Villa de Leyva

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South America » Colombia » Villa de Leyva
June 21st 2012
Published: June 22nd 2012
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Founded in 1572 and preserved in it entirety, Villa de Leyva was declared a national monument in 1954. Angelica's parents - Alvaro & Gloria - own a little holiday house in the old part of the town which they offered us for a couple of days. Three hours drive from Bogota, we hired a driver - Ricardo - to take us there. The house was a charming little Colombian hacienda and a great place from where to do some exploring of the historic town. The hacienda was in a walled area with a locked door to the street; there were six residences in total, set in a nice garden and with a pet white rabbit hopping around the place.

On the drive to get there, about 12 kms from Tunja, we called in to check out a memorial to Simon Bolivar who, in 1819, liberated Colombia from the Spanish, the country having been in Spanish hands since around 1538. So he was a national hero. Whilst there I climbed up to the memorial, which was atop a hill, while Kev & Ricardo stayed down at the bottom watching a military band and some sort of changing of the guard. We also stopped at Tunja a short while later to check out the town square or 'Plaza Mayor' before tackling the road through the mountains. The last part of the journey to Villa de Leyva was along a very windy road.

Nestled in a valley surrounded by mountains, Villa de Leyva is 2144 metres above sea. level; not quite as high as Bogota at over 2600 metres. At various parts along the road, all the way from Bogota to Villa de Leyva soldiers were standing guard. And once we'd arrived at our destination there were police stationed throughout the town.

The downside of such a quant colonial town was that the road was the original one; that is boulders set in the dirt; very uncomfortable to walk on! But we managed; gives you some understanding of just what our forebears had to put up with! Villa de Leyva has numerous restaurants, cafes, pubs and craft shops. Plus museums - one we visited was the Antonio Narino Museum; he was celebrated for his promotion of human rights in Colombia and as a compatriot of Simon Boliver. All this we learnt from the only English speaking guide at the museum who confessed he was very nervous speaking to us in English; he needn't have worried, he has excellent language skills. As with everywhere else the museum had its share of extremely young policemen keeping watch, no females amongst them.

On our last night there we ate with a fellow tourist from Denmark we'd met the day before. Angelica had recommended a couple of restaurants to try but unfortunately both were closed, nevertheless with lots of eateries to choose from finding an alternative was not hard. Had we had more time in Villa de Leyva it would have been nice to explore more of the surrounding countryside where, we were told, many people from all over the world retire to. A three hour drive back to Bogota, a couple of hours at Alvaro & Gloria's penthouse then it was off to a crowded and chaotic Bogota domestic airport for the 90 minute flight to Santa Marta.

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


Michelle in the middle of Villa de Leyva's Plaza  MayorMichelle in the middle of Villa de Leyva's Plaza  Mayor
Michelle in the middle of Villa de Leyva's Plaza Mayor

The largest plaza in Colombia spanning an area of 14,000 m2 it was witness to many of the events which lead to the freedom of Colombia.
Kev in front of Ricaurte ParkKev in front of Ricaurte Park
Kev in front of Ricaurte Park

Celebrating the life of Antonia Ricaurte who was also part of the Simon Boliver Army.
Michelle under the verandah overlooking Plaza  MayorMichelle under the verandah overlooking Plaza  Mayor
Michelle under the verandah overlooking Plaza Mayor

In the evening local restaurants set up their tables and chairs here for al fresco eating.
Alvaro, Michelle, Kev, Gloria & SofiaAlvaro, Michelle, Kev, Gloria & Sofia
Alvaro, Michelle, Kev, Gloria & Sofia

Back in Bogota before heading off to the airport.

22nd June 2012

Villa de Leyva
Thank you Michelle for the up-date of your travels. Villa de Leyva looks lovely a little like the farm of Hacienda Riquelme.
22nd June 2012

Looking forward daily to your blogs....
Hi Michelle and Kev we really enjoy your're so adventurous! Michelle you look very glamorous! Kev you look a bit fed up!lol!!! You both look happy and well! I was attacked last Tuesday underwater whilst open water swimming in the lake!! It was a giant Cormorant bird thought my hand was a fish and tried to eat it! I've since caught Weils disease and it's nearly done me in! Been in bed until now and still very bad......look it up on google..potentially fatal if not sorted quick. I should be ok before your visit...your Palace will be ready! and your personal butler (!) will be on hand! We're really looking forward to seeing you again and giving you a warm welcome. Best wishes James , Rachel and gang xxxxx
23rd June 2012

holiday feedback
Thans Michelle you always write a good story, Im enjoying your take and coments on your trip, and holiday photos
5th April 2013

Ricardo - how can we hire him?
Hi there, I found your blog while googling info on getting from Bogota to Villa de Leyva. We are 4 women and are wondering if you have contact details for Ricardo, or know the best way to hire a driver and how much it costs? Otherwise we are investigating buses. We will be traveling there on 11th April, so pretty soon. Really appreciate any advice you have.
8th April 2013

Ricardo & travelling in Colombia
Ricardo's mobile number is 3138025303 (you have to dial like that from Colombia) if they are going to call him from somewhere else you have to dial (57) 3138025303. I hope you speak Spanish because Ricardo and his wife cannot speak English. Not that that was a problem - it's amazing how you can communicate even without a common language. Both Ricardo and his wife were excellent drivers and extremely friendly. Hope that helps & enjoy Colombia. It's a magic place! Cheers, Michelle
3rd November 2013

Driver Bogota to Ville de Leyva
Hi Michelle My wife and I are going to Colombia in March 2014. We need to get from Bogota to Ville de Leyva and read with interest your blog. I was wondering if you have contact details for Ricardo (would you have email?), or know the best way to hire a driver and how much it costs? Also, we are staying two nights in Valle de Leyva and would then have him take us back through Nemocon, Zipaquira, etc. Thank you Darren
7th November 2013

Colombian transportation
I'm sorry but we don't have an email address for Ricardo or his wife Patricia who are both drivers. Neither of them speak any English (well hardly any!) but their phone number was + 3138025303. Hope that number hasn't changed since last year and that you speak a little Spanish. M
3rd December 2014

thanks for posting
thanks for posting these beautiful pictures of colombia
11th December 2014

request for info
Hi I read your comments and wanted to know if you still had the contact details for the Driver and how much it cost? Many thanks
11th December 2014

Sorry Renee
Since it's over two years ago I've completely forgotten how much it cost us.
12th December 2014

Ok thanks!
Take care!
15th February 2017

Hiring a driver
How did you arrange to hire a driver to get you from Bogota to Villa de Leyva? And do you mind telling me what that cost? I am going to Colombia in a week and am considering doing the same. Thanls. Ron
15th February 2017

Drive in Colombia
Our Colombian friends organised it all for us. I think you'll find further details in earlier replies to others who asked the same question. As to the cost, it was a few years ago and I've actually forgotten what we were charged. I trust you'll enjoy visiting Colombia as much as we did!

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