Sucre, Bolivia (Oct. 3 - Oct. 12)

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South America » Bolivia » Chuquisaca Department » Sucre
October 3rd 2017
Published: October 3rd 2020
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I will always remember my times in Sucre. I got off the overnight bus and looked around. Omar caught my attention. He seemed trust worthy. He called a cab for me and sent it to his hostel for a reasonable price. I arrived at the Hostel and knocked. It was still early morning. After checking in I found my bed in the full hostel room. I looked around and noticed a girl in the right corner of the room. She was on her phone. I didn't think much of it. I was too tired to even rate my attraction to her. I simply laid down on my bed and fell asleep.

Plaza 25 de Mayo.

Panorama view of Sucre.

I woke up after a short 2 hours or so nap. The girl that I noticed earlier was up. She approached me and introduced herself. Her name was Lorena and she's from Croatia...If I'd known that this girl would put me through an emotional roller coaster for the next week and a half, I would have simply shrugged her off.

I hung out with some pretty cool people and learned some interesting things throughout my time there. Most memorable were my first couple of days there with Lorena, Mauro and Ivanna. Mauro and Ivanna were both from Monterrey, Mexico. They were really good people. We hung out, drank and explored. Everything just flowed between the three of us. The vibe was right. But as the saying goes, all good things must end and it did. Mauro and Ivanna left a couple of days later and I under a puppy love spell, followed Lorena to another hostel.

Malcom was a sassy young fellow from England. We had passed by each other the night before at a bar. We hung out and the vibe was right between the three of us. We played this card game called Backpacker, which Malcom totally dominated us. After a couple of days a group of Lorena's French friends arrived. The vibe totally changed. Lorena immediately seemed less interested in hanging out with us. We all decided to go to the Salt Flat together for a good deal. I should have bailed then...

The next day I decided to camp out on the lawn of the Hostel. All seemed well. I was self conscious of what Lorena's French friends were thinking about me camping out. But I proceed as planned. All seemed well, the sky was clear and blue. Here was one of my first of many lessons on this trip. There are truth in correlations between weather at high altitude and a woman's emotions. The sudden warmth turned into a hail storm that flooded my tent and soul. I evacuated my tent. The hostel manager were kind enough to give me a spare basement room.

I submitted myself to her...After a couple of days I fell for her hard. I found myself lost in her blue eyes. Bluer than the ocean..

Journal Entry: October 10, 2017

My Holy Grail.

We survive through the memories and love of our loved ones...

I found myself staying in Sucre longer than expected...Its a combination of Lorena and the city itself. I never expected this to happen...Just when I had given up hopes. I guess life has different plans for me. Well, at least for now...

Journal Entry: 10.08.2017

Its the people that makes us remember the place...

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