Last Day at EDYFU

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South America » Bolivia » Tarija Department » Tarija
November 12th 2022
Published: November 12th 2022
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Thursday was our last day in Tarija. Adam had his final electrical classes at both centers. The kids were excited to put on tool belts and fix a few things around their center. This included the shelter girls bathroom which has not had lights for who knows how long.

One of the stand out students was a 14 year girl who we think has autism or some cognitive difficulty. She was very shy, but the fastest learner. She could complete two circuits in the time others completed one.

I had a zoom call with the organization I am going to join for a few weeks in LaPaz, as long as the protests don’t cause me to leave the country early. Currently they are a shelter for women and children. They want to transition to a skills training center to give the women the knowledge and skills to care for themselves. My time with RWO will be very helpful with assisting them on making this transition.

I had my final knitting class and I also had another Days for Girls session. This one was with the women who work in the bakery that I have gotten to know over the weeks.

After work we had a small party with the staff for an hour or so to chat and say good bye before we prepared to leave at 4am for our trip to Uyuni: the Bolivian Salt Flats.

We learned that most cars here run on liquid natural gas. According to Adam we have a handful of cars in the US that run on compressed natural gas (so in gas form). But he is not aware of any other country that uses liquid natural gas. There is an easy switch over they do to the cars and then they can run it on pennies to a gallon of gas.

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