Taganga! Our Base of Adventure

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South America » Colombia » Taganga
September 6th 2011
Published: February 19th 2015
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Taganga turned out to a launching pad of adventure for us. We had met our friend Dominic in Cartagena and now we'd made the four hour bus ride to the small coastal town of Taganga on the Caribbean coastline. This was a quick visit for a couple of days while we made our way towards Santa Marta and to embark on the trek to The Lost City. We arrived at night and got setup in a hostel before heading out and about on a session around the lively village. Taganga is noted as a good place to get Scuba certified on the cheap and also has a bit of a reputation as a bit of a party town. Lucky enough, we had our Scuba certs completed, so after a night on the town, Dominic and I headed out to dive while Sarah had a lie-in. We had a good dive and saw sea turtles, a moray eel, rays, loads of fish and a shark or two. For sunset, we all got together and were joined by our Aussie mates for cocktails, dinner and a fun night. Next day we took off for Santa Marta. Thanks Taganga!

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