Blogs from Torres del Paine, Magallanes, Chile, South America - page 4


South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine January 10th 2016

Vacationed in the beautiful Torres Del Paine National Park Patagonia Chile. What an incredible experience. Torres Del Paine is quite possible one of the most spectacular laces on this wonderful planet. The Majestic Los Cuernos Mountains and the Lago Grey Glacier command your attention. The mountain is like no other that I have had the opportunity to see. there are numerous hiking trails and of course you want to glimps the Guanaco(in Llama family). You definitely become one with nature.... read more

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine December 24th 2015

Torres del Paine As the weather is so variable at the Torres I waited until there was an accurate forecast before booking my trip across the border and back into Chile. Unfortunately by the time I had worked out the best time to go the only accommodation available was $500 US a night, hence this became a day trip!In hindsight this was the right call. The guide told me they had only seen the towers two days of the last seven, while I had a bright morning with some cloud on the tops which cleared into a glorious sunny afternoon with amazing views of some of the most stunning mountains I have ever seen.The day started at 6.45 in an 'overland' type truck for the drive across the steppe, mainly on dirt roads. Apart from the ... read more
Rheas, S American Ostich
Falls near Torres del Paine

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine December 22nd 2015

Torres del Paine has been on our list for a long time and I won't try to describe it but hope the photos do it some justice. We’d treated ourselves to a stay at one of the very few hotels located inside the national park which included a 5 hours transfer from Punta Arenas. Ruben, the driver didn’t speak much English but I ended up sitting in the front of the bus and so (where I could!) ended up acting as translator for the Australian family that were with us. Ruben was very chatty, telling us lots about what we were seeing as we went along and stopping every now and then to let us take pictures. For lunch we went to an estancia owned by the family that own the hotel. We had a tour ... read more
The great escape!
Torres del Paine
The three towers

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine March 16th 2015

If we still needed anything to detach from work then our hiking in Torres del Paine did it. A wonderful park with mixed weather and beautiful sights! When we arrived in Puerto Natales a bit past midnight, we did not have a place to stay yet. Luckily we slept an hour or two on the bus so we were fit to find one. Walking around the dark streets of mostly residential neighborhoods we knocked on any door that said Hostel, of which there were quite a few. Full, full, full. After a bit over half a hour we found a nice place though. Ricardo, the owner of the hostel didn't seem to mind the late hour and elaborately helped us with suggestions of how to best go to and hike in Torres del Paine. The two ... read more
First climb with the heavy backpack
Perfect camping spot
On the way to Las Torres

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine February 16th 2015

After taking a bus from El Calafate into Puerto Natales Chile we began to prepare for our first trek. After buying all our nescessary supplies and having a last dinner and beer, we set off the next morning into Torres del Paine national park. We decided to tackle the 140km "Q" circuit which should take us about 9 days. There is definitely a real sense of freedom and independence when you walk into the wilderness with your home (tent), food, clothes and bed on your back. Sandra, it must be said, was a little apprehensive having not done anything like this before. Her longest camping experience to this point was a 2 day canoe trip a couple of years ago with my aunt and uncle. She was fantastic, she handled all the hardships, her pack and ... read more
Our new home!
Glacier streams

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine February 15th 2015

We arrived in Puerto Natales late and treated ourselves to dinner at url=, a delicious blend of African flavours with typical Patagonian dishes created by the Chilean husband/Moroccan wife owners. We explored the town the next morning and picked up some critical supplies for our days trekking the Torres del Paine National Park: gas, a good thermos, plenty of wine and 10 packets of 2min noodles. After an afternoon of souvenir shopping and sending messages back home to loved ones we left Puerto Natales and drove to the entrance of Torres del Paine NP. Torres was one of our top highlights for the trip and it was with great excitement that we approached our time there. Entering the park towards sunset meant... read more
Huemul (endangered deer) spotting, as featured on the Chilean coat of arms
Glacier Grey
Salto Grande waterfall looking towards the French Valley

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine January 23rd 2015

Strange are the ways you meet people, I went to a workshop to have my bike looked at and there was a Mexican bloke I had previously met in the harbour in Baires and a Swiss guy. Alejandro and Werner my new traveling companions, we shared a dinner and a room for the night= cheap=good! The next morning we went off to see the famous Torres de Paine a national park in Chile with some mountains and not anything more, now we sped of towards Puerto Natales were we had some lunch and got some Chilean pesos changed into dollars for the future change into Argie black market pesos, quite favourable. Had a sandwich with mashed avocado, yummy and then on to the park. Soon enough we started to see the mountains, a perfect day without ... read more
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South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine January 22nd 2015

We leave our luxury lodging in Cerro Sombrero and set of on the no so bad gravel road, once we're past the road works the going gets good, after a while you get confidence and start going faster, and no doubt about it Chilean gravel beats Argie ditto easily, it's cold and miserable but a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do. Th Chilean ripio was good and we got to the border on fumes and lo and behold they had petrol. A quick stop in Rio Grande, allegedly a city of dreams, night mares, a 1/4 dozen empanadas later saw u on a icy run down to Ushuaia from now on known as U. About a 100 km from U in Tolhuin the flora changes, suddenly there are trees higher than shrub or grass ... read more

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine January 14th 2015

8 janvier 2014 - Jour 83 Aujourd'hui nous passons (à nouveau) la frontière du Chili pour nous rendre à la ville de Puerto Natales, qui sera notre point de départ pour le trek de 5 jours au parc national Torres del Paine. Cette fois je n'ai insulté personne à la douane parce qu'ils ont un scanner pour contrôler les bagages. Mais malgré ça on perd toujours un temps de folie à faire ces formalités qui pourraient être réglées en 2 minutes s'ils se mettaient à l'ère informatique, bref... Arrivés à Puerto Natales, on se rend immédiatement à l'agence que nous avions contactée par mail pour notre trek afin de remplir les documents officiels et pour qu'ils nous remettent les cartes, itinéraires, etc. Nous avons choisi une formule auto-guidée où nous devrons donc suivre seuls les sentiers ... read more
Torres del Paine
Torres del Paine
Manque les skis

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine November 28th 2014

Promptly at 6AM on Friday morning, we met in the hotel Lobby to check out and go in to breakfast. As it was during my previous trips, the breakfasts consisted of an orgy of foods too extensive and varied to describe. In this particular instance, they had smoked salmon with cream cheese and all the trimmings, in addition to the cold cuts, cheeses, every type of bread, water crackers, pastries (including cake), a large assortment of fruits and a couple of different kinds of scrambled eggs. I thought that having Happy Hour foods for breakfast was brilliant. I had Mango juice. Brilliant! I ate until I felt guilty, but was glad later on in the day, since our dinner that night was again late in the evening, and we had only some snacks during our long ... read more

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