Bogotá, Colombia (Dec. 19-22, 2017)

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South America » Colombia » Bogota
December 21st 2017
Published: March 5th 2022
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They caught me slippin in Bogota. I went out for a night out drinking with some people from the Hostel, came back and my tablet was gone. I'd left it in my backpack. Very uncharacteristically of me. One of my roommate was chill. He was from the Cartagena region. He's balck Colombian. We drank rum and danced. It was fun, but the theft incident left me feeling sour. I distrusted everyone. Initially, I strongly felt it was the Israeli guy that was in the dorm with us. But his reply to the Colombian guy's accusation changed my mind. He said "Why don't you check his bag?" It was only the Colombian that saw me put it in my bag. But then again, the camera footage showed the gay Colombian guy going in and leaving the room. Anyways, it was also an embarrassing moment on my part as well. I could of reacted differently, but I was drunk. So drunk that I let the gay Colombian guy hold my hand on the way home. I was heated when I found out. One of the Hostel's other patron remarked that I could reacted better, of which I retorted, "How would you react?"

I also met a cool bald guy from New York. We shared our appreciation for Colombian women. He took me out for pizza. He left an unforgettable one liner in my memory, "I'm the pussy whisperer."

This was at the second hostel that I stayed at. The first one was forgettable. The Gold Museum was amazing. I could spend a day there...

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Museo Historico de la PoliciaMuseo Historico de la Policia
Museo Historico de la Policia

During Pablo Escobar's reign, he had a lot more of these money counting machine than the national bank.

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