Blogs from Asyut, Middle Egypt, Egypt, Africa


Africa » Egypt » Middle Egypt » Asyut December 22nd 2010

Caly czas podazamy wzdluz Nilu. Jestesmy w Sohag. Spalismy w ogrodach posterunku policji. Niestety mundurowi jada za nami jak cienie. Troche to wkurzajace. Bedziemy probowali ich zgubic. Swieta tuz,tuz, juz za pasem, ale my nie czujemy swiatecznej atmosfery...Gdyby nie to, ze czasem zerkamy do kalendarza, nie mielibymy pojecia, ze to juz prawie Wigilia. Nie pruszy snieg, w sklepach nie graja koledy, nikt nie piecze pierniczkow, nie pala sie kominki a rodziny nie zbieraja sie przy lepieniu pierogow. Z wiezy meczetu zawodzi za to muezin, pod murami przemykaja cicho zakwefione kobiety. Prace polowe nad Nilem w pelni rozkwitu. Otacza nas charmider motorkow, wszechobecny pyl, brud i kurz. No i wszechobecny osiolek! Wszak Jezus tez gdzies tutejsze szlaki na osiolku przemierzal:)... read more
mini-Las palmowy
mini-Centaur - pol czlowiek, pol osiol
mini-IMG 2806

Africa » Egypt » Middle Egypt » Asyut December 21st 2010

5 dni temu opuscilismy Kair, dzierzac w reku wizy do Sudamu i Etiopii:-) Minelismy Gize z jej wspanialymi piramidami i skierowalismy sie wzdluz Nilu na poludnie. Po synajskiej pustyni, jestesmy oczarowani zielenia i bujnoscia zycia wzdluz rzeki. Jest to magiczna kraina osiolka. Czas sie tu zatrzymal. Ludzie zyja jak zyli ich dziadowie i pra pra x 100 dziadowie. Nic sie nie zmienilo - stroje, obyczaje, menatalnosc no i wszechobecny osiolek ktory jest glowna sila robocza i srodkierm transportu. Jedynymi oznakami tego ze XXI wiek sie tu zakradl sa komorki, motory i samochody ( w tym bardzo polularny nasz PLONEZ:-) Dzis dotarlismy do Asyut. Niestety juz nie sami a w eskorcie policji:-( Niestety taki tu zwyczaj ze dla "dobra" i "bezpieczenstwa" turysty, jedzie sie w konwoju. Jakos do tej pory przemieszczajac sie wzdluz mniejszych kanalow, udalo nam ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Middle Egypt » Asyut July 20th 2008

Contrary to what you might think, life in Egypt, like life in many places, is not all that exciting. Day in and day out, life is often just the same routine over and over. We were reminded of this on Wednesday night when we spent our last night in Amshoul with the Habib family on the roof. As we talked to Hala, Nagat and Osama, (Kadry’s twin sisters and his twin brother) we got a new sense that life in a village in Upper Egypt is the same day after day after day. It’s what makes young men willing to take jobs in far away cities and it’s what makes young woman eager to marry to be exposed to something new. When something or someone new comes to alter this routine it can make a world ... read more
On the Front Stoop
Osama and Kadry with Hans

Africa » Egypt » Middle Egypt » Asyut July 16th 2008

Yesterday I experienced what it is to be cared for by others when you are sick. I’ll spare you all the details, but let you know that I had a mild case of heat stroke for which I was finally treated last night with IV’s to restore my fluids. Rest assured that I am feeling infinitely better today. As I waited yesterday for what I thought was a case of the flu to pass, I was attended to, waited on and cared for like a most beloved guest. Hala checked on me every 15 minutes to make sure there was nothing that I needed. Oma felt my skin and held my hand, just like a worried mother. Kadry insisted throughout the day that a doctor should be called. Finally around 7:15 when I was not feeling ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Middle Egypt » Asyut July 15th 2008

It will come as no surprise to any of you that every day in Egypt is a good day for me - usually a great day. Yesterday was no exception. What made yesterday a great day was not a special excursion in the morning or lunch with the bishop. What made yesterday a great day was the ordinariness of the day. In the afternoon Kadry’s mom and sisters taught me how to make tagglia - and amazing tomato and onion sauce that we’ve had with fish and last night had with dove - and how to make Egyptian rice. I now know that secret to Om Emad’s cooking is a liberal use of butter. I had suspected this all along, but now I’ve seen the evidence! The other highlight was an early birthday party that Kadry’s ... read more
Stuffing Doves
My New Cross

Africa » Egypt » Middle Egypt » Asyut July 14th 2008

5:54 am If you a light morning sleeper like me, you are apt to be woken up each morning in Amshool by the sound of the animals waking for the day. I first heard the roosters around 4:30 but now there is a full chorus surrounding me. The donkeys are also waking up early this morning so their brays are added to the chorus. I write early on Monday morning from my new favorite place in Egypt - another rooftop - this one at Kadry’s parents home. Every night after we have eaten dinner and done any neighborhood visiting that we’ve been invited to do we come up here to enjoy the cool evening breezes and to gaze at stars like I’ve always imagined one would find in Africa. Our running bet is to see who ... read more
Mina's Baptism
A Proud Grandma Gazes at a Future Priest!

Africa » Egypt » Middle Egypt » Asyut July 12th 2008

For the last month, as well as all of my time in Egypt last year, I enjoyed living in Maadi. It’s a beautiful part of Cairo that is very westernized. I have always known that the way we live in Maadi is not how most Egyptians live, and while I have seen glimpses of real Egyptian life, it is not until now that I have actually experienced it first hand. The village of Amshool is “real” Egypt, which is to say, “rural” Egypt. The roads are dirt paths that wind between houses. They are wide enough for walkers and bicycles and the occasional wide donkey load, but rarely wide enough for cars. Everywhere we go we encounter donkeys, goats, sheep, roosters and the occasional water buffalo. Our walk around the village last evening, first to church ... read more
Village Church
Friday Afternoon Catechism

Africa » Egypt » Middle Egypt » Asyut July 11th 2008

July 11, 1:18 p.m., Amshool, Egypt First things first. We are safely arrived in Upper Egypt. We left seminary with a group of 5 students at 5:45 Friday morning and took the Metro to Ramses Station in Central Cairo where we caught the 7 a.m. train south. Last night was the hottest and most humid night so far which was miserable for sleeping, but probably good preparation for the next week. Even early in the morning we were drenched in sweat by the time we arrived at the train. Thankfully Kadry understands that we are soft Westerners and booked us first class tickets in an air conditioned car. It was perfect. The train ride south was uneventful. We arrived in Dairo (?) around 11:30 and were met at the station by Abu Emad and Om Emad ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Middle Egypt » Asyut April 2nd 2007

Cairo-AsyutTom Griffithurl='/Videos/2634.html' onclick='dialog("/Videos/2634.html?popped=1","tbvideo",600,600);return false;'Taxi music... Thanks to the anti-government Islamist uprising that happened in this part of the world in the 1990s, Middle Egypt is a largely unexplored section of the country. There hasn't been a major attack on tourists since the awful massacre at Hatshepsut's temple in 1997, and the insurgency against Hosni Mubarak's one-party regime has largely died down, but the authorities aren't taking any chances. They warn tourists off any of the towns between Cairo and Luxor, and in El-Minya, the heart of resistance, any foreigners who dare get off the train are trailed around town by armed police until they leave. Asyut isn't that bad - or so I was told. Yesterday I spent the day getting aro... read more
Dodging Constable Kemal
Atef Mohamed

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