Blogs from Mendoza, Mendoza, Argentina, South America - page 2


South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza June 2nd 2018

There was a sad farewell to Denmark (despite almost falling out the previous night over a game of the 500 cardgame) prior to hopping in a taxi to the huge bus station Terminal Santiago. I’d booked a ticket online a few days before with Andesmar and after validating my online ticket and checking in it was a short wait for the right bus to turn up before boarding it and settling in for the day (South American buses really did have the most comfy seats some of them were like 1st class plane seats). I‘d heard that the views across the Andes during the journey were spectacular so I made sure I booked a window seat and had my little music MP3 player fully charged. It was also going to be a border crossing (my last ... read more
Another big mountain
Great view
View from window of bus

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza March 27th 2018

Mendoza is definitely our kind of town. Sunny, gorgeous wine, amazing nosh of all descriptions and plenty of pavement cafes in the shade. After our rather poor start in the bus station, we headed off to dump our rucksacks at our hostel and explore the town. We only had one day before we headed out into the Altas Montanas (the Andes) so we wanted to make the most of it. We found pavement cafes for coffee, a veggie takeaway for a picnic in the park and an amazing parilla (barbeque using wood) for a steak supper. Oh does it sound as though we did nothing but eat? Funny that! We did manage a walk round the park in between lunch and dinner but I don't recall much about that. Thankfully we knew we were returning after ... read more
And the view the other way, towards Mendoza
Oh hooray, my sort of path, where humans may not tred....
Lying in a park in Menodoza, looking at the sky. How arty AP and Rich?

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza March 21st 2018

The journey to Mendoza It was always going to be a long day, starting in Pisco Elqui at the top of the Elqui Valley in Chile and (hopefully) finishing in Mendoza in Argentina sometime the next morning. We struck camp, heaved on our rucksacks and set about climbing the hill out of our riverside campsite to the bus stop in the centre of the village which was at the top of the hill. We had climbed this hill any number of times since we arrived in Pisco Elqui and each time I (guess who) was quick to point out to anyone who would listen (guess who wouldn’t) that there was no way that we would be able to get up that hill carrying all our worldly goods. Well who would have thought it, we made it ... read more
Our anniversary nibbles and wine..check out the swish headphones which were part of travelling first class!
Yes, 4 o'clock in the morning!  ( and I know the dates wrong, this is a staged photo for blog purposes)

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza March 17th 2018

It had to come, the end of our trip to Argentina. But not until a few more adventures were had. Last time we left you we were describing a roadside Asado (bar-be-que) with three guys who were spending their Tuesday afternoon fishing and enjoying some meat and wine. After I wrote that blog I felt I had not done justice to our new friends. Seems it is a tradition in these parts to share large containers of wine, could be the plastic two-liter water bottle we were using on the side of Ruta 94, or it could be a glass jar, or there are even large vessels made to suit this purpose. What we were told was it was something you did only with friends, a way of passing the wealth, of sharing with those you ... read more
Sharing the roadside cup
Wine tasting direct
Sharing roadside steak!

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza March 3rd 2018

With Bill Elasky I made it to Mendoza, Argentina after some 30 hours of in Texas nearly grounded our plane but we made it out between thunderstorms. You know you are in a cool place when you get through customs and are met by a group of handsome young people handing you boxes of grapes! Once settled in to our hostel in the center of town we set off to find Paola Diaz. Paola is an English teacher in one of the national high schools. We met this past fall when she and a couple dozen Argentine educators came to Ohio University on a Fulbright program and Paola was assigned to Federal Hocking high school. She fit right in like one of the faculty and we agreed to stay in touch. On Friday Bill and ... read more
Freshman orientation at DAD
Children anxiously awaiting the parade
Grape picker costume

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza February 28th 2018

With my good friend Bill Elasky we are headed to Mendoza, Argentina and environs to enjoy the annual wine festival, explore some great parks and mountains, visit vineyards, did I mention sample wines, and maybe even chase a trout or two. Right now we are waiting in the airport for the first of about 20 hours of flying time. Will check in when we get to the city of Mendoza and have tipped a glass or two. This is your alert that if you have signed up for my blog they are about to start coming in. You've been warned! Adios.... read more

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza January 10th 2018

Steak, Malbec, Dulce de leche - we were always going to love Argentina! Our first stop was the Iguazu Falls from the Argentine side. There is a lot of debate over which side of the Iguazu Falls is more impressive. For us, Argentina stole the show. Whilst the Brazil side enables you to appreciate the falls from a distance, the Argentina side has a number of walking trails that bring you right up to the drops, including the aptly named Devil's Throat. Witnessing the power and strength of the falls from up close is just incredible. It makes you forget everything else - including the fact that you are getting absolutely soaked!! Argentina is a country that we underestimated in terms of size. To put it in perspective it's about 40 times the size of Ireland! ... read more
Admiring the amazing street art in Palermo, Buenos Aires
Struggling to remember which one he preferred!!!
If there's a coffee / ice cream shop nearby, she will find it!

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza June 15th 2017

David here... We got up early and had a quick breakfast before getting over to the bus station on the outskirts of San Rafael. Our bus was at 10:00 and we timed it pretty well. We stowed our bags and sat down and away we went. The journey was only 3 hours and was uneventful, though we did get coffee and a snack which was a bit of a surprise for such a cheap ticket. At Mendoza we were faced with a 40 minute walk to the hotel from the bus terminal. This would normally be fine but my cold really hit me and I was struggling. We got to the Bohemia Boutique hotel and were soon in a lovely, well decorated room which felt spacious despite it being quite small. We relaxed for a while, ... read more
Plaza Argentina
Plaza Espana
4 of the 5 wines we tried at Wine Not

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza March 8th 2017

Went hiking this morning. Having some lunch and heading out rafting this afternoon. Pedro likes his new friend. DOG with a blog says: "I like my new friend Pedro. Can you believe he shared some steak with me? The kids were feeding me right from their forks! Back from a wonderful rafting trip. Cerveza with our hiking guide. Waiting for our van back to town. Added the pictures from our rafting. A definite highlight of the trip!... read more
Argentina Rafting
Argentina Rafting
Argentina Rafting

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza March 7th 2017

Today we rented bicycles and toured some wineries. The weather was overcast and cooler and very comfortable in the mid 70's. It was perfect for biking and there was no wind. The first winery was a small family owned winery. The owner gave us a tour. He was very passionate about wine making. He spoke only Spanish, but was still able to convey his information to us. He instructed in the wine making process and the aging process. He discussed the importance of proper storage of the wine and the care of the cork to maintain the seal. He also gave instruction on the removal of the cork as well as the proper temperature for serving the wines. He explained his wines including the blended wines to obtain the proper balance in the wine. Again, this ... read more
Pedro on the bike tour of Mendoza
Carmelo Patti explains wine
Carmelo Patti pours the wine

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