Blogs from San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos, Ecuador, South America - page 5


Panama and Galapagos Islands Our last blog was posted on the 23rd of April and at that time we were pretty hopeful of leaving Panama in a couple of days after that. We ended up leaving Panama (for the first time) on the 26th of April, the day after Debs birthday. We got away well and about 40 miles out we lost our autopilot and had some engine troubles so we had to turn around and head back. First analysis was that we might be up for a new autopilot which was going to delay us no end but it turned out that some connections to the computer module needed a bit of attention and after that it was as good as new. We then planned to leave a couple of days later but then disaster ... read more
Turtle rescuers
King Neptune
Equator crossing

h1 Cruise aboard the M/V Santa Cruz We're actually back in New York now, so I will do an abbreviated version of our second cruise aboard the Santa Cruz. It is a bit more of the same - although not if you are actually there! We booked this cruise just a week earlier in Puerto Ayora, on Isla Santa Cruz, got a good last-minute deal for less than half the regular rate. Only the larger vessels visit the outer islands such as Fernandina, which Naomi was really keen to see, and I must say was worth the effort. Before I start, one more pic from San Cristobal - walking back from the restaurant the night before, we passed literally hundreds of sealions adorning the beach, fast asleep and totally oblivious to our presence. The Santa Cruz ... read more
M/V Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz
Inside Santa Cruz

Next morning we strolled across the road to the two hotels we were planning to use (which were right next door) to enquire about their rates for our second night and using their internet. $132 a night plus taxes. Yikes! We'd been told they'd be cheaper than the Grand Hotel which was only $90 a night. We ran into the owner of the boat again in the souvenir shop/office downstairs and said we'd like to stay a second night. Ok, he said. $40. I reminded him he'd metioned a refund of our boat fares - $50. Ok, we'd work something out. In the end, we never sawe him again, nor the refund but we stayed a second night regardless at no cost, so we were happy. We used the Hotel Miconia's internet nextdoor (just buy lunch ... read more
Sealions outside the Port Captains office
Sealions and water taxis
Tortoises, San Cristobal

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » San Cristóbal Island February 20th 2010

Nice early wake up to be take to the interpretive centre which is a cool little museum that gives you an interesting geological and historical background on the Islands. I think a place becomes much more interesting once you know a little bit about how it became what it is today. After the centre, we had some free time. To shop! Or roam around San Cristobal. It´s a real modern looking, clean place but I have to admit that I did spend almost all of my time there looking in the shops (and yes I can hear the ´such a girl´comments being hurled at me right now.) On the way to the island we passed tonnes of boats all just sitting there, mostly acting as sun loungers for sea lions. They had been apprehended by the ... read more
Just Chilling

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » San Cristóbal Island February 16th 2010

Book Review Adapted from and quotes by Carol Ann Bassett, 2009, Galapagos at the crossroads, National Geographic Society The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes¨ - Marcel Proust 1000km off the west coast of South America, a lonely Albatross soars majestically just above the reach of the rolling swell. It’s been a long journey and although his wings never seem to tire it feels good to be home. Las Encantadas “the enchanted islands”. A meeting place for the life bringing cold, nutrient rich Humboldt current, driven perpetually north by the south east trade winds, and the opposing life depleting El Niño current which meanders south from the equator, bringing with it death and destruction. The albatross slowly banks and rises, seemingly effortlessly on the equatorial, warm thermal ... read more
A day in the life of a student
Green turtle in our new classroom
A local Galapaguenos

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » San Cristóbal Island January 20th 2010

Hacienda Tranquila Project, community-based organization, initiated and led by Galápagos residents Established in: 2005 Located at: Highland region of San Cristóbal, Galápagos Island, Ecuador Extension: 50 ha Forest type: Dry and Moist Tropical Forest The highland forests of the populated Islands in the Galapagos chain have been greatly altered due to the introduction of exotic and invasive species of animals and plants. Highland conservation, development and poverty issues have been almost completely neglected by conservation, development and government agencies. As a result of the lack of fruit and vegetable production on the Galapagos Islands, boats from the Ecuadorian mainland unload fruits and vegetables to hotels, restaurants, and markets on a daily basis. Quarantine regulations are consistently ignored and at least two exotic and/or invasive plant or faunal specie... read more

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » San Cristóbal Island January 18th 2010

My last day in the Galapagos islands is bringing on many mixed feelings. The most obvious things I feel are sadness that I am leaving such an amazing place, but excited to be reunited with my friends and family back in Canada. Living in a place that is so drastically different than Canada has opened my eyes in many ways. It has given me a wonderful opportunity to see (in a small way) just what else the world has to offer. It also has made me realize the things I love about Canada, which I was oblivious to until removed from my lifestyle consisting of these things. I feel my time in Ecuador has been an equal ratio of work and play, with both instances allowing me to learn and grow as a person. I cannot ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » San Cristóbal Island January 16th 2010

One thing I have wanted to see since I have set foot in Ecuador is a local wedding. Today my American friend Jenni married a local guy, and the ceremony was on the beach among the sealions and marine iguanas. The reception was small, an intimate group of family and friends. Her hair and dress was simple, yet VERY beautiful! A light meal was served by a local restaurant on the balcony of an upscale hostel right beside my house. The music was a wide range of English and Spanish music, from Barry Manilow to Daddy Yankee. All the best Checho and Jenni! ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » San Cristóbal Island January 14th 2010

As our short visit came to a close, I began getting very excited to return to Canada. I am also beginning to worry... with January being the rainy season the weather has been unsettled. Any slight breeze with no sun leaves me in goosebumps. Going home to -30 degrees celsius Canadian winter is going to be a huge shock to my system. I will need to construct some sort of insulated bubble that I can roll around in until spring!... read more

A quick fruit salad in the hotel and we were picked up for the trip to the airport; seemed a little small... and we generally made a nuisance of ourselves by pushing into the queues where ever possible.There´s only 6 of us on this trip... 2 american couples and 2 brits. In true south american style our aeroplane was late, and then turned out to be a little on the old side. No matter, after a quick stop in Guyaquil (?) we made the hop over to San Cristobal safely, only to be greeted with sullen, rain filled skies. The bags were visibly sniffed for drugs, then we were met by Sambo, and taken to the hotel. Ironically I had been recommended a different tour company so that I would get Sambo as a guide, but ... read more
posing seal
taking off
frigate bird

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