Blogs from Atacama, Chile, South America - page 3


South America » Chile » Atacama February 21st 2016

We still hadn't sorted out our body clocks three days after arriving in Chile and getting up and ready to check out and catch a plane was a real struggle. Chile is a very long, thin country with Santiago in the middle, the Atacama desert at the top and the icebergs in Patagonia at the bottom, with huge distances in between. We had originally planned to do it all but, physically and practically, we decided that it had to be either the deserts or the icebergs and the desert won out on this occasion (it was Steve's preference and I don't do cold, remember?!). We booked a taxi to take us back to Santiago airport and we checked out of the hotel at 11 am, arriving at the airport in good time. Which was a good ... read more
Departing Santiago
LAN plane
Santiago dustbowl

South America » Chile » Atacama December 4th 2015

Watching the volcanoes that lined the East side of our flight from Puerto Montt up to Santiago I decided that what had seemed like a madcap idea was already worth it. I was less convinced while sitting in Santiago airport waiting for the connection but after another 2 hour flight and 1.5 hours van ride in the dark across the plains of the Atacama desert we arrived at Renta House in San Pedro de Atacama (SPA) where we had booked a cottage for a few days. Sandra, the owner, gave us a warm welcome, showed us around, briefly talked about some of the things we might do over the next few days but recognised we were tired and arranged to meet us the next morning to talk again. The houses are all adobe with thick walls ... read more
Valle de la Luna
Piedras Rojas

South America » Chile » Atacama October 31st 2015

We decided to take the bus to San Pedro de Atacama from Santiago; we travelled with Tur Bus, a Chilean bus company, and had 'cama' seats which were pretty comfortable. Tur Bus also offer semi-cama, but since we were travelling over night, cama seemed to be the best option. After a 23 hour journey, we finally reached hot and sandy San Pedro de Atacama. The town of San Pedro is made for tourists; they have over 30 tour agencies in the main town and they offer various excursions. If you plan on visiting the Atacama desert, I suggest booking your excursions with agencies when you arrive in San Pedro; it is much cheaper than booking online. This way, you can ask them questions about trips and can negotiate if you are booking more than one trip ... read more
Salt on the wall of the caves
Flamingos flying at Salar de Atacama

South America » Chile » Atacama October 28th 2015

In Chile, with Cuba less than a day behind me, I am almost lulled to sleep on a bus (a first for me.) The road hypnotically smooth, the bus seat one that would put the Spanish Inquisition´s ´Comfy Chair´to shame. Heading for the deserts of Northern Chile, the scenery would show subtle shifts over the 23 hour trip. Eventually, dusky pink morning sun reveals planes of crumbling, rusty earth more suited to Mars, and even cacti are reluctant to punctuate the landscape. The little moisture permitted here I see as snow ícing´on the perfect cones of almost 6000m high volcanoes nearby. My base was to be the tiny village of San Pedro de Atacama. At 2,400m in altitude, it has become a major tourist hub, with the Lonely Planet guide book describing a ´Highland adobe disneyland´ ... read more

South America » Chile » Atacama July 4th 2015

Hey People, We woke up about 9am, as clocks have gone forward an hour. We showered then headed into town about 11am, we walked around the dusty little alleys of San Pedro to the market shops, and watched a little of a local football match. We went in the local Church in the main square, that was constructed in 1640’s which is made out of all local materials, including the wall and floor; the ceiling is made out of cactus wood. We then paid to go in the museum that is on the edge of the main square, we thought this was the Museo del Meteorito, but it wasn’t. Slightly disappointed that we couldn’t find this museum but this one was still interesting, tracing the origins of the Atacama people dating back to 12000 BC. We ... read more

South America » Chile » Atacama June 14th 2015

San Pedro is cute little town in the heart of the Atacama Dessert, beautiful and warm by day but freezing cold at night due to it's altitude of 7,500 ft We spent today hiking up to Pokara De Quitor. An old Inca ruin a few klms outside of San Pedro along a dusty road that followed the river. A zig zag path took us to a cross and a variety of ruins, from there we got the most amazing 360 degree views of the area, tall snow clad volcanoes surrounded by barran rocky desert and the little town of San Pedro nestling in the middle of it all. Last night we found a wonderful little restaurant with a huge fire burning away, felt really cosy. As we stepped out into the cold night air we wondered ... read more
The Atacama Desert
Dusty Street - San Pedro De Atacama
Cute little restaurant

South America » Chile » Atacama June 12th 2015

We've just experienced one of the most spectacular journey's we've ever experienced. Within minutes of taking off from Santiago airport we were high above the Andes. We'd been given seats at the front of the plane with uninterupted views down. Below us were mountains of varying shades of browns and reds and beyond them higher snow clad mountains stretching as far as the eye could see. Nestling in hollows were frozen lakes reflecting the blue sky above. Between us and the terrain below floated the odd fluffy white cloud. A magical sight and not a sign of civilisation anywhere. On arriving in Calama we found the shuttle bus that was waiting for us to take us San Pedro an hour and a half away. By the time we arrived there it was beginning to go dark. ... read more

South America » Chile » Atacama April 16th 2015

Typo. Me, the guy who finds all the typos made a big one. First sentence, last blog entry. Missing the word, "nothing." Somebody close to me pointed it out like she always does.... read more

South America » Chile » Atacama April 16th 2015

While I was busy doing pretty much but hanging out by the pool yesterday morning, Fran was in San Pedro de Atacama behind her Leica. She was pumped to go and pumped when she returned. She is by nature a city girl and while landscapes can be breathtaking and memorable, for photograpy, she loves people and dogs, not necessarily in that order. In San Pedro de Atacama, the colors are vibrant, the people are different, there are stray dogs all over of every size and shape, and there are cute kids. She was in her element, putting on her best Gary Winograd to get her shots. There are a few attached to this blog post, but the detail is not enough to tell how really interesting these photos are. Maybe when we get back, she’ll print ... read more
Town color
Guy at salt flats sunset
Salt Flats Landscape

South America » Chile » Atacama April 16th 2015

Thursday, our last day of formal, planned activities in Atacama started early, 5:30 AM. That's not normally much of an issue for us but after last night's dinner, which I've promised not to talk about, and the wine, which our guide instructed us to go light on and for every glass of wine drink a glass of water (it probably was good advice, but . . .), it felt like the middle of the frigging night. We shuffled from our room to the front desk, bundled up against the morning chill and walked by the 4 resident llamas which we could smell before we could see, toward the front desk and coffee. One cup and the fog in my head began to lift. Our trrp was to the Andes geysers. Geezers to the geysers. An hour ... read more
Fran's fashion statement
Eerie morning vista
Cool plant photo - Copy

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