Blogs from Guyana, South America - page 3


South America » Guyana » North Rupununi September 15th 2013

Tuesday 10th September 2013 I wake up to find that I have been eaten alive by mosquitos – and right on the sole of my foot again, right next to the damn honey bee sting. The nice cold shower cools down the 80 odd red dots on my legs and feet. After breakfast, I head over and I’m straight into marking maths homework about ordering numbers from smallest to largest and using the greater than and less than symbols. The principal goes off into the field again to check on progress for the racing track but gets caught up in a meeting. So after the maths homework, I just help the students with their reading skills. In no time its straight back to the lodge for lunch and just as quickly, back to class ... read more

South America » Guyana » North Rupununi » Rewa September 9th 2013

Friday 6th September 2013 Finally a cool day! The breeze is actually quite cold and I find myself wearing a shirt over my singlet rather than using my shirt to collect and wipe all my sweat during the day. The day starts and I set to work trying to build an excel matrix for quoting 2014 rates. At the moment, it’s very manual and they spend a lot of timing add the costs up. I have literally worked on it all day and I’m almost there, just having a couple troubles with how they cost a particular portion. I’m trying to make it easy enough for them to review the rates again and update in 2015. I’m outta there at 4pm, my brain is fried and the heat box certainly got hotter and hotter ... read more
Follow the leader
More rainforest

South America » Guyana September 5th 2013

The day is much cooler again, I would say it’s about 26 degrees with a cool breeze. Eventually the day does heat up to about 32 but of course in the office it feels like 50! I had a troubled sleep waking up a 9.30pm in a panic and then again at 2:30pm which keeps me awake until 3.30pm. I need to the bathroom each time I wake up and when I walk outside, I get distracted by the stars and I wish I could figure out how to take photos of how beautiful the sky looks. In the morning after breakfast, Junita, the 18 year old assistant cook comes to my benab to tell me that Freddie the Caiman is at the river edge. She knows that I have been looking forward to seeing him ... read more

South America » Guyana September 4th 2013

This morning, I woke up to the sounds of Howler Monkeys… Well, I think that’s what they were. They were so loud but it didn’t last long. I was already due to get up anyway and I was definitely ready for a nice cold shower to cool down my sunburnt patches of skin. I headed over to the toilet and lifted up the lid to find a little present in there. On closer inspection, I saw two little eyes beaming up at me. Either some just passed an intact amphibian through their digestive system or it was an actual frog hanging out for a little bit. I really didn’t want to do my business on him so I tried to flush him away, back in to the river. The water system in the showers and toilets ... read more
Aussies stick together
Trek time

South America » Guyana » Annai September 3rd 2013

Tuesday 3rd September Before I start – I will avoid uploading photos on this blog until I get to NYC. I don’t want to kill the bandwidth here. The curse of the jetlag continues and I’m wide awake at 4:30am. I have 2 ½ hours to kill before I am due to be picked up by Terrence to start the journey. A nice cold shower instantly puts a spark into me and I’m ready for the adventure. Terrence picks up at 7am from the Rainforest B&B and we head on down to Ogle Airport. Ogle is a much smaller airport than Cheddi Jaggan and specialises in small commercial flights to domestic areas and to border countries like Suriname. Because the plane is so small, the weight limit for luggage per person is only 9kgs. ... read more
View of Ogle Airport
Finally landed

South America » Guyana » Georgetown September 2nd 2013

So, after 36 hours of travelling... I am finally in Guyana and it's so beautiful and full of colour. So far, I've only driven between Cheddi Jagan International Airport and Georgetown which probably isn't the most aesthetically pleasing route, but even the run down houses are painted in these beautiful bright pastel colours My flight route here was insane! I left Melbourne at 9am on Sunday 1st September. But by the time I got to Guyana , it was 11:30pm Monday 2nd September Melbourne time! Melbourne - Sydney - Los Angeles - New York - Trinidad (although I stayed on the plane) - Georgetown. My ankles are the biggest I have ever seen them, full cankle syndrome. I have also come to the realisation that I am actually really patient when it comes to waiting in ... read more
Rainforest B&B

South America » Guyana » Annai June 8th 2013

8/6/13 On the plane to Sydney feel a bit. Lonely and sad, i guess because brent wasnt there to see me off, but good to have dad and bernie there, i feel a bit sad to leave him in his time of need, but he assured me he would be ok, and i know he will be looked after. Right time for a kip. 5 hours at sydney airport what a drag i fell asleep on a couch and nearly fell off it, hope noone saw, wahoo worked out the free wifi.... read more

South America » Guyana » Georgetown December 25th 2012

Day 434 Tuesday 18th December Up at 6.00am and finished packing, had a quick breakfast and were doing a final check when at 7.15am there was a knock at the door. We were told the taxi was here so we grabbed everything and went downstairs and paid the bill. It turned out the taxi was a collectivo minivan, (as suspected) we jumped in and were off to the port arriving about 8.15am for the start of the fun. The port is called “South Drain”, which doesn’t sound nice when you say you exited a country via the South Drain…sounds a bit like a rat out of a sewer. As we hopped out our driver asked if we firstly wanted to change money and secondly if we need a ride on the other ... read more
Suriname border

South America » Guyana July 26th 2011

June 2011. It was time to wander. A month before, I had been reading about Columbia, thinking I wanted to go back to South America. Late one night, I was playing around with ideas in that part of the world. For some reason, I started reading about the capitol of Guyana, Georgetown. I thought for a minute. What did I know about this country? The answer was almost nothing. I did know a little. Most people have heard of the Jamestown cult murders in the 1970s. My father has an amazing hobby of hunting for and finding antique bottles in the mangroves where he lives in South Florida. He knows bottle dealers in a few places in the Caribbean, one guy he knows lives in Guyana. The bottles my father has bought from him come wrapped ... read more

South America » Guyana » Georgetown May 14th 2011

Having arrived in Georgetown at 2.30pm, the first thing I wanted to do was to have my first shower in 3 days. I wasn't planning to stay in town for too long, just long enough to get my visa to go to Suriname. But sometimes I wonder why I even bother making plans, as things never seem to go according to them... You will find out more in the next blog about the reasons why I stayed in Georgetown for so long (I don't want to spoil the story of what was possibly my most “exciting” adventure yet), but the fact is that I was in the capital for 3 nights in the end, something that really wasn't necessary... Anybody planning to go to Georgetown, one day is enough! So let me tell you all the ... read more

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