides and under the tarp, as well as through the vehicle itself. The views from the sides of the mountains were quite spectacular but our view was mainly obscured by trying to keep the tarp closed as well as trying to cover our faces ... read more
Namhsam to Hispaw trek
Namhsam to Hispaw trek
Namhsam to Hispaw trek

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Hsipaw December 17th 2010

30/11/2010 - 03/12/2010 I took the bus up north to Hsiphaw, a good place to do some trekking and visiting local villages with Shan or Palaung people. I decided to go on a 2 day trekking with overnight in a homestay in a small Palaung village. It was a good change coming from the cities; now enjoying the beautiful myanmar mountain landscape. But what it really made memorable was my guide, Mr Bean (cause he also sells beans in the market) . Though he had several nicknames, the most appropiate one was Mr Lust as he liked to say! We would joke and laugh 2 days long, mainly about the opposite sex.... We left at 9 am and arrived around 4 pm in the mountain village where the host family welcomed us with an extensive late ... read more
little rice pagodas
stay at the local family
grandma watching over her grand grand child

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Hsipaw November 21st 2010

The whole time in Mandalay we spent doing nothing, except a brief trip to the local market where on the walk there we almost got run over by a car backing out from a driveway, we had been having Shan noodles from the street vendor near our hostel, Royal GH, nice place simple and cheap, $7 for double room. There is a rooftop deck where we spent one evening drinking beer while watching the sun set. Nylon ice cream parlor for some good ice cream 2 minute walk from the GH, other than that we did nada in Mandalay, we saw the moat of the old city but we did not venture in it. We slept in on the day of our departure to Pyin Oo Lwin or Ping A ling Ding Dong as we call ... read more
Train ride scenery
Train ride scenery
Train ride scenery

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Hsipaw January 30th 2010

Il fait encore noir, lorsque nous pénétrons dans le bus vers Hsipaw, un petit patelin qui nous interpele après la visite de Mandalay dans sa poussière éternelle, son béton brulant et sa congestion assourdissante… qualificatifs de toutes grandes villes. Une fois de plus, nous sommes les uniques touristes à bord du bus local qui, à prime abord, dégage une odeur infecte ressemblant à un heureux mélange de moisissure, de chien mouillé et de nourritures avariées! Deuxièmement, le bus est encombré de mille et une caisses de vivres (essentiellement tomates et citrouilles) dispersées dans l’allée et sous les sièges. À tour de rôle, les passagers piétinent les caisses de tomates, le dos arqués pour rejoindre leur siège respectif. Perplexes, à nous de marcher sur les tomates fraiches pour trouver les bancs 21 et 22, mais drôlement les ... read more
Hsipaw, Myanmar
Hsipaw, Myanmar
Hsipaw, Myanmar

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Hsipaw November 11th 2009

Mandalay, despite it's romantic connotations, provided little inducement to linger for which I lay the blame solely at the feet of the taxi drivers I encountered who changed their fare (quite significantly) between departure and arrival. Initially I put it down to a misunderstanding on my part however, by the 3rd time (in a row - grrrr) I was distinctly annoyed and refused to pay a penny more than initially agreed upon (a reasonable fare in my opinion). I fear this coloured my view of Mandalay slightly and the rest of the city suffered as a result, on a different day I may very well have liked the place. Despite this I did find some things to enchant. First was a gold leaf workshop where I took a fascinating guided tour around the facility. Alas, I ... read more
Gold leaf in the making
Monks crossing bridge as the day draws to a close
Young monk

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Hsipaw June 14th 2009

In Namhsan angekommen verfolgten mich viele neugierige Blicke, als ich langsam durchs Dorf fahre. Am Ende fuehren Stufen auf eine Pagode, die zusammen mit einem Kloster das Dorf und die Taeler ueberblicken. Kids fangen mich auf den Stufen ab, es kommen nicht sehr viele Touris hierher. Zumindest nicht allein und auf einem Motorcycle. Die Nachricht von einem Touri auf der Pagode verbreitet sich schnell und schon habe ich einen Guide, Shandi, der mich die naechsten zwei Tage begleiten sollte. Die Moenche im Kloster laden mich zu einem Tee ein, und schliesslich auch dazu, die Nacht im Kloster zu verbringen. Das kommt mir sehr gelegen, da ich nicht im einzigen Guesthouse am Ort schlafen will. Es gehoert der Regierung. Normalerweise revanchiert man sich fuer sowas mit einer kleinen Spende. Nach dem Abendessen schauen die Moenche fern, CNN. ... read more
Blick ueber das Dorf in der Naehe von Namhsan
Der junge Moench hat mir den Weg auf den Gipfel gezeigt
sehr unbeschwerter Umgang mit der Natur hier

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Hsipaw June 12th 2009

Nils und ich, als letzte uebrig gebliebene unserer kleinen Crew entschlossen uns nach Namhsan in den Bergen zu stoppen. Angeblich 6-12 Stunden mit dem Bus, abhaengig von Wetter, dem Bus und Glueck. Klang sehr abenteuerlich, also los. Nach drei Stunden am Rand der Strasse nach Namhsan gaben wir auf, da in diesen drei Stunden gerade mal vier (4!) Autos vorbeikamen. Wir machten uns auf den Weg zurueck ins Guesthouse und chillten. Nachmittags wurde Nils krank, hat wohl was schlechtes gegessen. Kann in Burma leider recht einfach passieren. Nun war ich also der Einzige auf dem Weg nach Namshan. Da der Bus keine feste Abfahrtszeit hat, sondern irgendwann kommen kann, stand ich um fuenf Uhr auf, und wartete geschlagene fuenf Stunden bis zehn am Strassenrand in einem kleinen nepalesischen Teashop. An manchen Tagen kann der Bus auch ... read more
Hitchin' a ride
zuerst noch recht ordentlich und geteert...
dann schlimmer...

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Hsipaw June 10th 2009

Mein naechster Stop in Myanmar sollte Hsipaw sein. Hsipaw liegt im Norther Shan State, das Volk der Shan macht ungefaehr fuenf Mio. Einwohner aus. Gesprochen wird Shan, was dem Thailaendischen sehr aehnlich ist und Birmesisch. Sie stellen eine der groessten Minderheiten im von den Birmesen dominierten Myanmar dar. 1962 stuerzte der Myanmar-weit verhasste General Ne Win (unter den Locals verhasst) gewaltsam die demokratisch gewaehlte Shan Regierung. Seit Jahrzehnten kaempfen die Shan in einem Guerilla-Krieg gegen die Armee. Shan-Doerfer wurden regelmaessig gebrandschatzt, niedergebrannt, die Einwohner flohen ueber die Grenze nach Thailand, junge Maenner wurden regelmaessig zu Zwangsarbeit im Strassenbau herangezogen. In Thailand leben geschaetzte zwei Mio. aus Myanmar geflohene Shan. Die frueheren Herrscher der Shans trugen den Titel eines "Sawbwa", eines Sky Lords. Ich vermute, dass ... read more
Trekking through the fields
das Fussbaldfeld muss man sich hier mit Kuehen teilen
Nils in action

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Hsipaw November 26th 2008

Hsipaw is quieter, cooler and less dusty than the rest of Myanmar. It reminds me of parts of Kathmandu. I feel better already, just hanging around “Mr Charles Guest-house”. I bike to the 'Nine Buddha' monastery, where I can see the surroundings and get a feel of where Hsipaw is situated. In the distance is a waterfall, which looks like it's out of “ The Lord of the Rings”. It does look like Nepal here, except, of course, the altitude is much higher there. If it wasn't for the barrage of heavy vehicles being diverted through the centre of town, this would be a quiet village. As I watch the beautiful glowing sunset and remind ... read more
View from Nine Buddha monastery
Hsipaw from the bridge
Boy & dog

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