Blogs from Chile, South America - page 4


South America » Chile » Aisén March 2nd 2023

Week 2 -Whale search When I last wrote we were in Quellon and it had proved difficult to find decent accommodation close enough to the ferry. I had eventually found a hospedaje run by a lady called Sonia, only downside was a shared bathroom but she assured me it was very clean. So I had booked it and it was 50 metres from the bus station. We went to leave our bags and the incoming ferry had arrived at 2am and there were people still asleep in our room. We opted for a different one and went in search of somewhere to repair my bag. My brand new 260€ Osprey travel bag had lost a zip between Santiago and Ancud, not the quality you expect and I had 3 more flights. The place was closed but ... read more
Raul water source
Chungungo cabana

South America » Chile » Los Lagos February 22nd 2023

Week 1 Chiloe Island Here we are again, on our travels, and for those of you new to my blog it will be a combination of things we have done and sometimes reflections on a place or people. We are in Chile till 3rd March and then fly to Buenos Aires where Chris will join his old school friend for an Antarctic cruise and then we will meet up in Montevideo for 8-9 days. We started our trio from home and we were glad to get a lift from the village into Mula from our friend Mel. We got the bus to Murcia city then a taxi to the train station. Our first trip on an AVE, the high-speed train, was uneventful. It could have been different when a group of young men arrived with one ... read more
Rio Chephu meets the Pacific
Church San Fransisco
Stunning wooden interior

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago February 19th 2023

Being February, summer has arrived in South America. It is hot, dry and the wildfires are burning rampantly in the southern part of Chile. A haze of smoke fills the air and as we fly in from Rapa Nui. The views are masked… few mountain tops can be seen. Sad because this normally would quite scenic. But, it’s summer…. We spent a couple of days in Santiago before and after our trip to Rapa Nui and a couple of days in Valparaíso before our visit to the desert. Both cities are worth a visit, but each can easily be explored in two days. Santiago is the grand jumping off point in this part of the world. The airport is modern and flights from all places land here. Almost all destinations in Chile reached by air depart ... read more
Piano Stairs
Scenic Valparaíso
Music in local Restaurants

South America » Chile » Atacama February 17th 2023

As said in Firesign Theatre.... it's the stinking desert! There are those of us who prefer the verdant greens, the lush vegetation, abundant colorful flowers, and a plethora of animal life. While we have come to enjoy these types of venues, we also love to admire the desolate, bleak, stark and wind-swept environs of the desert. This seemingly inhospitable environment possesses its own beauty but displays it differently. Sunrise and sunset are particularly enjoyable. Now, this is one dry desert. Wait….what does that mean? Well, technically by definition a desert is an area of land that receives less than 10 inches (25cm) of rain per year. Pretty dry, yeah? Well, the Atacama is the second driest desert in the world, bested only by a patch of land in Antarctica. The Atacama Desert is the result of ... read more
We love Flamingos!
Atacama Desert Beauty
A Geologist's Happy Place

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa February 9th 2023

A note from Merry Jo: As children we see things that leave an impact on us for life. Our imaginations can run wild after seeing a photograph or hearing a story. How we process that information depends on our creative side and the imagery created with our minds. I remember very distinctly sitting on the floor of the den in my childhood home five decades ago looking at multiple National Geographic magazines. One that stood out featured photos of the carved stones on Rapa Nui often referred to as Easter Island. I knew someday I would arrive in this mysterious land that is isolated from the world. To get there you fly to Santiago, Chile and then fly 2200 miles (5 hours) over the ocean to this remote island. As I walked down the airplane staircase ... read more
Standing Tall
Amazing Maoi statues
15 Moai Statues

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Punta Arenas February 1st 2023

Le voyage tire sur sa dernière partie : l'extrême sud du continent, avec notamment les Torres del Paine, la Terre de Feu et le détroit de Magellan, à quelques encablures seulement du pôle sud. Difficile pour moi de rester insensible à l'appel de ces noms mythiques entendus depuis le collège. Mais il nous faut avant tout regagner le Chili et retraverser une dernière fois la frontière. 300km à peine de route: ca ne devrait pas être une journée trop compliquée. Alors qu'Alexis s'efforce tant bien que mal de rattraper ses bêtises à coups de bouquets de roses, on prend la route pour pouvoir traverser la frontière et commencer l'ascension des Torres del Paine dès le lendemain. La Patagonie nous avait habitué à des routes difficiles, mais là la piste est vraiment détestable: trous, grosses pierres, bosses... ... read more
Situation de crise
J'apprends à changer une roue
No church in the wild

South America » Chile January 31st 2023

Hiking the W-Trek, East to West, Torres del Paine Friday 27th - Monday 30th January 2023 1. Practicalities of organising the trip: - Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine national park ; Bus Sur ; they run lots of buses but book at least a few days ahead as it was busy ; you can do this online: ; took 2hours and COSTS 10usd pp - Torres del Paine national park (Laguna Amarga) ; here you’ll get off the bus and need to show your pre-bought pass (you cannot just buy it there anymore and they won’t let you in without it) ; you can buy online: ; it’s a good idea to have a screen shot of it as there is no signal to load up emails ; COSTS 35usd pp - Torres ... read more
Day 1
Day 2

South America » Chile January 31st 2023

Friday 27th - Monday 30th January 2023 Boarding the bus, with all the other tourists, we were super excited to be on our way to Torres del Paine to start our 4day/3night trek, as well as super aware at how busy it seemed to be! After showing our national park passes and switching to a shuttle bus (which was still like a coach) we saw the peaks of the Torres towers basking in the orange sunlight and they looked magnificent; as well as a little scary. Arriving at the Central Hostel, where many start this trek, we became even more aware that it is not just W-trekkers that come here, but families, tour groups and day trippers who also, understandably, want to see the famous towers of Torres del Paine up close. So, slowly but surely, ... read more
Climbing up
snakes of people
River crossing

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Punta Arenas January 28th 2023

By the time I had finished coffee in my cabin and had made my way to the Lido Café for breakfast on Thursday, January 26, 2023, the ship already had made its way into one of the Chilean fjords. So just what is a fjord? The Oxford English Dictionary says, "a long, narrow, deep inlet of the sea between high cliffs, as in Norway and Iceland, typically formed by submergence of a glaciated valley," while Wikipedia says, "a long, narrow inlet with steep sides or cliffs, created by a glacier." The common threads in the several definitions I examined seems to be long, narrow, deep and glaciated. Over the course of the next 48 hours or so, we would see many fjords as we passed Laguna San Rafael National Park, Torres del Paine National Park and ... read more
Cruising the Chilean Fjords
Cruising the Chilean Fjords
Cruising the Chilean Fjords

South America » Chile January 27th 2023

Saturday 21st - Thursday 26th January 2023 Dropping below the cloud line as we came into land, we got our first real glimpse of what we’d imagined Patagonia to look like; huge deep fjords sitting low between mountains reaching up into the sky, topped with snow and dotted between smaller mounds of rocky earth which levelled out to plateaus covered in towering green trees, all with a deep blue sea in the background, stretching endlessly into a hazy horizon. We’d made it to the end of the world (well, almost!) and it looked beautiful. Punta Arenas, capital of the southernmost region of Chile, is the coldest coastal city and one of the most southerly ports in the world, serving as a gateway to the Antarctic, and I can confirm, it is definitely colder down here! Dropping ... read more
Important farmers monument
Beautiful cemetery
Cool history museum

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