Not that Great of a Day

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Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen
August 29th 2022
Published: August 29th 2022
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Yes, it was going on today
Well today is not what we expected. Susan woke up not feeling great so decided it was time to take a covid test. Boy it pop’d up positive too quickly. We both put on masks and I opened the door to the deck. Then I called the front desk and told them. They said medical would be contacting us shortly, Well,…. Medical opened an hour later and I called and they had not heard anything from the front desk. They asked us to show up at 9. We did and they did a rapid test on us both, Susan – positive, me – negative. They then did a PCR test for us both. Susan is quarantined in the room, I’m free to go about as long as I’m masked. I leave to go for a long walk in Bergen. I skip the included tour. I don’t want to be around folks until I get a negative PCR test.

I really don’t like this new Viking thing of no printed maps, but, given that Susan was in the room and I wanted her to be able to contact me, I turned on the $10 a day roaming. Actually, that worked out great because I could use the trip advisor app to figure out fun things to see( remember no printed map). I’m up to 16K steps for the day.

Bergen, is a cute town, but they had the world triathlon race here today so there was a lot of walking to cross overs… I’m glad I had trip advisor even though some of the items were marked in the wrong location. I finally got my PCR results and I’m negative and Susan is doing better. Stephanie (her daughter who is a primary care DR) prescribed her Paxlovid, before we left. Thank you Stephanie for thinking ahead!!!

We have now set sail to our next port, but the seas are a bit rocky. I’ll head out in a bit to the captains’ welcome party, Susan, I guess will binge watch 6 seasons of DownTown Abby.

I miss my sister!!!

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largest crab I've ever seen

29th August 2022

I saw Tom yesterday and he told me about Susan. So sorry, Claire, for both of you. Knowing you, you will make this positive somehow. Have you both in my thoughts.
29th August 2022

Keeping my fingers crossed.
I hope Susan is feeling better, and you continue to test negative. The town looks like a nice place to explore, though I'm sure it would have been more enjoyable with a companion.
29th August 2022

I am so sorry COVID visited on the trip. Awful. At least you are COVID free and Susan is on the mend. The pix you include are great. Barbara

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