Brazil 2019/20 part III - Street Art

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January 3rd 2020
Published: March 23rd 2020
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Little Red Riding Hood goes girl powerLittle Red Riding Hood goes girl powerLittle Red Riding Hood goes girl power

We especially like this painting of Little Red Riding Hood. That wolf will not get a bite of her as easily as he thought.

Little Red Riding Hood goes girl power - and a lot more

All photos in this blog entry is of street art. First of all we want to point out that we make a difference between street art and graffiti. Street art is often, not always but often, permitted and sometimes even commissioned. Street art is created with the main purpose of transforming a dull wall into something more interesting. Graffiti, on the other hand, is mostly rubbish and vandalism and not something we condone.

Some of the best street art totally rivals high quality art in major art galleries. What we also like about street art is that it is free of charge to enjoy and that we can look at it while we are doing other sightseeing. Also looking for street art might involve a bit of exploration and adventure. In a traditional art gallery you can easily find information on where each and every artwork is located. Street art is rarely organized like that. Most of the time you have go out there and explore on your own.

Some years ago we published a blog entry with a street art theme. We don't know if street art since then has become more accepted and mainstream or if we since then have noticed this art form more. Because it seems that we see street art in more places nowadays. We have published several blog entries including street art. Mostly we include a few pictures among everything else we write about but we have been known to also dedicate entire blog posts to street art.

Most of the photos in this blog entry we took in Rio de Janeiro, but there are also some that we took elsewhere. We did not have time to visit Sao Paulo on this trip but we have heard that the street art scene there is even greater than in Rio. Sao Paulo has on an internet site we found even been dubbed "the street art capital of the world." We probably would enjoy going there and see it.

Although it is the photos, not the text, that should do the talking in this blog entry we still want to make a few comments on the pictures.

We especially like the painting of Little Red Riding Hood. That wolf will not get a bite of her as easily
Ayrton SennaAyrton SennaAyrton Senna

Ayrton Senna was a Brazilian Formula One driver who was killed in a crash in 1994.
as he thought.

Ayrton Senna - He was a Brazilian Formula One driver who was killed in a crash in 1994.

Boulevard Olimpico - Along this boulevard there are several super sized murals depicting indigenous people. These murals were commissioned to decorate the otherwise boring walls when Rio de Janeiro hosted the Olympic Games in 2016.

Hope you enjoy looking at the photos we took. Because, after all, in an art themed blog entry it is the photos that are what is important, not the text. By the way, if you enjoyed this we recommend that you keep an eye on our blog the next couple of months. A few days ago we made a visit to Snösätra, an industial area in a Stockholm suburb where there are hundreds of paintings on the walls, For someone who likes street art, this is a great place to visit. Sadly, much of Snösätra is currently being demolished. So this excellent place for artists to display their skills is about to vanish.

Additional photos below
Photos: 42, Displayed: 24


Boulevard OlimpicoBoulevard Olimpico
Boulevard Olimpico

Along this boulevard there are several super sized murals depicting indigenous people.
Boulevard OlimpicoBoulevard Olimpico
Boulevard Olimpico

The murals along Boulevard Olimpico were commissioned to decorate the otherwise boring walls when Rio de Janeiro hosted the Olympic Games in 2016.
Boulevard OlimpicoBoulevard Olimpico
Boulevard Olimpico

Large mural

25th March 2020
View over a favela

Rio Street Art
A brilliant collection from Brasil for sure, Ake. MJ & I have posted some of your fabulous pics in the "Wall art or Graffiti" thread in the Photography Forum. Check 'em out. This one really captures Rio for me.
28th March 2020
View over a favela

Have to look at those photos
I must have a look at that thread in the Photography Forum. I actually didn't know there was one. Thanks for adding our photos and thanks for telling me about the thread.
25th March 2020

The eyes have it
I reckon the skill of a portrait artist are in the eyes.
28th March 2020

Street Art
Lovely pictures , I enjoyed seeing these - thank you for posting ? I too have come to appreciate such street art recently, and I totally agree with your distinction between street art and graffiti. I also have been noticing them more, at home and on my travels, and am also unsure as to whether they are appearing more, or I'm simply more aware of them. Again, lovely pictures ?
29th March 2020

Interesting to notice that we both feel the same
Interesting to see that you also see more street art now than before. Good to hear that you enjoyed the blog /Ake
31st March 2020

Amazing artist
As you say a big difference between wall art and graffiti. I can't imagine the difficulty in getting these big pieces finished. Thank you for showing us the exhibit. Very nice.
31st March 2020

So lovely
Very unique
1st April 2020

That one was special
That one was intersting and special. I liked it too. It doesn't come out as good in the photos as it does in real life though. /Ake
7th April 2020

These are all great! I've always loved street art!!!

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