Machu Picchu

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South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco
March 24th 2006
Published: March 24th 2006
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Well, here are some of the photos I promised

My last report was regarding La Paz and Cocacabamba but I couldnt add photos. Fortunately my new buddy Alex gave me his cable to the photos follow Machu Picchu.
These include the Reed islands at Puno. Youll have to wait till I get home for the rest.

Gotta go. Place is closing


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24th March 2006

well done son you have had a great holiday
27th March 2006

Hi Richard from Ro and Nell
Hey Richard, sounds like your having fun. A couple of my mates are in Vancouver and they said they would be interested meeting up with a friendly face. Not sure when you will be back but if you have the time i´ll give you their emails and maybe you can show them round. They are there for a year and looking for work which you might be able to give them some direction in as well. Let me know when your back. We are currently in Spain and its soooo cold. Off to Egypt tomoro though. Speak soon.

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